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How to reset your forum password if you haven't logged in since Dec. 2020


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On December 1, 2020, we separated the logins for The Well-Trained Mind Community Forums and the Well-Trained Mind website. This means your forum account is completely separate from your store account, which increased the security of private information on our website. This requires action on your partWhen you log in for the first time on or after December 1, you need to reset your password to access your forum account.  

How to reset your password: When you log into the forums, copy/paste this string into your search bar:   https://forums.welltrainedmind.com.  Start the login process, and instead of attempting to enter a password, click "I forgot my password."  You will be prompted to enter an email address. The instructions for resetting your password will be sent to that email address.  Open the email and follow the instructions to reset your password.    

UPDATE 12/2:  Some email providers (mostly cable-based) prevent the receipt of automated emails such as the one you should receive once you click "I forgot my password."  If you don't receive the return email, click this link to send a support request to the Well-Trained Mind Press' Customer Service team. We will manually change your password and send you an email to tell you what it is. Copy/paste the new password into the password field to get into your forum account.  Then go to the dashboard and change the password to something private.  

UPDATE 12/11: When you log in, be sure to use this link: https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/ .  A few members have found that the login stored on their computer directed them to the main website. That website and the forums had a single login since 2018, but we separated the two logins on December 1, so to sign in to the forums, you have to go to the forums.  


What to do if you have questions or run into problems

  • If you can post on the forums: Ask your question or describe the problem on the Site News Forum in the pinned post “Action Required on December 1:  Reset Password to Log In to Forums”.  
  • If you can view but not post on the forums: Read the thread on the Site News Forum’s pinned post; someone may already have answered your question.
  • If you still need help, click on this link to send a support request to the Well-Trained Mind Press' Customer Service team.  A  representative will respond as quickly as time and information are available. Please don’t set up a new (duplicate) account--let us help you get your established account set up properly.


Answers to Anticipated and Real FAQs

  • We made this change in accordance with best practices and to protect private information.  
  • This change went better than we had expected, but, as anticipated, there were some hiccups.  If you experience a hiccup, let us know by clicking the link upthread.  We are here to set things right.
  • You may use the same email on the Well-Trained Mind website and the Community Forums. You don’t have to, but you may. 
  • We expected, and are finding, that all the posts you have made in the past stay with the account.  
  • We expected that changing your password was all that would be required.  This worked out in most cases, and we have found how to resolve the situations where something unexpected happened, thanks to the patience and persistence of some forum members who helped us resolve the problems.  Many thanks!
  • We waited until December to make this change to give plenty of advanced notice and eliminate surprises. We also wanted to make sure that the forums remained easily accessible during November--a traditionally heavy-traffic time on this site. 
  • Added December 2:  If you submit a support request, the more information you can provide, the better.  Tell us what device and browser you are using and the email address linked to your forum account; we can read the email service provider from the email address.  We can't test all the member-experience permutations (device type x browser type x operating system x email provider is a pretty big equation) but we can notice patterns when problems occur.  
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Whether I sign in through the normal icon at the top right or follow the link in the post pinned at the top of the Chat board, the sign-in process is is completely normal for me. I don't see any links or instructions to change my password. The options are the normal ones: sign in, "forgot your password?", and create a new account. Signing in with my old password works, and neither of the other options seems appropriate.

Editing to add that I just changed my password anyway.

Edited by Innisfree
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I originally could not sign in using my regular name and password; I tried all the variations I could think of with and without uppercase letters.

Ultimately I continued as though I had forgotten my password. I was asked to provide my email address which I did. I then received an email which asked me to provide a new password and confirm it. I chose to use my old password, reconfirmed it, and here I am.



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3 hours ago, cintinative said:

Same as Innisfree. I assumed since this post said on or after that perhaps something is delayed.  Can you let us know @Helpdesk?

Not as hoped, but as expected--there are some glitches (but not as many as we feared). But yes, the Great Password Update of 2020 has begun.


53 minutes ago, Kareni said:

Ultimately I continued as though I had forgotten my password. I was asked to provide my email address which I did. I then received an email which asked me to provide a new password and confirm it. I chose to use my old password, reconfirmed it, and here I am.

This is interesting!  Thank you for posting this.  It might be a path that works for a lot of people.  If it does, I will boost the advice into a prominent location.  

3 hours ago, Innisfree said:

I don't see any links or instructions to change my password.

I'll ask that this can be added as we know more about the process.  

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1 hour ago, Kareni said:

Ultimately I continued as though I had forgotten my password. I was asked to provide my email address which I did. I then received an email which asked me to provide a new password and confirm it. I chose to use my old password, reconfirmed it, and here I am.

KARENI for the WIN!  Thank you for taking the time to post this on the Site News.  

I updated the pinned post to include this as the "How to change your password..." instructions.  

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7 hours ago, Helpdesk said:

KARENI for the WIN!  Thank you for taking the time to post this on the Site News.  

I updated the pinned post to include this as the "How to change your password..." instructions.  

Thank you for the kind words, Helpdesk! I'm happy to have helped.



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20 hours ago, Dmmetler2 said:

The forgot my password link isn't working for me-I'm not getting the emails in any box. Any ideas on what to try next? (Dmmetler)

Is there any chance that you previously signed up with a different email address, Dmmetler?



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1 hour ago, kand said:

I had to login yesterday, but like a couple others reported, I didn’t have to change my password to do so. Does that mean at some later point I won’t be able to log in and will need to change it then?

We don't really know.  I have asked tech support why some didn't have to change the password, but to some degree, we learn by what you discover, so remember that you MIGHT have to change your password in the future, and ...

On 11/12/2020 at 9:40 AM, Helpdesk said:

If you still need help, click on this link to send a support request to the Well-Trained Mind Press' Customer Service team.  A  representative will respond as quickly as time and information are available. Please don’t set up a new (duplicate) account--let us help you get your established account set up properly.


We so much appreciate it when people tell us what DOES work as it is impossible to test for every situation--do the permutations on device type, browser type, OS, and email service provider and you will see why it is impossible.  LOL.  


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1 hour ago, Dmmetler2 said:

Apparently Comcast blocks the automatic e-mails. They're going to try to merge my old account with this one so I keep the history, 


It is also the case that some users have set their devices to reject automated responses, so there is that.  

Just now, Helpdesk said:

We so much appreciate it when people tell us what DOES work as it is impossible to test for every situation--do the permutations on device type, browser type, OS, and email service provider and you will see why it is impossible.  LOL.  


How vain is that?  Quoting myself...  Not vain, just lazy.  


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hello -- I also had to create a 2nd account to get in -- also with comcast.  I definitely have no rules blocking the email, nor did it show up in spam -- is it possible to link my accounts as you did dmettlers?  I was llolly before (secondary name as LaughingCat, now LaughingCat2)

Wanted to add... I don't normally appear to have any issue receiving automated emails from welltrainedmind -- received the auto "validate your account" for example


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