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Would you let your dd play?

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My dd loves to play with the girl next door. She went over earlier to play outside with her (the neighbor girl is 4 years old) and the other little girl refused to come out and play. The mom called me very apologetic and told me that she would make her little girl come out in the afternoon if my dd came over. (I raise my eyebrows a bit over that but that's not my issue). Anyway in the course of the conversation she casually mentions that their baby has the stomach flu, the mom has the stomach flu and the little girl just got over it a couple of days ago. We've all had colds (but are well now) and we're headed into the Christmas season as well as my dd's birthday which is next week. Am I paranoid to think that if I let this little girl play with mine outside that we just might have our own round of flu? (I didn't promise that she'd come over btw - but left it open.)

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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This close to Christmas? No way I would. If the family had a cold, sure. Just recovering from a flu, maybe. But stomach flu? Nope. You can continue to be contagious for up to 3 weeks after having had gastroenteritis. It is quite possible that your dd could contract it from playing with this little girl, even outside. All they would have to do is hold hands or share toys, you know, regular girly kids stuff. ;) I'd maybe allow it if everyone else in the house was well, but not if she's coming outside from a house where everyone else is in the midst of it.

Edited by plain jane
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This close to Christmas? No way I would. If the family had a cold, sure. Just recovering from a flu, maybe. But stomach flu? Nope.


Ding ding ding! This one. I'm not a germophobe at all, but I won't take a chance on stomach bugs. We'd have something important to be doing that afternoon.

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This close to Christmas? No way I would. If the family had a cold, sure. Just recovering from a flu, maybe. But stomach flu? Nope. You can continue to be contagious for up to 3 weeks after having had gastroenteritis. It is quite possible that your dd could contract it from playing with this little girl, even outside. All they would have to do is hold hands or share toys, you know, regular girly kids stuff. ;) I'd maybe allow it if everyone else in the house was well, but not if she's coming outside from a house where everyone else is in the midst of it.




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I wouldn't let anyone in my family near any member of their family! I recently walked into a class (with only 5 students) with my son where another boy casually mentioned that his stomach still felt bad from having stomach flu the day before. I made an excuse to the teacher (who happened to be the sick boy's mother) and my son and I left.


So no, you're not being paranoid. Or if you are, I'm right there with you.

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ok, i'll be the lone "yeah, i probably would" only cuz my 4yo dd LOVES to play w/ the little girl next door too. And we get over stuff like that pretty quickly.


But I would advise the mom that she does NOT have to 'make' her dd come out --we would be fine if they stayed outta sight/ outta mind for a couple weeks. Then again, we have a general 'no asking' policy: if they are outside already, then it's ok to join them, and vice versa. No knocking on doors at this point ;)


now the boy across the street? he's over knocking allll the time, lol! but we are comfortable telling him NO, not now. come back at X time :)

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I'd say yes, too, probably. Luckily, we just don't seem to ever get sick. Well, DH does, LOL, in fact he's down with a cold and strep throat right now. But no one else.


I like to think my cavalier attitude toward germ exposure has built our immune system. :tongue_smilie:But more likely, the girls get it from me- I'm never sick!


I would think outside (not in the pukey house) would be fine.

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No way! Remember how wiped out you got from Thanksgiving? Your system is probably still a little down from that. Why risk it? You don't need the stress of caring for children with such an illness, and you certainly don't need the stress of having it! Especially with Christmas coming, and whatever preparation you have to do, you need to take care of your health right now.

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ok, i'll be the lone "yeah, i probably would" only cuz my 4yo dd LOVES to play w/ the little girl next door too. And we get over stuff like that pretty quickly.


But I would advise the mom that she does NOT have to 'make' her dd come out --we would be fine if they stayed outta sight/ outta mind for a couple weeks. Then again, we have a general 'no asking' policy: if they are outside already, then it's ok to join them, and vice versa. No knocking on doors at this point ;)



Well, Peek a Boo this is my first time out and out disagreeing with you my friend. :tongue_smilie:


I AM a germaphobe. If my neighbors had a stomach flu the next time they would see me is at the neighborhood New Years party.


I don't even know how I would get a friendship card to their house. I might even...mail it.

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Well, Peek a Boo this is my first time out and out disagreeing with you my friend. :tongue_smilie:


I AM a germaphobe. If my neighbors had a stomach flu the next time they would see me is at the neighborhood New Years party.


I don't even know how I would get a friendship card to their house. I might even...mail it.



...and I'd let you know if we were knowingly exposed to/ getting over anything in the last several weeks :)


a neighborhood NY's eve party? that sounds interesting :D

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...and I'd let you know if we were knowingly exposed to/ getting over anything in the last several weeks :)


a neighborhood NY's eve party? that sounds interesting :D


O.K. If I ever come to visit, I'll fax a health risk questionaire first.:)

I would have to drive from Virginia because airplanes are too germy.:glare:


Unfortunately, the New Years Eve party is better on paper then in reality. One section of our neighborhood is for Senior citizens, and they argue like crazy.


Many of them won't sit beside or speak to each other at the party. Something to do with the happenings at their activity center:Bonco cheating, recipe stealing, ...some nonsense.


We skip it, even though by today's standard it could be termed entertainment:somewhere between Dallas and Jerry Springer.

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