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Girl hangout ideas


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Sculpey Clay.  It doesn't dry out, can make intricate things with it and you can bake it for permanent display.  I always bought the bug variety packs from Hobby Lobby with the 40% off coupon.  Library also likely has idea books for sculpey creations.

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My girls are all grown up, but I love kid crafts.  I would print out construction paper craft ideas for whatever holiday is next.  Here are few other things that my girls loved:

Beads and strings to make bracelets. 

Friendship bracelet threads and ideas. 

Stamps and paper for card making.

Those melty bead things? (i just googled it - those are pearler beads!) 

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Girls love my craft closet. I keep it stocked it with all kinds of random stuff: wood craft sticks, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, pom-pom's, beads, low-temp glue guns, washable paints, markers, stamps, scrapbook paper, shaped paper punches, etc. Lately they've been enjoying making furniture for Barbies. 

Yes to Sculpey clay! This is the kind we like: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004BPLZCC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Very non-messy and easy to work with and bake!

Shrinky-Dinks are always satisfying. You can buy blank sheets of Shrinky Dink film.

Barbie dresses made from old socks are easy and fun! Lots of how-to videos on YouTube.

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Crafts and bins with clean recycling items (paper tubes, boxes, canisters, etc.) and idea books

FIMO clay (I think this is same as sculptey basically?) and youtube tutorial videos for bracelet charms, or "petshop" animals

Lego bin and ideas books

Petshop toys- I got a huge bin of these, used, from a friend and they always are a hit with visitors

My girls are in a BIG play mobil phase.  My son never went through a play mobil phase, but the girls and their friends love it (grades 2-5)

Comic books- we love Calvin and Hobbes and are about to try Pheobe and Her Unicorn.  My girls also read aloud with their friends, especially Ivy and Bean books right now.  

Story Prompt pictures or books or Story Cubes and writing materials

Board games like Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary for kids, Cranium for kids, etc.  


I love that your home is the hangout spot.  I try to do what I can to encourage the same atmosphere here.  

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