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Day 13 - March 28 - do what we can


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My 3 yr old is miserable sick still. She woke up seemingly improved yesterday am, but again woke up from a nap burning up and this am she still has 101° despite me rotating Tylenol and Motrin all night and this am. A cough, headache and sore throat as started too. The only thing I could get her to eat was a bit of ice cream. Not normally what I would give a sick kid but better than nothing. She is otherwise relatively happy. She’s quietly playing in the floor in front of me with her sisters. The first Dr on demand appt I could get is 6am Sunday.  So hopefully she won’t be bad enough to need more than that.

The sick teen is rundown but says he is feeling better. He made himself waffles for breakfast.

I’m exhausted bc I couldn’t sleep and dh slept very very well. His snoring was terrifying. At one point it startled the cat so much she jumped up and hissed at him. I even threw a pillow over him and it didn’t help.  I thumped him on the arm and said to stop and he rolled over, which usually does stop it, but not last night. 

Today I’m sewing some more masks and crocheting while watching tv with the kids. And we have some family games planned. Hopefully I’ll get to join the 3 yr old for a nap.

A slow do-nothing kind of day I hope.

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Hope all the sick people in your family heal quickly.


It is rainy and depressing outside so I'm trying very hard not to let that affect my mood. We the kids cleaned their rooms today before I even woke up! What great kids.

I plan on continuing my major cleaning/decluttering today. I'll specifically be focusing on the sunroom and living room, which I started yesterday. 

Other than that I want to write 500 words today and do an edit of what I've written previously this week. 

We caught a mouse! Hooray. But I still think they are the peanut butter off the other traps again. That actually might be a good thing because once we get more sensitive traps they'll think they are safe.


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11 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

No mice caught. All the peanutbutter eaten again. I think I’m going to use a bit of raisin so they can’t just swipe some off they’ll have to give it a good tug to get it. 

I was watching a video and a guy suggestions super gluing cereal, dog food, or cat food to the trigger of the trap. That way they can't simply swipe it. We're gonna try that tonight

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1 minute ago, hjffkj said:

I was watching a video and a guy suggestions super gluing cereal, dog food, or cat food to the trigger of the trap. That way they can't simply swipe it. We're gonna try that tonight

I wish they made mousetraps with a layer of that the gluetrap stuff on the trap end of them.  Combine the two best traps into one. 

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I have a list of stuff to try to get done this weekend. Vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms are the big chores--one of those at least should happen today (but not yet).

I finished two masks yesterday (missed my nap) and then this morning I made my cards and got a couple of thank you notes written--finally! Pic below. Dd cut out 3 more masks, so we have 6 to sew up that go to the group distributing them to local groups, and then I have 4 more to sew for our family of the easier pattern. I've moved the sewing machine to the living room so dd and I can both get to it easily. We are definitely not decluttering our house--we're cluttering it! But no one else is coming in, so we may as well use the space for the functions that all have to be done at home.

For the rest of today:
1) read/nap on sofa while it rains and the cat sleeps by the fire or on my legs.
2) making pinto beans and will make flour tortillas and some homemade burritos for dinner tonight.
3) really should make another couple of masks. Maybe tonight.
4) did a load of sheets and a load of towels--fold those and put them away when done.
5) probably vacuum.
6) clean the kitchen counters well after dinner. The ants are coming (better than mice).


x19 - 1.jpg

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I always seem to miss these threads.  Just woken up to Sunday - second Sunday with no church feels quite strange.  We will livestream if we can get it to work. 

it’s raining!  Really nice gentle soaking rain.!  Hopefully enough to top up the tanks and maybe even grow some grass so we can stop buying feed for the sheep if were lucky.


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I grocery shopped this morning. I'm feeling a bit frustrated by the quantity limits - their effect is that I will have to go more frequently than I'd planned. Bah.

We moved the chrysalides from the caterpillar cup to the butterfly habitat. So now, we wait, and hope all four remaining Bobs make it to the butterfly stage.

We played dominoes as a family. That was fun. I won, by a lot. (As my in-laws like to say, it is a poor scorekeeper who loses. 😉)

Worked some more on my text adventure game. I'm having so much fun with it. Figuring out how to make things work is like a game in itself. 😄

I'm about to make some cookie dough, then let it chill and then make the cookies once the kids are in bed. Overall, not a bad day.

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I planted out more garden. 

Dh and I started a laundry room reno back in late October. We got the tile in in December and then Ds and I both had surgeries. Then covid-19 hit. Dh caulked the trim to the wall today, and I am going to go patch the nail holes. Hopefully I can get it painted Monday. (We have paint on hand.) I had hoped we’d have cabinets and a countertop by now, but not yet. Those are all on hold now... 😞

I did a bunch of food prep today, and I need to sketch out a menu. I am finally using up all those spices and tidbits I had never got around to using up. I am hoping that once stores restock better that I can replace items....but I think I am going to go quantity > variety. I am in a smaller house and shelf space is valuable.

Everyone is grouchy today. I just sent everyone to separate parts of the house and told them not to talk to each other. Everyone needs to re-regulate. And on that note, I am thinking of making cookies.

Ds has a landmark birthday coming up soon and what he wants we can’t get right now. Any ideas on how to make it special?

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5 minutes ago, StellaM said:


I have a question re the masks - where did you ladies get the pattern, and how hard are they for someone who has a machine and can use it, but doesn't, lol ?

I used the craft passion pattern because I could not get filters. So, mine are just two layers of cotton. I did have 1/4” elastic on hand from some past project.

The masks are simple to stitch, imo. My 11yo can do it.  I had to think through the first one, but by the second mask it was easy. I have done about 24 masks now...4 for each family member. They wear them for their daily walks.


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Better than I expected/feared I would be doing by today, but I cannot believe how LONG this day is.

Yesterday, when my doctor advised me to "just keep busy," it was all I could do not to scream at her, "Doing what? I just sat here and told you that my children are grown, that I like/don't love my job (and that I can't go to the office, which is my favorite part of having a job at all), that I have been fighting off massive depression for four+ months and that all of the things I enjoy doing to try and lift my mood have been cancelled because of the pandemic. What would you suggest I DO?"

I didn't, but I will admit to fantasizing about it the rest of the day.

So, today I slept in as much as I dared without risking a migraine, packed up the dog and drove 45 minutes across town to the closest open county park I could find that has a walking trail longer than 1 mile and that allows leashed pets. The dog and I walked for about 90 minutes, then drove 45 minutes home, with a quick stop for beverages and to fill up the gas tank along the way.

That got us to 11:00 a.m.

In the intervening hours I have:

  • touched up the purple streaks in my hair.
  • showered and dressed.
  • eaten lunch.
  • cleaned up the kitchen after everyone else ate.
  • done all the laundry, including the comforter that one of the cats barfed on yesterday and some of the assorted blankets and throws that generally live on various couches and futons.
  • folded all of the laundry, even though that is one of the chores my husband insisted on taking over when I started working full time.
  • texted with some friends.
  • placed and received delivery of a Whole Foods order. (I was going to go to the store, but the concept was clearly causing my husband stress, so I went with delivery.)
  • repeatedly checked various online retailers for a tent and good quality air mattress I could put in the backyard for me to sleep in. (I really want a yurt, but those are out of my price range.)
  • taken out trash and recycling from the kitchen (twice).
  • sat outside to read until the dog made it clear she was DONE with that activity.
  • napped (something I normally avoid, since I am not sleeping well at night).
  • prepared and eaten dinner for myself, since no one is really interested in eating the same foods or even being on the same schedule.
  • taken another walk with the dog (who had to be literally dragged off the futon -- I get those memes now), bringing me to a total of over seven miles for the day.
  • started watching a new The Great Courses series.
  • crocheted one of the granny squares I need to finish up the afghan I abandoned when I left the library. 

Funny story - As I said, I don't normally nap during the day, because then it just means I sleep less that night. However, I was so much at a loss for something to do when the dog made me come inside from reading shortly after 2:00 that I thought I might as well give in, since it would kill a couple of hours. I curled up on the futon and drifted off . . . woke up and realized . . . it was 55 minutes later and I was wide awake. 

And what, you ask, have the rest of my family members been up to today?

My son slept until well past noon. He's still functioning more or less on a performer's nocturnal schedule, with the added blip that he's not actually performing. So, time and sleep schedules have pretty much no meaning for him right now. For the last couple of hours, he's been working on making whips and digging around in the fabric box for costuming materials for the theatre group he hopes/plans to get up and running once things re-open.

His girlfriend also slept late, although not quite as late as he did. She has been flitting about the house practicing music to record for . . . something. I haven't been looped in, but based on what she's rehearsing now and knowing something about the fall season of one of the local community theatres, I'm guessing she may be prepping a video audition.

My husband has sat in his recliner watching episode after episode of Agent Carter and playing a game on his tablet. He did take a break at some point to move to the couch for a nap. And, he has warmed up frozen foods for his lunch and dinner. Otherwise, though, it's pretty much like WALL-E in my living room.

So now it's 8:45 p.m. and I am flat out of ideas. And there's still another day of the weekend to go.

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Haven’t been on this daily thing for awhile, but today was OK

Kept waking up to the rain last night and this morning was rainy as well.  My husband took my daughter out for driving practice- she is over a year past the end of driver’s ed so if we can get the 50 hours in over this stay at home bit, it would be an accomplishment- they intended to get donuts, but our go to place and our backup place were both closed so they came home with bagels.

Husband then went to Costco when the opened and got toilet paper - we weren’t out, but now I don’t need to ration.

I got my walk in but it started to rain in the middle which wasn’t too fun.  I am jealous of the posts about starting gardens because up here it is still 6 weeks or so away.

After lunch the 6yo pestered everyone to play Catan.  We played it for the first time last night.

I finished my socks last week so today I did my gauge swatch for my new sweater, but also realized I needed new size needles for the cast on so that is postponed until Saturday 😞

I did get a nap and finished the load of laundry that made me angry yesterday - one of my children left Kleenex in a pocket and I had a whole load white flecked darks to deal with.  The second time through at least a $5 bill came out of the pocket.  I never did figure out the culprit.

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Two carry out orders from regional favorites.  One for dinner, other will be tomorrow’s brunch.  I had to travel 30 mins on interstate to them (everything is at least 30 mins/usually more).  It felt like a Christmas morning, traffic-wise.  So odd.  Then, there was the pick-up, it was even more odd.  But, focus.  Focus on family sharing great food, working on projects together, playing with the dog.

Tonight, DH and I are going to watch more Rick Steves’ Europe.  We had planned to go next year.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But, cuddling on the couch, while continuing to dream will be nice.

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The masks I'm making for our family are the easy pattern first put out by Deaconess (which I think is a hospital somewhere in the U.S.). Link below. I found the video very helpful. Then with the elastic shortage and because some providers can't wear elastic due to the latex, I decided to try the A.B. pattern designed by a nurse that has ties. Neither of these patterns has a pocket. Our hospital is now requesting that masks have a pocket because they have filter material they can insert to improve the protection. I will try linking the pattern that our local sewing group has developed and is encouraging us to now use.




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5 hours ago, StellaM said:

I have a question re the masks - where did you ladies get the pattern, and how hard are they for someone who has a machine and can use it, but doesn't, lol ?

I had never sewn anything before these masks. I started with the one example given on Joann Fabrics website. And then I fiddled with it and messed up on 2 before I got it down the way I think is better and easier. 

Edited by Murphy101
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