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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Got a lot done in the dining room on Friday but more needs to be done.  (Some can't be dealt with until society opens up but some can still be cleaned up.)

I'm sure that dh will be working in the Schoolroom of Doom and now that he's decided to add the adjoining Bathroom of Doom to the project, he will be working in there too.  I will probably be helping as I can.

weed whack? 

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  • bring in trundle from the attic to the guest bedroom
  • find extra pillow cases for guest room bed
  • clean up son's clothing he wants to get rid of
  • take a picture of 2 things we are trying to sell
  • figure out what to do with recliner
  • get ready for portrait pictures at 5pm
  • NAP!  I only got a few hours of sleep last night
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Good morning!

~drop off a donation for a needy family through church

~possibly stop at the grocery store if there's no line

~go for a walk

~watch Sight and Sound production of Jesus with my family

~fill some Easter eggs for ds to hunt for tomorrow morning

~help ds spot cleam hamster cage

~dinner - spaghetti with swiss chard and garlic, if my produce delivery comes today, if not, spaghetti with roasted veggies

~take a bath and read before bed

Edited by happyonthebeach
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Good morning!

  • Help kids ice cookies.  
  • House cleaning  
  • Fill Easter baskets  
  • AHG things
  • Laundry
  • Drive mom's Easter basket over to her place? We could do this tomorrow, if that works better.
  • Prep French toast casserole
  • Prep hash brown casserole
  • yardwork?
  • Walk! 

Need to be outside and enjoy the sunshine because we have rain forecast for tomorrow. Rain on Easter, Boo!!!

Dinner is shrimp scampi and broccoli, spinach and artichoke heart casserole. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! Today is the last nice day- for a little while. I have to figure out where to put my milk jug seedlings and what to cover or let struggle in the garden. Sometimes Colorado weather is screamingly frustrating.  

  • coffee/paper/breakfast
  • finish picking up house
  • find a place for 30 milkjugs
  • cut out pattern- must do today or it won't get done for a while
  • text with friend
  • check recipes for tomorrow/make rolls
  • other cleaning, etc

Have a great day!

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Good morning!

It is chilly and gray this morning. We're supposed to get snow on Easter!🙁 Every time I look at the long range forecast and say, yeah, it looks like we're all done with snow! - it snows like the very next day. *sigh*

  • tidy up messy main floor
  • get Easter baskets out of basement storage
  • print out gift cards for kids
  • brush dogs
  • farrier is stopping by this afternoon to open the abscess up more
  • do some fruit and veggie prep
  • soak soybeans for homemade tofu
  • dinner: ??
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Morning, all!

  Looks like all that rain we had for a week is coming to some of you...sorry in advance!  Jean, I may have missed it, but are you converting your schoolroom into a new space?

Got a call last night from the restaurant, personally took our order, made some extra suggestions, gave us the first pick up time in the morning. Doing a happy dance!


  • coffee, puppy walked
  • vacuumed master bedroom, windows open to air out after all this rain
  • master bath cleaned
  • two loads of laundry, cleaned/straightened laundry room

To do:

  • visit with my mom
  • more laundry
  • do some arranging of stuff in music room, make some decisions
  • bbq hamburgers for dinner, salad
  • place Amazon order
  • start working on organizing office, school supplies

I'm so looking forward to a donation place opening up again...the garage is rather full of bags of clothes, books, etc.  

Have a great day!


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17 minutes ago, readinmom said:

 Jean, I may have missed it, but are you converting your schoolroom into a new space?



Our basement and especially the schoolroom (family room to non homeschool families 😉 ) was flooded right before Christmas.  This is still mitigation from that.  We had to box up 4 floor to ceiling bookcases as well as tons of other stuff since the schoolroom had become a dumping ground.  We got rid of a lot of stuff (good time to do this) though there is still a lot here too waiting for donation places to reopen.  We had to rip out a lot of ruined carpet and then the non-ruined carpet because really the whole floor needed to be replaced.  Now we are finally at the point where we are replacing the flooring but the adjoining bathroom has been nonfunctional for years and we decided that now was the time for that too. 

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Cleaned the kitchen twice so far. Ran the dishwasher and washed a bunch of cookie sheets and mixing bowls by hand.

Roasted three sheets of mushrooms and some Brussels sprouts. Also one of the humungous beets from our produce box.

Harvested microgreens and replanted a tray.

Scooped the front yard.

Swept up many scraps of paper (puppies chewed up dd's battered copy of Harry Potter).

Talked to one of the horse vets on the phone about the abscess situation. She was going to come out and take a look, but decided to wait and see how he does after the farrier opens it up some more.

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Margaret, things sound so rough over there right now! I hope you get a sewing machine working in some fashion, and the cows/calves all settle down and pull through. 

Snow on Easter.....I cannot even imagine. We're having more rain/maybe thunderstorms. 

Yesterday my menfolk took apart a bench and sanded/repainted it; today they put it back together for me. They also cut pieces to become a picnic table, but need the stain before building. 

Today, I have done:
...folded sheets, put away mine/dh's sheets
...folded jeans, put those away
...washed more clothes, they are now in the dryer
....next load is in the wash
...masked up to make a pasta salad, which we split into 2 "to go" containers, one for my mom and one for my (newly widowed) grandma to have for Easter dinner
...DH masked up to chop the brisket he smoked yesterday and add BBQ sauce and split that between the containers
(there was also copious amounts of 30-second hand washing)
....called mom & grandma to be sure they'd accept such offerings under the circumstances (they both said yes)
....DH found a favorite burger place in that town, and we will call in an order to pick up and eat on our way home
...also masked up to make some unleavened bread for communion for tomorrow; our church, and my grandma's church, are both doing church online with communion, so I am taking her a wafer, my mom a wafer, and us some wafers (I assume my mom's church is also having communion online)
...made 2 of my 4 videos for Monday (started the 3rd but then I changed it and DH said I got out of range, so doing it differently, but need to charge my phone first)

So, still to do:
...deliver the food to them (will mask up for drop-off and be as contact-less as possible)
...pick up our burgers from the delicious burger restaurant
...swing by MIL's to wave/say hi from the driveway (also contact less)
...come home, DS may have our D&D campaign ready to start, otherwise, make my other 2 videos
...hang out/family time
...(rotate the remaining laundry through the dryer, put away, etc....)

I am glad we found a way to deliver Easter to our isolated (alone-alone) loved ones; it takes the focus off of the fact we don't really have much "Easter" here at the house and the fact things are so weird, and puts the focus on serving others, which is a big help for me. The kids are getting those tubes of M&Ms that I bought way back and never actually gave them. ha! DH smoked the brisket yesterday, which we ate some then, today, and will have tomorrow; I made pasta salad, and we'll cook one of the pies from the freezer &/or cook a cake (we did get stuff to make a favorite cake), and we'll have church & communion at home. But being able to deliver Easter is a big help for me. 


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13 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

@Selkie  Where do you get your produce box?

Misfits Market   https://www.misfitsmarket.com

We've been getting their boxes for several months now and I really love them. It is all organic and some of it is imperfect produce, but probably 90% of what we've gotten looks just like what you would buy at the store. The imperfections are minor - like in our latest box, we got a bell pepper that was half green and half yellow. For the first box you order, they pick what you get. After that, you can customize. They also have a small amount of grocery products that you can add on. 

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All done with horse chores for the day. The farrier was here to work on Butterscotch's foot.

It is pouring rain and so chilly! Supposed to keep going straight through until Monday, and will turn to snow at some point.

I realized that the one thing I forgot to stock up on before the plague lockdown was coffee filters, and we're almost out. No way am I going in the store just for that, so I ordered some from Amazon. They're saying since it is a nonessential item, it will take longer than usual to get here. People, what could possibly be more essential than coffee filters???🤷‍♀️(I know, they really aren't, but I did have a small panic attack and start pondering if I could make homemade coffee filters out of paper towels.)

Everyone is on their own for dinner tonight.

Still need to wash grain buckets & syringe, feed dogs & cats, and finish up laundry. Then sauna, read, & relax.

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Jean, that's sound so very labor intensive...sorry!

Margaret, sorry about dd!

  • Back home, cleaned my mom's house (most of it).
  • Thought I would sit out on the front porch for awhile, forgot that after the rains come the bugs.  Yuck.  Bought a candle out with me...wind keeps blowing it out.
  • More laundry going...definitely see progress on that end of things
  • Dh's "2nd dad" growing up (neighbor) passed away, dh is social distancing with his "brothers"/childhood friends at their place, offered to pick up dinner on the way home
  • will set timer, gather school/office supplies that have been nesting on the hall counter for months, sort by category


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A relatively productive Saturday for me.

  • Woke up about 11am.
  • Went to the horse farm to buy eggs.  Luckily they still had some.
  • Went to the national park and took a nice long walk/hike.
  • Quick drugstore stop.
  • Grabbed food at Dunkin for my picky eater.
  • Cleaned the kitchen including a few "projects."
  • Did some additional cleaning around the house, moved things to the basement, removed a mouse in a mousetrap, scrubbed kids' sink and tub, etc.  😛
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Washed all of our laundry.
  • Had Kid1 trim my hair.
  • Had Kid2 make some pretty soap.
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media, calendar, electronic school stuff.
  • Probably some other things.

To do:

  • Finish folding/putting away the laundry.
  • Whatever moms of 13yos still need to do as far as the kids' egg decorating.
  • Make the kids shower & wash their hair.
  • Final cleaning (kitchen).
  • Figure out what I'm going to do with the Easter baskets.
  • Whatever else I feel like doing.
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I did well on my list, though I didn't get a walk.
Resisted the temptation to eat the cookies or any Easter candy. 
Dinner was yummy!
Kitchen is tidy. 
House is generally picked up. 
Ds has discovered the wealth of free audiobook on Audible right now, so I used that as leverage to get him to clean his room. He is glued to White Fang now.  The free ones are not on the regular website. They are on stories.audible.com.

I am wiped out. Going to go enjoy the slight scent of woodsmoke on the cool air and listen to the night sounds for a bit before heading to be to read. 


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Hi all! Today was SO good! I needed today desperately. 

We were able to "social distance/contactless" visit with my mom, my grandma, and my mother-in-law, which was all just awesome. 

My mom masked up and came out and talked to us at our car (we're not allowed in her senior living apartment right now), staying 6 ft away, etc. and we dropped off her pack of "Easter lunch" (and I made unleavened bread/wafers, and took her one, my grandma one, and kept some for us, for online communion tomorrow). 

Then we hand sanitized, drove to my grandma's, I put on my (clean) mask and met her at her porch. I set the food down, stepped back, she got the food, stepped back, and she and I chatted very very briefly from probably 8-10 ft apart, but it was SO GOOD to see her face to face. I haven't seen her since the week my grandpa died, though we've talked on the phone a few times. It was so good. She seems to really be doing okay, but seeing her in person was a lot nicer/more reassuring than just hearing her voice on the phone. 

Then she went in, I left, demasked, hand sanitized, and we went for curbside pick-up of our yummy burgers, and drove over to MIL's house, parked on the side of her yard and opened the car doors and she came out and sat on the other side of the ditch and we visited for a while (so, definitely way more than 6 feet). She has been having a really hard time with not getting together for Easter (we always gather at her house for Easter), so that was really good for her and for us. 

So, that was really good.

Then when we got home, I finished recording and processing my videos for Monday, so I am officially done with school stuff (I've been uploading and publishing on Mondays, and that's been working pretty well, so I will stick to that). 

Heading up to find the boys and see what they're doing and have some family time. 

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