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Well-Trained Bodies- July


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I’ve had a very busy week with work, but have managed to get in some good rowing sessions. Yesterday, my boys and I drove to a lake not too far away, and then hiked up to another lake further up above. Some pictures: (I’ve never uploaded pictures here before so hopefully this works)




Edited by PinkTulip
Can’t get the pictures to show straight and not sideways!
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18 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:


I'm sorry you didn't rest well. Sleep was not my friend last night, either. 

I was kind of planning to do my last WDW virtual walk this morning, but I questioned myself when I realized I had slept less than 6 hours. But then the weather was nice and I had a whole thematic plan, and I felt ready to knock it out, so off I went. It was a nice morning, and the cemetery I chose as my walking venue is a lovely, historical place. I was still slower than I want to be walking, but I did the 5K in just under an hour, which is an improvement. I'll take that for today.

Just for fun, I mocked up a very "official" finish line photo when I got home.

I wasn't feeling "breakfast" when I got home, so I snacked on some applesauce and a bowl of Boom Chicka Pop kettle corn.  Now, of course, I'm hungry and considering an early lunch.

Lunch will probably be a cup of soup and some shredded carrots with French dressing (my current indulgence).  turned out to be a couple of black bean and corn papusas crisped in the new air fryer and topped with some salsa.

Not sure about dinner. I bought an air fryer yesterday, and we sort of plan to play with that, but I have no firm ideas yet about what to actually cook. I'm just about to put in a grocery order or curbside pickup, hoping I will be struck with some kind of inspiration. 

I got busy with work followed by a whole batch of errands yesterday and completely forgot to do my strength work, so I plan to make that up today. I will also do another walk (or two short ones) later in the afternoon/evening once things cool off again.

And that's today.

Haunted Mansion Finish.jpg

Congratulations on getting in the 5k, even when being tired. Ya!!!!

It is hard to eat after exercise sometime or even just getting hot.

16 hours ago, PinkTulip said:

I’ve had a very busy week with work, but have managed to get in some good rowing sessions. Yesterday, my boys and I drove to a lake not too far away, and then hiked up to another lake further up above. Some pictures: (I’ve never uploaded pictures here before so hopefully this works)




Beautiful, thanks for sharing! Good job getting in exercise, even with being busy.

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I did 30 min of easy yoga and a very slow 2 mi walk yesterday (so slow my Fitbit didn't count part of it but that is ok). I still have some soreness but managed to work out a lot of it. 

Today is a 10 mile bike ride today.

I'm planning to make it an easy flat ride and focus on speed but we'll see how spunky I feel when I get out there.

I'll eat something small before leaving for my ride and then maybe a big brunch when I get back. Lunch will be dragonfruit BBQ w/ black beans, purple cabbage slaw.

I forgot to plan dinner, better be figuring it out!

The family enjoyed the tofu pad thai. All said they would have preferred chicken but found it edible and downright loved the noodles and sauce. I used the recipe from Minimalist Baker but did Cookie and Kate crispy baked tofu before throwing it into the sauce. I added some broccoli as I had some leftover.

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We attempted vegetable tempura in the air fryer for dinner last night, which was just okay. 

I did some yoga (working my way through an introduction on The Great Courses) and made up the strength stuff I missed on Friday. Then, after dinner and a movie, I went out for one more walk to top off my step goal. 

I'm off to a decent start today, having dragged my poor dog along for a four-mile walk. (She's starting to balk at going walking with me, and I am thinking I may need to start leaving her home sometimes.) Those four miles were enough to finish off my current solo virtual trek (The English Channel) and still post a contribution to my team challenge. I'm thinking I will officially start my next solo challenge tomorrow evening.

I'm helping my husband with some cleaning and reorganizing in his craft space/home office and haven't yet taken the time to eat real food (or shower). So far, I've eaten a banana and a granola bar and a bowl of kettle corn. 

We'll have to see where the day takes me from here.

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2 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

We attempted vegetable tempura in the air fryer for dinner last night, which was just okay. 

I did some yoga (working my way through an introduction on The Great Courses) and made up the strength stuff I missed on Friday. Then, after dinner and a movie, I went out for one more walk to top off my step goal. 

I'm off to a decent start today, having dragged my poor dog along for a four-mile walk. (She's starting to balk at going walking with me, and I am thinking I may need to start leaving her home sometimes.) Those four miles were enough to finish off my current solo virtual trek (The English Channel) and still post a contribution to my team challenge. I'm thinking I will officially start my next solo challenge tomorrow evening.

I'm helping my husband with some cleaning and reorganizing in his craft space/home office and haven't yet taken the time to eat real food (or shower). So far, I've eaten a banana and a granola bar and a bowl of kettle corn. 

We'll have to see where the day takes me from here.

You are doing an awesome job getting in the walking, your poor dog is going to be in real great shape too 🙂

 Make sure you get in some real food girl, you got to fuel that body.


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9 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

Looking in. We are working on the schedule and experimenting this week with 5 days weekday hard exercise of biking, elliptical and playing as a family. The weekend is everyone off on their own. I nordic walked yesterday, today off. DH and DS chose to play with each other. 

@Jenny in Florida I second @soror. Eat, you need to fuel. Just boil some eggs, buy some avocado, some stuff to make smoothies, some nuts. So eat healthy even if you can't spend loads of time cooking and eating.

@soror You are athlete level in your fitness. My God, we ride 10 miles spread across a week. You are just amazing ! Hope you get some sleep today.

Have a nice evening ladies !

Good luck on the new workout schedule. It is so hard to get in the good groove, especially when so many things are changing.


I did get in my bike ride but my stupid Fitbit kept losing the connection and didn't even register until my 3rd lap at all. So, my MPH is all messed up and my mileage was off. I had to go extra to get it up to 10 miles, I think I actually got in at least 12 miles. I rode on flat land but cranked the resistance so I was pedaling hard the hard time.

I had 1 peak HR out of a 1 hr 3 min ride. 

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I've not done any exercise since Friday morning. I got hit in the neck/base of the skull with a tennis ball and have had head-aches most of the time since then. Not fun.


Ouch! I'm so sorry you're injured. Headaches, for me, are one of the worst kinds of pain, because I feel like I can't think. Hope yours let up very soon!

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

I've not done any exercise since Friday morning. I got hit in the neck/base of the skull with a tennis ball and have had head-aches most of the time since then. Not fun.

I'm so sorry 😞 That sounds serious 😞

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Strength work and 20 min walk/run today: DONE!!!!

beet and blueberry muffins + mint peach smoothie (peach, banana, spinach, coco water, mint)

some kind of bowl - bean/grain/veggies

dinner probably roasted veggie

I slept better last night, I guess I'm adjusting to this later sleep schedule but it is not enough sleep so I'm def. planning another nap. All we have today is schooling so I should have the time and a nice easy day. I only have 5 more days of this heavier schedule.

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I did nothing this weekend! Well, no exercise anyway. I did one more short round of blueberry picking just for fresh eating as our freezer is full. They'll be gone today or tomorrow at the rate we're eating them (3 eaters, 12 lbs of berries in either 3 or 4 days). It's very much a July indulgence. Then I made a bunch of masks with the girls' help. Youngest's wisdom teeth removal went very well. She's taking her ibuprofen and resting a lot, but her whole experience was much better than her sister's. Biggest issue is just getting enough calories in her as she tires of ice cream.

On to a new week! As we approach the end of July, I'm making no progress on my weight loss goal. I gain 2 pounds, lose 2 pounds. The consolation prize is that at least I'm not just gaining. But it's a new week, fresh start. I need to get back to tracking my food on My Fitness Pal, so that's the goal this week. I tried a new barefoot cardio video this morning by a different person (Pahla B). It was more exercise focused and not dance focused, and it went fine, maybe even a little on the easy side. I spent way too long searching YouTube videos and finding this one requires little weights (I have nothing less than 5 lbs), that one they're wearing shoes, etc. I probably need to pick out my workout the night before. I'll do a Target/Costco run tomorrow, so maybe I'll pick up lighter weights. What's more useful, 2 lbs or 3 lbs?

We're in a little 3-day heat wave--that means temps in the 90's here. We hit 99 yesterday. What I love about it (besides air conditioning!) is that we didn't have our usual marine winds last night, so I sat on our patio reading at 9:00 last night, enjoying the warm, still air. Usually it's just a little too cold and windy to stay out very long. Have a good week, everyone.

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I did exercise on Saturday; did my 30 min NW w/ sprint in spite of the very hot weather - the humidity was quite low, so I braved the temps (it was somewhere around 90...).  Then I did an OT workout after coming home. Very hot again yesterday, but a bit more humid - I didn't get out early enough to beat the heat, and it still seemed sticky in the evening, and I punted.  But now that's already one day gone, and it's even more oppressive outside today, and even the hallway where my rower is seems too hot (we don't have central air, and while it's next to an air-conditioned room, the hallway does get bad after a few days of hot weather like we've had, even with a fan to help).  So, think I'll do an OT workout, and just add a bit on to the end, whether I decide to brave the rower for a bit, or maybe some Pilates stuff.

Weight is still a bit up.  Really annoying after how nice and steady it was for months.  Need to back up that train before too much creep sets in.  I should do a 2-week sugar-free reset, but I want my banana nice cream! (whine).

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I'm hungry today. I hate these days, when all I can do all day is work hard not to eat a bunch of stuff I shouldn't. Thus far, I have more or less held the line, but it requires effort.

  • Breakfast - Chia pudding with banana and a sprinkle of pecans. Coffee.
  • Lunch - Cabbage and carrot slaw with French dressing. (I concocted this because I was missing cole slaw, and my husband has decided it's yummy.)  Small bowl of rice left over from the tempura experiment over the weekend, with tamari and a splash of sesame oil. 
  • Snack - A few sugar-free hard candies.
  • Dinner - Still somewhat in flux, but it's looking like air-fried potato rounds with Indian seasoning, onion chutney and some kind of stir fry involving basmati rice, veggies and garbanzos. 

I stayed up far too late last night, for a variety of reasons, and decided to let myself sleep in a bit this morning. I told my co-workers not to expect me online before 10:00, which was great, except that it meant I was outside trying to walk when it was already far too hot to be pleasant. I made it only about a mile outside, then came in and did another mile with a walk-at-home video. This one included some upper body work with resistance bands, so I'm also counting it for my strength training for today. I really wanted to go for my usual three miles, but I was honestly just too tired to push through. I did pop out for another couple of miles on my lunch break. And, whether it's locked in my room with a video (if the current pouring rain continues) or outside, I will do one more walk of at least two miles sometime before bed this evening. 

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I'll try to catch up with everyone later.

I'm a zombie today. Long story short. Ds ended up at the ER with dh (1.5 hrs away as the one here is crap) based on the urging of the local dr that it was imperative we take him in. Only to find out it was entirely unneeded. They ended up home late, I stayed home as I had to teach and they only let 1 in anyway. Too much stress and too little sleep.

I'm going to do some light yoga this am to stretch out the soreness. I'm supposed to do swimming this afternoon but might skip it. Depends on how I feel after a morning nap.

I wanted to bury my face in a bag of caramel chocolates but ate an earlyish dinner and felt better. 

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15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@wintermom how are you feeling?

Thanks for asking, and thanks everybody for your kind words.

I'm not able to work on the computer much at all as it still gives me head-aches. I haven't exercised more than a few balance poses to see if I could (and I can!), and brief walks (though it's very hot and humid). Mostly I'm resting in my darkened bedroom, where my head-aches thankfully disappear. I have no other concussion symptoms, so I'm really hoping that I'll be over this quickly if I just listen to my body and don't do too much. 

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It's been a while since I've checked in. I am currently about 33 weeks and exercising is...non-existent, if I am honest. That's due to the return of morning sickness, insomnia, back pain, sciatica, and SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction). Hot and humid weather isn't helping. At this point I call it a win if I make it up and down our stairs as necessary. I may or may not sometimes chant "this baby is worth it" with every. single. step. I take.

I miss having the "me time" that exercising in the morning gave me, but the reality is it's probably not coming back until at least next year. I need to set a reminder in my phone to begin exercising when baby is between 3 and 4 months old (with MW's permission, of course). I hope you ladies will take me back then...until then, I will lurk and cheer each of you on.


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Still stinking hot here.  Did manage to get an OT workout in yesterday; it was over 85 in the room (we keep the a/c at 78, but if it's this hot for days on end, it can't keep up).  I lengthened it a bit by going through one block 1.5 times - trying to get to those 12 'splat' points (peak on FB, but my FB never records that many).  Same thing today, a different OT workout - yesterday was upper body focused, today was lower body.  It didn't have a lot of cardio, so I added a 3-minute tabata style block to get those 12 minutes (and I also try to get close to an hour total, at least 50+ min, too many of the OT workouts they've been posting lately have been more like 40-45 ...).  I've been using the rower for that extra kick if I needed it, but the hallway is an oven right now...  only 80 in the living room where I do my main workout stuff.  Both hot and humid outside, so also no walking...

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Last night was not a good night for sleep again, but I didn't want to delay starting work two days in a row. So I forced myself to move and have a normal morning, except for walking slightly less than my usual three mile distance.

  • Breakfast: Gluten-free oatmeal/quinoa blend topped with unsweetened applesauce, banana on the side. Coffee.
  • Lunch: Spring onion cup of soup. Cookies for dessert.
  • Dinner: Takeout from Chili's. (My husband really likes their veggie burgers.) I had a side salad and servings of their Mexican rice and black beans. 

I popped out for a quick walk at lunch, then jumped on the trampoline for a little while when I needed a break from work. After dinner, it was starting to rain, so I finished off my step/mileage goal for the day with a gentle, somewhat slower-than-usual walking video. 

The plan now is to go watch a dumb movie on Netflix, take a sedative and try for a full night's sleep to see if that will reset my body clock.

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8 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@wintermom So happy to see you. Take it easy and rest plan sounds good. Thanks for checking in. 

@soror Sorry about DS, but glad he is ok. May I suggest skipping swimming today, I was told in the beginning of learning to swim by my instructor who does rescues not to enter water when I did not feel in any way ok or rested as part of water safety as you need to be aware all the time. 

@barnwife Sorry about the discomfort. Totally get the "this baby is worth it". Hope you will get "me" time in other ways and always welcome back !

@Jenny in Florida Your food sounds very healthy ! You always push through. and that is always inspiring to see.

It is cloudy here so we had a very nice bike ride. I've always swam early morning in an indoor pool for years, so never seen the sun much as I always rush back and forth. But now we get to hear bird songs as they wake up. DD is appalled we are earlier than the birds, but grumpily got used to it. DH's turn to play with DS. So I am jumping on the elliptical today, staying close home as it looks rainy. 


11 hours ago, barnwife said:

It's been a while since I've checked in. I am currently about 33 weeks and exercising is...non-existent, if I am honest. That's due to the return of morning sickness, insomnia, back pain, sciatica, and SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction). Hot and humid weather isn't helping. At this point I call it a win if I make it up and down our stairs as necessary. I may or may not sometimes chant "this baby is worth it" with every. single. step. I take.

I miss having the "me time" that exercising in the morning gave me, but the reality is it's probably not coming back until at least next year. I need to set a reminder in my phone to begin exercising when baby is between 3 and 4 months old (with MW's permission, of course). I hope you ladies will take me back then...until then, I will lurk and cheer each of you on.


Grr, sorry for all the troubles. Take care of yourself and stay cool!

12 hours ago, wintermom said:

Thanks for asking, and thanks everybody for your kind words.

I'm not able to work on the computer much at all as it still gives me head-aches. I haven't exercised more than a few balance poses to see if I could (and I can!), and brief walks (though it's very hot and humid). Mostly I'm resting in my darkened bedroom, where my head-aches thankfully disappear. I have no other concussion symptoms, so I'm really hoping that I'll be over this quickly if I just listen to my body and don't do too much. 

I'm so sorry, I'm really worried, this does not sound good at all.

6 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Still stinking hot here.  Did manage to get an OT workout in yesterday; it was over 85 in the room (we keep the a/c at 78, but if it's this hot for days on end, it can't keep up).  I lengthened it a bit by going through one block 1.5 times - trying to get to those 12 'splat' points (peak on FB, but my FB never records that many).  Same thing today, a different OT workout - yesterday was upper body focused, today was lower body.  It didn't have a lot of cardio, so I added a 3-minute tabata style block to get those 12 minutes (and I also try to get close to an hour total, at least 50+ min, too many of the OT workouts they've been posting lately have been more like 40-45 ...).  I've been using the rower for that extra kick if I needed it, but the hallway is an oven right now...  only 80 in the living room where I do my main workout stuff.  Both hot and humid outside, so also no walking...

It actually cooled here this week, only in the 80s, the heat makes such a difference. Be careful you don't overheat!

1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

Did my bodyweight circuit this morning, then just 1 yoga video as I was trying to get out early to do my Target/Costco run. Then came home and napped! Tomorrow is the grocery run.

Ya for naps and getting in a workout!

52 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Last night was not a good night for sleep again, but I didn't want to delay starting work two days in a row. So I forced myself to move and have a normal morning, except for walking slightly less than my usual three mile distance.

  • Breakfast: Gluten-free oatmeal/quinoa blend topped with unsweetened applesauce, banana on the side. Coffee.
  • Lunch: Spring onion cup of soup. Cookies for dessert.
  • Dinner: Takeout from Chili's. (My husband really likes their veggie burgers.) I had a side salad and servings of their Mexican rice and black beans. 

I popped out for a quick walk at lunch, then jumped on the trampoline for a little while when I needed a break from work. After dinner, it was starting to rain, so I finished off my step/mileage goal for the day with a gentle, somewhat slower-than-usual walking video. 

The plan now is to go watch a dumb movie on Netflix, take a sedative and try for a full night's sleep to see if that will reset my body clock.

Fingers crossed for sleep for both of us!!!

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Dreamergal- I meant to say I ended up swimming about 1/3rd of my planned workout so I kept it pretty easy.

Great night of sleep, still a bit behind after a crappy nap yesterday but feeling much better.

today is bike + walk/run-- brick workout

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@wintermom I hope you continue to improve.

We have WiFi!  Which means I can work from home again.  Working in a bare tutorial room was okay, and there was no kitchen to snack from - which has its benefits - but I didn't find it inspiring to have to pack up all my work materials into a backpack to go for a walk at lunchtime.  There was no locker where I could safely leave anything, and I was forced out the door so that the building could be cleaned.  Somehow it didn't feel like a pleasant hike with a pack.  I walked anyway but didn't much enjoy it.

Anyway, I've managed yoga the past two evenings and had a lovely walk at lunchtime (just a couple of miles).  This evening I'll do a longer session of yoga, I hope, and then Husband and I will walk after supper.

Food: breakfast - mushroom oatmeal plus fat free Greek yoghurt; snack - apple and nuts; lunch - smoked mackerel with kale, courgette roasted with garlic, roasted corn on the cob, pumpkin seed butter and Marmite on a savoury oatcake; afternoon snack - cheese and cucumber; supper - husband is cooking, so probably leftover chicken with some form of veg from the farm.

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I tried my first ever HIIT workout. Just searched barefoot hiit on youtube and found one by Natacha Oceana who was wearing shoes but I did it barefoot. The video itself is very well done with a preview of the next exercise while you're resting from the previous one. Only 20 minutes, 4 rounds of 5 exercises, but this workout definitely had me working harder and sweating more than anything else I've done. I tried do the Warrior 3 Foundations video after just to add more time but my thighs were pretty much rubber by that point. So I learned it but didn't really practice it well.

Grocery run today, then a bunch of home chores.

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4 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

I tried my first ever HIIT workout. Just searched barefoot hiit on youtube and found one by Natacha Oceana who was wearing shoes but I did it barefoot. The video itself is very well done with a preview of the next exercise while you're resting from the previous one. Only 20 minutes, 4 rounds of 5 exercises, but this workout definitely had me working harder and sweating more than anything else I've done. I tried do the Warrior 3 Foundations video after just to add more time but my thighs were pretty much rubber by that point. So I learned it but didn't really practice it well.

Grocery run today, then a bunch of home chores.

Many congrats on the first HIIT exercise. Did you get a nice exercise high?

5 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@wintermom I hope you continue to improve.

We have WiFi!  Which means I can work from home again.  Working in a bare tutorial room was okay, and there was no kitchen to snack from - which has its benefits - but I didn't find it inspiring to have to pack up all my work materials into a backpack to go for a walk at lunchtime.  There was no locker where I could safely leave anything, and I was forced out the door so that the building could be cleaned.  Somehow it didn't feel like a pleasant hike with a pack.  I walked anyway but didn't much enjoy it.

Anyway, I've managed yoga the past two evenings and had a lovely walk at lunchtime (just a couple of miles).  This evening I'll do a longer session of yoga, I hope, and then Husband and I will walk after supper.

Food: breakfast - mushroom oatmeal plus fat free Greek yoghurt; snack - apple and nuts; lunch - smoked mackerel with kale, courgette roasted with garlic, roasted corn on the cob, pumpkin seed butter and Marmite on a savoury oatcake; afternoon snack - cheese and cucumber; supper - husband is cooking, so probably leftover chicken with some form of veg from the farm.

Awesome you got wifi, how is the unpacking going? Are you feeling at home yet? I think you are doing well to be getting in some exercise in considering you just moved.

6 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@soror Glad you had a great night of sleep and did get to swim. Hope you have a good workout !

Same routine with us except I am going to go out later with my nordic poles. 

Will look in later. Have a good day ladies !!

Thank you, you too.

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30 min/5 miles biking this am; 10 min walk/run intervals; 20 min walking

I didn't get out until nearly 9 am and the humidity stinks, I was soaked w/ sweat. Then I got home ate my breakfast and painted trim on the shed. Good gravy, 2 layers of sweat  and 2+ hrs later I came in for a cold shower.

I made a new batch of beet and blueberry muffins and my peach minty green smoothie(peach, banana, coconut water, spinach, mint) for breakfast

lunch was the green goddess bowl- brown rice, miso kale greens w/ carmelized onion, edamame, over easy egg and homemade green goddess dressing- I was supposed to put some avocado on too but forgot it- VERY yummy

I've got extra kale and brown rice for another bowl tomorrow

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Hello ladies,

Just checking in.  It's been hot and humid here but dh and I just get up earlier to get a good walk in before the heat and humidity which now means getting out by 6:30. We are definitely not alone in wanting to get out earlier, we pass several neighbors along the way.  I have also been doing weight training.  I've completed body beast and am now doing chalean extreme lean for life calendar for a month then back to body beast but I do a body beast leg workout once a week.  

I also have been doing intermittent fasting.  To balance hormones and for now seems to be working.


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56 minutes ago, soror said:

Awesome you got wifi, how is the unpacking going? Are you feeling at home yet? I think you are doing well to be getting in some exercise in considering you just moved.

Not bad, thanks. The kitchen and bedroom are pretty much sorted, and the sunroom, my study and bathrooms are usable. There's still lots to do but we feel quite settled.

You are all inspiring me to use my NW poles on local paths. I've always waited for beach trips, but there are more wide tracks here than in the previous village.

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2 hours ago, soror said:

Many congrats on the first HIIT exercise. Did you get a nice exercise high?

I don't really know if I got an exercise high or not! I felt good about completing it. I don't think I could have done it earlier in the summer, so it feels good to be at a point where I can do it now. I even talked about it to dh who was excited for me because it's more like his bootcamp workouts which he invited me to try. Not sure I'm ready for that yet. My sister always talked about a runner's high. If I get it, it's not so obvious.

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1 minute ago, Ali in OR said:

I don't really know if I got an exercise high or not! I felt good about completing it. I don't think I could have done it earlier in the summer, so it feels good to be at a point where I can do it now. I even talked about it to dh who was excited for me because it's more like his bootcamp workouts which he invited me to try. Not sure I'm ready for that yet. My sister always talked about a runner's high. If I get it, it's not so obvious.

I never, ever got a "runner's" high from any kind of exercise till I started doing OT, which are HIIT workouts, but are also a full hour long.  I think what does it is keeping the heart rate up there for a certain period of time - I'm not sure a short HIIT would do it.  I used to always wonder what people were talking about, but for those workouts I always end feeling energized rather than tired.  Which always have to remind myself of going in...

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I get the high usually from any HIIT workout. If I push too long/hard I just end up draggy. So far I've been feeling good with my workouts lately.

I ended up not eating enough yesterday with getting so hot so long my supper was tiny and my afternoon snack smaller than usual and didn't sleep well as a result. and my period is expected soon, which doesn't help. I woke up all hot, stupid hormones.

Today is ds' 16th birthday! With Covid we don't have any big plans except making yummy food. 

I'm supposed to do strength work but my shoulders are sore from the painting, so it will be light.

breakfast beet and blueberry muffins; choc pb smoothie

lunch- green goddess bowl (brown rice, edamame, avocado, green goddess dressing (homemade), miso kale + onions)

dinner baked cod and spicy sweet potatoes




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Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. My head-aches are much improved and I'm on the road to recovery. I still have some light sensitivity, and the WTM forum is really bad as it's so bright. I can't spend much time here.

I haven't played tennis yet, but I've been doing a little biking and walking. 

Sorry I can't read and comment on your posts for now. I'm thinking of you all and hoping that you're enjoying being active. 😃

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47 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. My head-aches are much improved and I'm on the road to recovery. I still have some light sensitivity, and the WTM forum is really bad as it's so bright. I can't spend much time here.

I haven't played tennis yet, but I've been doing a little biking and walking. 

Sorry I can't read and comment on your posts for now. I'm thinking of you all and hoping that you're enjoying being active. 😃

I'm glad to see you are feeling better but I'm stil really worried about you 😞 I hope the improvement continues.



My breakfast shake, pb and choc w/ CHICKPEAS! I modified it quite a bit. 1 cup soy milk, 1T PB, 2 T cocoa, 1/2 cup chickpeas, frozen banana.

I didn't add dates as my soy milk is not unsweetened. 2 thumbs up.


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17 hours ago, lynn said:

Hello ladies,

Just checking in.  It's been hot and humid here but dh and I just get up earlier to get a good walk in before the heat and humidity which now means getting out by 6:30. We are definitely not alone in wanting to get out earlier, we pass several neighbors along the way. 


I used to get up early to exercise when we lived in Hong Kong.  The pool was theoretically another option, but it was mostly packed; I took classes one summer and (despite how hard the classes were) it was great being able to really swim.

15 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

I don't really know if I got an exercise high or not! I felt good about completing it. I don't think I could have done it earlier in the summer, so it feels good to be at a point where I can do it now. I even talked about it to dh who was excited for me because it's more like his bootcamp workouts which he invited me to try. Not sure I'm ready for that yet.

Well done!

15 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

I never, ever got a "runner's" high from any kind of exercise till I started doing OT, which are HIIT workouts, but are also a full hour long.  I think what does it is keeping the heart rate up there for a certain period of time - I'm not sure a short HIIT would do it.  I used to always wonder what people were talking about, but for those workouts I always end feeling energized rather than tired.  Which always have to remind myself of going in...

I feel energised by Nordic Walking, I think because my heart rate stays in at least the cardio zone for 30 minutes or more.  I wouldn't exactly call it a high though.

1 hour ago, soror said:

Today is ds' 16th birthday! With Covid we don't have any big plans except making yummy food. 

Happy birthday to him! 

Chickpea smoothie - I'll have a look at that.  There are blackcurrants in the new garden, so I need to work out how to use those too - they are pretty tart.  I'm planning on salmon with blackcurrants and ginger for tomorrow night.

42 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. My head-aches are much improved and I'm on the road to recovery. I still have some light sensitivity, and the WTM forum is really bad as it's so bright. I can't spend much time here.

I haven't played tennis yet, but I've been doing a little biking and walking. 

Sorry I can't read and comment on your posts for now. I'm thinking of you all and hoping that you're enjoying being active. 😃

Glad things are getting better.  Ignore us until you feel well enough.

I tried out my NW poles on the local trail (that starts 30 seconds from my door).  They skittered a bit on the surface but less so as time went on - I suspect my technique changed a bit.  There were a few stretches of path that were too narrow for using poles, but I just swung the poles and walked fast, which seemed to keep my heart rate up.  So that's a good lunchtime option.

I'll do some yoga after work.  I'm inspired by having pushed it at lunchtime to do a harder yoga session too - I've been keeping it low-key and stretchy this month and I'm starting to get bored.  I've worked out an angle in my yoga room where I can see my mirror and not collide with the overhead light.

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I did my bodyweight circuit and then just one yoga video because it was longer and I'd already spent a lot of time cleaning up other people's messes in the kitchen. Gate pose was lovely--a good stretch for many of my hotspots--some foot flexing, side bends felt great. One area holding me back is my arms get tired way sooner than Adriene's do! I'm doing infinitely more upper body work than in my treadmill-only days (because I'm comparing to 0), but it's still a weak point. Beginning to think about August goals. I almost tried to do my bodyweight circuit 3 times instead of 2, but I'm feeling yesterday's HIIT workout in the quads and didn't want to go for one more set of both squats and lunges. But I'm thinking about it for August.

@wintermom A few months ago somebody here explained how to get back to the old board's color scheme which I find way less annoying than the bright white and light blue that is the current default. You might see if it's better for you if you don't already use it. You scroll down from any page all the way to the bottom, past GO TO TOPIC LISTING. Click on "Theme" left-center at the bottom of the page and select "Default" instead of Well-Trained Mind 4.3 Default. You get the old Well-Trained Mind colors. Hope you get your full brain back soon.

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My end of month check-in....

After finishing some deadlines early in the month, I changed my minimum walking/running distance from 2 to 3 miles per day.  Since July 8 I have not walked less than 3 miles on any day, with some weekend days being more like 5 miles.  With the hills, it's an OK workout.

I'm trying to do yoga & TKD form practice before starting work in the morning ... so far 2 consecutive days on my current stint.  😛

I passed all the preliminaries to taking the black belt test.  The test is August 8 and I have to get my application in by tomorrow.  I still have to work out some glitches in one form.

My eating has not improved much if at all.  Good days and bad days.

I started weighing myself more often.  It is not encouraging.  I know part of it is that I have more muscle, but I still have too much fat.  😕

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The weather was extremely wet yesterday and, in combination with my general exhaustion, that (pardon the pun) put a damper on me making my step/mileage goal. I did walk in the morning and briefly at lunch, then did a short walk-with-weights video to meet my strength training for the day. 

Sleep is still not my friend. Even on the tranquilizer that usually leaves me feeling like a zombie in the morning, I'm not getting a lot more than five hours a night. I'm tired, and walking feels more like trudging. 

  • Breakfast: Granola bar, applesauce, banana, coffee.
  • Lunch: Leftover curried rice pilaf with veggies and chickpeas.
  • Dinner: Gluten-free "peanut" sesame noodles. (The original version used to be one of my husband and my favorites, but we had given it up due to my issues with gluten and his mild peanut allergy. I've recently discovered that substituting rice noodles and a combo of sunbutter and tahini makes a decent dish.)
  • Evening snack: Grape tomatoes.

The weather has been less overwhelmingly drenched today, which allowed me to get out for walks morning, lunch and evening and, thereby, meet my step/mileage goal for the day.

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Blah. I'm with Jenny with not sleeping too great. 

I ended up only walking yesterday and am still feeling soreness in my shoulder. I need to paint more today if it doesn't rain and we are supposed to go swimming but again it is supposed to rain. 

I'm going to try and do walk/run this morning.

REALLY hoping for a nap.

Ds passed his driver's test yesterday!!! I think I was more nervous than him.

We had dirt cake and I enjoyed some too, I haven't had a regular dessert in a while.

Edited by soror
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I tried to find the first barefoot cardio video I ever did. All I remember was that the plies killed me and it was longer than I usually do (said 40 min but really about 37 min). I think I found it and it was a little easier than when I first tried it, but still a good workout. My legs have been worked hard since Wednesday's HIIT workout and are ready for a little rest this weekend!

I'll have August goals tomorrow. For the July recap, exercise has been great. I've done cardio MWF and my bodyweight circuit and yoga TTH consistently. I now find some workouts a little on the easy side and was ready to push myself a little more this week. Foodwise, not as great. I wanted to lose 2 pounds in July but instead I'm ending up about half a pound up I think. It was always going to be a challenge as there were too many events throwing off the healthy eating plan (4th of July, family bday, houseguest for a week, even wisdom teeth removal brought too much ice cream home!). So expect attempt 2 for August, except now it's lose 2.5 pounds!

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End-of-Month Check-In

Positives: I have maintained/lost this month and have met my step/mileage/strength training goals on all but four days. And, for the first time since my mastectomy, my waist is again smaller than my chest. I've been enjoying participating in assorted virtual events to stay motivated. I'm proud to have gotten a virtual team off the ground with a group from work, which has gotten lots of positive response. I've also been enjoying introducing some more variety into my "exercise routine" with the Nordic poles (used once, but still . . .) and bicycling (husband and I just ordered folding bikes today that will fit in my tiny car for excursions to parks and trails) and the mini-trampoline.

Negatives: I'm still struggling with being genuinely afraid that I won't be able to continue to maintain, and I'm a little depressed looking at spending the rest of my life logging every bite I eat and also just how careful I will have to be in order to stay this weight. Depression and lack of sleep are continuing issues that interfere with my energy levels.

Gratitude: I very much appreciate this group for chatting and venting and keeping myself accountable, not to mention the support from all of you.

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