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The reason I dislike visiting my folks for Thanksgiving

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is the after Thanksgiving decorating. It would be one thing if she decorated like most people. But my mother has to go over the top. There is a Christmas tree in every room. And they are all themed. Her room is pointsettas, girls' room is ginger bread boys and girls, living room is pastles, dining room is "elegant", family room is the general everything tree, ds' usual room is trains, office is teddy bears, upstairs guest room is beach, "dad's" room is golf. And there is even a tree in the garage with tools on it. The garland in there is duct tape folded over. Then there are other decorations besides. And all the beds have new covers for Christmas. We've been putting stuff up since 9 this morning, it's now almost 3. I'm hiding in my room cause I need a break.


I get to go home and decorate my own house. After this I'm so looking forward to that - not. At least my tree is up.


There is a good side - at least no one is arguing with anyone else or getting too upset that the lights don't work. DH and dad have been working on lights as long as the rest of us have been decorating. It does look very nice when it's all over, but man it's a lot of work, and it's not even my house!

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is the after Thanksgiving decorating. It would be one thing if she decorated like most people. But my mother has to go over the top. There is a Christmas tree in every room. And they are all themed. Her room is pointsettas, girls' room is ginger bread boys and girls, living room is pastles, dining room is "elegant", family room is the general everything tree, ds' usual room is trains, office is teddy bears, upstairs guest room is beach, "dad's" room is golf. And there is even a tree in the garage with tools on it. The garland in there is duct tape folded over. Then there are other decorations besides. And all the beds have new covers for Christmas. We've been putting stuff up since 9 this morning, it's now almost 3. I'm hiding in my room cause I need a break.


I get to go home and decorate my own house. After this I'm so looking forward to that - not. At least my tree is up.


There is a good side - at least no one is arguing with anyone else or getting too upset that the lights don't work. DH and dad have been working on lights as long as the rest of us have been decorating. It does look very nice when it's all over, but man it's a lot of work, and it's not even my house!



WOW! That is a lot of Christmas.


I do "over the top" decorations as well . . . but I do my own.


I couldn't imagine decorating anyone else's house or even asking anyone to help me with mine. My poor son is the only workhorse I have. If it weren't for him . . . I don't think we'd have any decorations, LOL.

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This reminds me of "The Ten Tree Commandments" that someone on the board wrote a few years ago. I can't remember who wrote it? Was it Nicholson?




Rule #1: Thou shalt assemble the artificial tree and bend the branches for no less than one hour for a realistic appearance.


Rule #2: Then thou shalt apply the lights beginning at the top of the tree progessing to the bottom, taking the strand all the way to the center of the tree and out again on every single branch or thou wilt be smitten.


Rule #3: Concerning the number of lights. Thou shalt strive for the perfection and beauty of not less than 10 100 light strands for a total of 1000 lights. Less than this and it shall be proclaimed an "ugly" tree.


Rule #4: Thou shalt then begin apply the ornaments. Small ornaments shall go at the top. Large ornaments for the base. Thy tree must be proportional.




Rule #6: Thou shalt consider thy work no less than every three ornaments placed by standing back and looking for "holes" in thy tree. Fill the wretched holes with ornaments.


Rule #7: Thou shalt decorate the WHOLE tree front and back. Place the old scratched ornaments on the back of the tree lest it be naked.


Rule #8: After the ornaments come the garland. This must be artfully draped in even "swags". Then though shalt humor thy grandmother to come "adjust" the parts she condemns as uneven.


Rule #9: Lastly, though mayest apply tinsel to thy tree. NOT IN GREAT GOBS but by no more than 5 strands at one time. Then though must be a good steward of thy tinsel being ever watchful to not pass to closely by the tree, lest you remove the tinsel causing a bald spot.


Rule #10: Thou must promise on pain of death to return on New Year's Day to dismantle thy grandmother's tree or guilt wilt follow thou all the days of thy life.


Sorry guys... I'm not sure what came over me :) "

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that makes me think of a relative's house, we stopped celebrating Christmas at our house..but we still celebrate a little with the grandparents because they just can't handle it..anyways, after we stopped celebrating it was like this relative's house sneezed Christmas, it looks like Santa's house or something. They graduated to moving outdoor decorations INSIDE the house, ...it gets more crowded and stufffed with each year. I shudder thinking about it. We try to stay away now after thanksgiving. It used to be kind of nice at their house, now it is just way too much, it is overwhelming.

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[Adjusting her therapist hat]


So what's going on in dear old mom's head? Why does she need/want to do all that while her kid(s) are there?


If it were making my kids uncomfortable, I'd be noticing that and pulling it in a bit, or putting the whole thing off until I was alone and not bothering anyone.


This woman is beyond therapy. This is certifiably over the top; but fortunately, in a (mostly) benign sort of way.


I just hope to high heaven, Cheryl, that you are unscathed enough by this that you will be able, years from now, to appreciate the humor of the duct tape garland. Because the duct tape garland is... stinkin' hilarious.


You are a saint, too, by the way.

Edited by Nicole M
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This reminds me of "The Ten Tree Commandments" that someone on the board wrote a few years ago. I can't remember who wrote it? Was it Nicholson?




Rule #1: Thou shalt assemble the artificial tree and bend the branches for no less than one hour for a realistic appearance.



Oh wow. I do all of these things except then tinsel part. Does this make me a crazy person?

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I think it's kind of lovely.


I have always wished I could get a new themed Christmas tree every year. That's not gonna happen! But I wish it could.


Maybe I can join your mom for a year just to live vicariously through her??!


But, honey, please tell me you would stop before the duct tape.... Because it is lovely, right up to that point. Then it's... I don't even know that words describe what that is.

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LOL, Nicole!


You're right. The duct tape is not lovely!


And I wouldn't hold the family hostage to helping me. Maybe Mom doesn't know that everyone hates doing it. Maybe everyone is being so nice and polite and she thinks they're enjoying the tradition....


Time for someone to *cough, cough* come down with a cold and head home. Or better yet, get a "headache" and let mom make them some hot chocolate while they direct the decorating from the couch...

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This reminds me of "The Ten Tree Commandments" that someone on the board wrote a few years ago. I can't remember who wrote it? Was it Nicholson?




Rule #1: Thou shalt assemble the artificial tree and bend the branches for no less than one hour for a realistic appearance.


Rule #2: Then thou shalt apply the lights beginning at the top of the tree progessing to the bottom, taking the strand all the way to the center of the tree and out again on every single branch or thou wilt be smitten.


Rule #3: Concerning the number of lights. Thou shalt strive for the perfection and beauty of not less than 10 100 light strands for a total of 1000 lights. Less than this and it shall be proclaimed an "ugly" tree.


Rule #4: Thou shalt then begin apply the ornaments. Small ornaments shall go at the top. Large ornaments for the base. Thy tree must be proportional.




Rule #6: Thou shalt consider thy work no less than every three ornaments placed by standing back and looking for "holes" in thy tree. Fill the wretched holes with ornaments.


Rule #7: Thou shalt decorate the WHOLE tree front and back. Place the old scratched ornaments on the back of the tree lest it be naked.


Rule #8: After the ornaments come the garland. This must be artfully draped in even "swags". Then though shalt humor thy grandmother to come "adjust" the parts she condemns as uneven.


Rule #9: Lastly, though mayest apply tinsel to thy tree. NOT IN GREAT GOBS but by no more than 5 strands at one time. Then though must be a good steward of thy tinsel being ever watchful to not pass to closely by the tree, lest you remove the tinsel causing a bald spot.


Rule #10: Thou must promise on pain of death to return on New Year's Day to dismantle thy grandmother's tree or guilt wilt follow thou all the days of thy life.


Sorry guys... I'm not sure what came over me :) "


YES! Too funny! Who wrote this? It was her great aunt or something, right? Her name is right on my fingertips...Nicholson, was it?


Thanks for this again, Hillary!

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:001_huh: Oh my golly, I would be insane after an hour. But the garage tree with duct tape cracks me up. You are a saint, but why not have a headache and go home early next year?


A headache wouldn't send me home early- home is 4 hours away. Next year we will be at MIL house - one tree!

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Oh my goodness! What a palaver.


The duct tape garland has me in hysterics. I can't wait for DH to get home (with our tree) so I can share your Moms garage tree with him. You couldn't take a sneaky photo could you? Amuse us all?


The garage tree didn't get decorated while we were there. But the rest did get finished. OH! dad's new room didn't get decorated either. He bought his tv for the room and when you are dealing with a 46" tv, that has to go in and get settled before you decorate anything. So no pictures, sorry!


BUT I will be going back in 2 weeks to see my brother. Bro has limited funds and when he gets to either my house or mom's, the other tries really hard to go. I can try and take some secret pictures then.

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Wow, and I thought our neighbor's house at the end of the street was bad, with 20+ inflatable Christmas decorations bobbing about...!


The garage tree is funny in a cute way, as long as she doesn't take it all seriously. What does your dad think of all this?


As much as it is fun to visit during the holidays, there really is NO place like HOME!:001_smile:

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