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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!

Coffee and bible study groups are done.

To Do:

  • meals
  • walk with a friend
  • stop by a student's house to pick up books
  • more work on tutoring for this week
  • make sure ds does summer school stuff online
  • pay bills/update checking records
  • do some organizing in the house
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Good morning!

  • check voicemails (not my favorite task - some of our clients are longwinded 😐)
  • office work - go through my basket & get organized for the week
  • vet appt. at 10:15 for Adequan injection
  • dust
  • roast a couple squash
  • spend a couple minutes on my closet
  • the farrier is coming over in the late afternoon to trim everyone's feet (make sure I have cash & remember to medicate Snorri a couple hours beforehand so his arthritis pain doesn't flare up during the trim)
  • dinner: leftovers
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Laundry started
Dropped off Dd with another family to drive to camp. I will miss her this week, but am so glad that she gets to go to camp!
Got gas.


To do:

Ds to/from swim practice

tutoring prep

3 hrs of tutoring
AHG things 
Remake dd's bed with clean linens
Dinner is steaks, grilled veggies, and sweet potato fries

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Good morning!

Today, I have:
...write email/send email to get the ball rolling on DS22 being able to reapply back to his college after his hospitalization (I will write the first one, to who we were in contact with, and cc him, so that then he can communicate with her directly)(I think that will be okay)
...find what trails are open in the part of NM where we'll be, make a semi-plan on that
...help DH look at food places if he wants for Austin, b/c his first plan is $$$ and although we could do that, he doesn't want to
...fold/put away laundry (2 loads)
....get kids to start packing
....sort/pack the sheets and be sure we have enough sets of the sizes we need for the beds in the airbnb 
....some more sewing
....plan for a new tutoring student who will start right after we get back from NM
...meal plan for today/tomorrow (shh, but we leave on Weds; my mom will be here w/our dogs, so the house won't be empty)
...decide on when/how to do DH's Father's Day gifts, he wants before we hit the road as one is "use on the car trip" item, but need to find a way to make that special vs. just "here you go, dear"

Have a good Monday, everyone!

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Did some work in the wee hours & then got up early to do some more.

I haven't done as much as I should, but at least it's a start.

I have a long list of client work that needs to go out today / is already late.  Hope I get on a roll!

Kids were promised a shopping trip by an auntie.  I'm staying out of it.

I need to pay bills and look into summer options for the kids.

That's about it for today.  Will plan to do my walking etc this evening.  Might decide to do one load of laundry in order to stay ahead of things for a change.

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Need a fire lit under me - what a slow Monday!

If I get my closet floor/chair tidied 100% and the kitchen “company ready” before I head to noon Mass, I will count this AM a great success, despite the slow start.  I have spent a lot of time with the dog, that was well spent.

This afternoon, I hope to:

  • catboxes/birds
  • get emails to zero
  • develop a plan for basement
  • place grocery order
  • reschedule dentist appts for DD & me
  • make dinner
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Good morning!! Today's plan:


Continue kitchen deep clean

Think about if I want to repaint kitchen at this time


Dinner- no clue yet

Get dh off to work for the night


Weed-maybe 2 wheelbarrow loads since I missed yesterday


Google Drive

Groceries-pickup or in person?


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Today, I have:
...write email/send email to get the ball rolling on DS22 being able to reapply back to his college after his hospitalization (I will write the first one, to who we were in contact with, and cc him, so that then he can communicate with her directly)(I think that will be okay)
...find what trails are open in the part of NM where we'll be, make a semi-plan on that
...help DH look at food places if he wants for Austin, b/c his first plan is $$$ and although we could do that, he doesn't want to
...fold/put away laundry (2 loads)
....get kids to start packing
....sort/pack the sheets and be sure we have enough sets of the sizes we need for the beds in the airbnb 
....some more sewing
....plan for a new tutoring student who will start right after we get back from NM
...meal plan for today/tomorrow (shh, but we leave on Weds; my mom will be here w/our dogs, so the house won't be empty)
...decide on when/how to do DH's Father's Day gifts, he wants before we hit the road as one is "use on the car trip" item, but need to find a way to make that special vs. just "here you go, dear"

......Not a bad start to the morning.  

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I woke up this morning at 100 and now I feel like I'm a 5.  :P 😉

Showered, Dressed
Drove 45 minutes to Mom & Dad's for a visit  - took kids AND they were dressed. 😉
Load of Laundry

Home now - Done:
Mostly direct - two teen girls to paint the shed
Direct teen boy to dig holes for a deck
Switch laundry
12yo to start a crockpot roast

To DO:
Switch Laundry
Make grad party invites
Clean up house - dust

Ideally set up to sand kitchen doors.  This is a lot for me to manage but I'm *so* close to done!


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fasting bloodsugar logged.  It will be interesting to see if the lab had the same fasting number as I got on my meter.

fed Neko and Juliet

threw on clothes and drove into the Big City.

They managed to get blood out of this turnip.

Drove home.

fed myself

forgot to premedicate myself so I will just not do that today.

medicated myself

medicated Juliet

logged food, water and carbs

PT exercises done

made bed

showered finally

brushed teeth cuz I forgot before I dashed out the door.  Good thing I was wearing a mask! 

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...ate lunch
...took a nap
...checked email -- had a reply from DS's school on that, so talking with him some on that
...also had an email from the interested 1st Grader, so called her (the mom) and answered her questions then sent out a super packed, super informative email
...running errands with DH, will tackle the rest later

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Sigh - still dealing with bills from dd's accident in January.  Called insurance agent again.  Insurance is being wonderful - it's all the medical providers who are being stupid about it all.  (We're trying to pay them but they are ignoring the payments and are looking for payment from other sources which we keep telling them is not correct.)

printed out documents from the Chairman of the Board

Divied up the lessons to be taught to the teens

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Just got done with the farrier. After his recent troubles, I was expecting Butterscotch to be difficult about having his feet worked on, but he was perfectly behaved. A nice surprise.

Going to cool off for 15 minutes before I head back out to feed horses.

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...back from errands
....cooked/ate dinner
....packed and had the kids pack
....found sufficient sheets to take with us 
....decided what/how to do DH's "Father's Day" early tomorrow
...texted a friend I haven't heard from in a while; she's good, we'll chat when I return from my trip
....read through this thread, was reminded "masks!" oops. Tomorrow will finish that up (I have masks made except for adding the ties, so need to do that so everyone has at least one extra to take with us)

Heading up to hang out with the family, but I *think* that's the bulk of the list from today. Yay!

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Moved the laundry
Cleaned up dinner (Got to eat outside on the deck with just dh. Nice!)

Next up:
Log session reports for tutoring
AHG emails

More laundry
Read - enjoying my Sharon Kay Penman novel very much! Hard to put it down. 

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