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Setting off for what is likely to be a long, hard week...

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I'm about to head to my mothers house. She is only in her early 70s but she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at least 8 years ago. She probably only has a few days to live. She is not eating or drinking and possibly her kidney's are shutting down. She knows noone...she knows nothing. My dad died in May...and though he was abusive and have not missed him ...it is still hard to loose ones parents ...both in one year. Almost as if I am loosing my identity.


And then...


Tomorrow is my long awaited doctor's appointment at M.D. Anderson. I cannot put it off or change my appointment no matter what. I've waited a month for it. The next available is January 12th. They will be taking mammograms, ultrasounds and possibly a biopsy (and comparing them to the ones taken in California) along with chest xrays, blood work and ekg.


My test start at 7am. I cannot be late. So rather than fight the traffic into Houston a sitter is going to spend the night and dh and I are going to a Best Western that is closer to the cancer center.


Wednesday I meet my surgical oncologist and he gives me my options then I suppose. To loose one breast or both...to reconstruct or not...at least I have options.


Sometimes it is just too much, ykwim?


Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder.

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Hugs and prayers as you and your family endure this long hard week. MD Anderson is a exceptional hospital with cutting edge knowledge and technology (we will look at going there if we ever have to fight this beast again).


It is good that there are options, and hopefully you will feel the right thing tug at you and peace will come this week.

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