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Well-Trained Bodies January 2020- Ring in the New Year with Exercise


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I'm getting a jump on the month/year as I know many(most) are already considering their goals and plans for the new year and we are just a few days away. 

Feel free to join, all are welcome, no matter your fitness level or aspirations.

Let us know your goals and plans. 


Edited by soror
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My fitness goals this year are increasing cardiovascular fitness and gaining strength and staying injury free and conquering an obstacle (or three).

I've signed up for 2 races- 5k Terrain RAce in March and 5k Spartan Spartan Sprint in August and plan a 6k trail run in April.

I've been doing Beachbody's Morning Meltdown along with the Ultimate Pullup Program but finish MM this week. I'm still trying to decide but at this point I believe I want to try out a free month of obstacle course training online and see how that goes. 

Nutrition goals are continue tweaking to fuel workouts and build muscle and staying as whole foods based as reasonable.

This week's workout plans:

3 lifting sessions- Ultimate Pull-up Program

7 Morning Meltdown workouts (2- HIIT, 1 - yoga, 1- Kickboxing (kind of), 1 core, 1 lower body, 1 full body HIIT and strength all 20-30 min long except last that is 50+)

1 - 1 mile run w/ incline walk assuming my toe lets me, I thought I broke it but perhaps it was just a bad bruise, it still hurts but in shoes I've been able to do more and more, we'll see


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Mostly more of the same: yoga, Nordic Walking, brisk walks.  I'm going to try to do the Adriene 30-day yoga in January, and I've just discovered a new form of exercise: wild swimming.  First swim in the North Sea today - it was good.  Not nearly as cold as I expected.  Actually managed to swim a bit.  I'm in the black cap and black cozzy on the left:

Edited by Laura Corin
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I'm also considering some numerical goals- like 200 workouts a year and maybe a number of miles walked/hiked/ran. My personal minimum goal is 2 workout sessions per week, barring illness, I only got that low a few times this year mostly I was at at least 3, and in the last couple of months I've been exercising 6 days a week. No idea my goal on walking, I want to keep my steps average to 10k+ but most of that is just around the house, I don't count those as 'walks' just steps. I got a new journal for Christmas and am trying to decide how to set it up, do I want a special section to log walks/runs or just put them all together? IDK

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Just now, soror said:

@Laura Corin Wow, you did it, I am in awe, that is amazing. I am somewhat terrified of the ocean and not much of a swimmer. You are a rockstar! Is there a swim club you can join regularly or will it mostly be on your own?

It's just a local Facebook group.  When someone is going swimming, they post and others join if they can.  I'll probably only swim in company for as long as the weather's cold - sounds safer that way.  Maybe swim on my own in the 'summer' (so called).

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I’m calling my fitness goal 20/2020, to lose 20 pounds in 2020. Breaking this down, my goal is to row on my rowing machine at least 100,000 meters a month, and keep my average daily calories to 1450. I have learned that for me, cutting or majorly reducing any major food group (low-carb, keto, vegetarian, etc) just doesn’t work long-term. So I am focusing more on planning out my meals, having lots of healthy options available and ready, and being more deliberate about what I eat. 

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I like the idea of 20 themed goals. 20 work outs a month? Try 20 different forms of exercise this year? I'll have to think about that. 

I just started Whole 30, which I plan on using to reset my eating. From my anniversary to Christmas was a bit of a train wreck. 

For workouts, I'm bracing for the nursing school adjustment. Ideally I would get to the Y 4-5 times a week, but I don't see that happening during the school year.

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5 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Mostly more of the same: yoga, Nordic Walking, brisk walks.  I'm going to try to do the Adriene 30-day yoga in January, and I've just discovered a new form of exercise: wild swimming.  First swim in the North Sea today - it was good.  Not nearly as cold as I expected.  Actually managed to swim a bit.  I'm in the black cap and black cozzy on the left:

Congratulations for a successful polar bear swim!!!!  I think your body was numb so you were tricked into thinking it wasn't that cold. đŸ˜‰Â  I want to know whether a "cozzy" is a swimsuit?  I'm having a celebratory apple cider on your behalf!  You rock!  (And I'm glad that there are no oceans in my area and no one attempts swimming outdoors in the winter!)

Edited by wintermom
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My plan for the next 6 months is to work on home-improvements before our move to CO. I'll be sanding, painting, caulking, flooring and other fun stuff which will require lots of time and physical energy. To off-set this "fun" stuff, I'll need to get daily outdoor walks/snowshoe/skate ski sessions and indoor tennis so I don't lose my mind. đŸ˜‰

I'll be working on continuing to eat healthy food that I'm not allergic to - again without losing my mind because the list of foods I can eat is pretty limited. 

Overall, I will try to keep some humour in my life, try to be more positive and calm (that's a struggle!), sleep a little longer at night and eventually feel less stressed. 

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6 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Congratulations for a successful polar bear swim!!!!  I think your body was numb so you were tricked into thinking it wasn't that cold. đŸ˜‰Â  I want to know whether a "cozzy" is a swimsuit?  I'm having a celebratory apple cider on your behalf!  You rock!  (And I'm glad that there are no oceans in my area and no one attempts swimming outdoors in the winter!)

Yes, cozzy for 'swimming costume'. I stubbed my toe and scraped my thigh getting out, but I seem otherwise unscathed.  There's a swim on January 1st; I'll see what the air temperature is like.

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1 minute ago, Laura Corin said:

Yes, cozzy for 'swimming costume'. I stubbed my toe and scraped my thigh getting out, but I seem otherwise unscathed.  There's a swim on January 1st; I'll see what the air temperature is like.

I initially thought it was a "cozy" as in cozy and warm. I was looking for something that could help you keep warm in the water, you know, like a tea cozy.Â đŸ˜‚

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2 hours ago, PinkTulip said:

I’m calling my fitness goal 20/2020, to lose 20 pounds in 2020. Breaking this down, my goal is to row on my rowing machine at least 100,000 meters a month, and keep my average daily calories to 1450. I have learned that for me, cutting or majorly reducing any major food group (low-carb, keto, vegetarian, etc) just doesn’t work long-term. So I am focusing more on planning out my meals, having lots of healthy options available and ready, and being more deliberate about what I eat. 

Great goals, nice to see you again, seems you are still kicking butt with your rowing!! Love your food plans, I don't eat a particular diet either, whole foods is my goal, fueling for my activity.

18 minutes ago, sassenach said:

I like the idea of 20 themed goals. 20 work outs a month? Try 20 different forms of exercise this year? I'll have to think about that. 

I just started Whole 30, which I plan on using to reset my eating. From my anniversary to Christmas was a bit of a train wreck. 

For workouts, I'm bracing for the nursing school adjustment. Ideally I would get to the Y 4-5 times a week, but I don't see that happening during the school year.

Nice to see you, I think it is very smart to think of re-calibrating your goals to work for your busy season, fall is that time for me but this year went this smoothest yet as I was ready for it, I let it be a slower season, kept up with minimal goals, and got more in when I could. Best wishes figuring out the best goals for you.


1 minute ago, wintermom said:

My plan for the next 6 months is to work on home-improvements before our move to CO. I'll be sanding, painting, caulking, flooring and other fun stuff which will require lots of time and physical energy. To off-set this "fun" stuff, I'll need to get daily outdoor walks/snowshoe/skate ski sessions and indoor tennis so I don't lose my mind. đŸ˜‰

I'll be working on continuing to eat healthy food that I'm not allergic to - again without losing my mind because the list of foods I can eat is pretty limited. 

Overall, I will try to keep some humour in my life, try to be more positive and calm (that's a struggle!), sleep a little longer at night and eventually feel less stressed. 

Great goals, sleeping longer and less stress are on my list too.


Dd did a 2 mile walk this am but mostly I've been pretty lazy today. Took a long nap, searched out recipes, surfed the internet, etc.

Oh, and we are planning a family hike for the 1st, the parks here are promoting first day hikes and I thought it sounded like a great idea. We used to hike so much more but with dh in college and so much less time we hardly got out last year, I REALLY want to get out there more. I'd like to get out once a month (more would be nice but trying to make it somewhat attainable). Even that I don't know if I can hit, if he starts working Sat. again then all he has is Sun to catch up on homework, it sucks for him and us. I need to talk to friends to see if I can find others to hike with.

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1 minute ago, soror said:

Great goals, nice to see you again, seems you are still kicking butt with your rowing!! Love your food plans, I don't eat a particular diet either, whole foods is my goal, fueling for my activity.

Nice to see you, I think it is very smart to think of re-calibrating your goals to work for your busy season, fall is that time for me but this year went this smoothest yet as I was ready for it, I let it be a slower season, kept up with minimal goals, and got more in when I could. Best wishes figuring out the best goals for you.


Great goals, sleeping longer and less stress are on my list too.


Dd did a 2 mile walk this am but mostly I've been pretty lazy today. Took a long nap, searched out recipes, surfed the internet, etc.

Oh, and we are planning a family hike for the 1st, the parks here are promoting first day hikes and I thought it sounded like a great idea. We used to hike so much more but with dh in college and so much less time we hardly got out last year, I REALLY want to get out there more. I'd like to get out once a month (more would be nice but trying to make it somewhat attainable). Even that I don't know if I can hit, if he starts working Sat. again then all he has is Sun to catch up on homework, it sucks for him and us. I need to talk to friends to see if I can find others to hike with.

That's great your dd was able to get out and walk so far!  I wish I could join you for your hiking!  What kind of terrain is available for the hikes in your area? Do you have to travel far? Nearby my home it's flat with mixed forest (I love the evergreen trees!), but I can drive 40 minutes for more hilly/rocky trains and an escarpment to climb. 

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So, I joined a gym and went today for the first time. I was a member until I gave birth to DD2, in fact I was doing Zumba classes and water aerobics right up until the end! I look back at pictures of me pregnant and I was in SO much better shape - it is a bit embarrassing to realize you looked better and felt healthier 9 months pregnant at age 41 than you do now, 2 yrs postpartum!

No real goal set yet regarding workouts - but if I had to be pinned down I'd say 3 workouts a week, plus some extra walking with the dogs. I'd also like to stretch daily. 

Other fitness related goals are:

to get more sleep (looked at my fitbit data and realized I've only gotten 8 hours of sleep once in the past 4 months! Average is more like 6 hours, with plenty under that. Not acceptable. 

lose 20 pounds (although I'd be happy with 15)

eat in a way that is appropriate for a bariatric patient (it's been so long I had to pull up my old blog to see what I used to eat when I was on track. I'd truly forgotten. And I'd been sucked into various fads, etc that never lasted more than a few hours, lol. What works for me as a bariatric patient is to eat protein first, make half my plate veggies, use the small appetizer plates, avoid sugar, etc. I need to remember that doing those things WORKED so as to not fall for whatever new thing is being pushed. Oh, and not drinking while eating. 

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Everybody's goals are great!  I love reading them.

Warning, my goals are boring and all about just continuing what I've been doing, haha.  Keep working toward my black belt test in the spring.  Keep progressing with strength training.  Stay the course with my daily eating plan and my weekly workout routine.

I think I may need to tweak my calories or macros a little...maybe I'll post what I've been doing/eating and see what y'all think.  I like it that I'm still slowly dropping a little body fat, but I seem to be having some energy crashes and anxiety that usually means something's not quite right.  Maybe I'm not sleeping enough and that is stressing my body, not sure.  Overall, though, I'm really happy with how far I've come this year and just plan to keep on keepin' on, hopefully avoiding injury so that I can rock my black belt test! 

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2 hours ago, PinkTulip said:

I’m calling my fitness goal 20/2020, to lose 20 pounds in 2020. Breaking this down, my goal is to row on my rowing machine at least 100,000 meters a month, and keep my average daily calories to 1450. I have learned that for me, cutting or majorly reducing any major food group (low-carb, keto, vegetarian, etc) just doesn’t work long-term. So I am focusing more on planning out my meals, having lots of healthy options available and ready, and being more deliberate about what I eat. 


I think you have great goals and a great plan.  Meal planning, being aware of calories, and keeping my activity level up really helped me reach my goals last year.

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26 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

So, I joined a gym and went today for the first time. I was a member until I gave birth to DD2, in fact I was doing Zumba classes and water aerobics right up until the end! I look back at pictures of me pregnant and I was in SO much better shape - it is a bit embarrassing to realize you looked better and felt healthier 9 months pregnant at age 41 than you do now, 2 yrs postpartum!

No real goal set yet regarding workouts - but if I had to be pinned down I'd say 3 workouts a week, plus some extra walking with the dogs. I'd also like to stretch daily. 

Other fitness related goals are:

to get more sleep (looked at my fitbit data and realized I've only gotten 8 hours of sleep once in the past 4 months! Average is more like 6 hours, with plenty under that. Not acceptable. 

lose 20 pounds (although I'd be happy with 15)

eat in a way that is appropriate for a bariatric patient (it's been so long I had to pull up my old blog to see what I used to eat when I was on track. I'd truly forgotten. And I'd been sucked into various fads, etc that never lasted more than a few hours, lol. What works for me as a bariatric patient is to eat protein first, make half my plate veggies, use the small appetizer plates, avoid sugar, etc. I need to remember that doing those things WORKED so as to not fall for whatever new thing is being pushed. Oh, and not drinking while eating. 


Way to go getting back in the gym! 

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Wow, you gals have some great goals. Mine are baby goals as I have never managed any type of exercise program more than a few months. However, I have found something new that is lots of fun and easy to do. It's called Body Groove. It's basically dancing but she does workouts in 4-5 minute segments. So I tried to do her 30-day challenge and each day is 30 minutes long. After a week of working out, the longest I've lasted is 20 minutes. I'm thinking this challenge is going to take me a lot longer than 30 days. But that's okay because I'm moving.

I've discovered I'm not walking as much as I had thought I was. I had to get a new Fitbit and it's like a watch so I wear it on my wrist. I'm a cashier. I move my arms a lot. Those movements register on my Fitbit as steps. So I have no way of knowing exactly how many steps I'm getting and how many arm movements I'm doing. So I'm not sure I should think of my regular daily movements as exercise of even the smallest form. 

My goal for the end of the year is to workout 5 days a week, 30 minutes. She does yoga too so I'd like to mix up my exercise by doing yoga on some days. I'm starting slowly though. Right now I'm doing 5 days but I'm doing 2-3 segments of Body Groove so that's about 8 - 12 minutes a day. I can handle that much. I thought about doing 3 days a week and trying to go for longer, but I know I won't stick to that because the session will be hard and I'll start dreading it and quit.

I may post sporadically as I haven't been spending nearly as much time on the computer as usual. I wish you all the best with your goals!

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10 hours ago, angelaguptathomas said:

I am an avid yogi.  In my 30th year I now have more time and desire to devote to challenging asanas.

Some of my yoga pose goals before I have my 52 birthday in July are: press up to handstand; king pigeon, full splits, tighter and stronger backbend, and jump through.

(Those of you who know yoga may recognize these non-Sanscrit asana poses)

Welcome Angela! Those are some impressive goals, you are a strong lady. I always wanted to press to a handstand but have not worked on it in ages.

11 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

So, I joined a gym and went today for the first time. I was a member until I gave birth to DD2, in fact I was doing Zumba classes and water aerobics right up until the end! I look back at pictures of me pregnant and I was in SO much better shape - it is a bit embarrassing to realize you looked better and felt healthier 9 months pregnant at age 41 than you do now, 2 yrs postpartum!

No real goal set yet regarding workouts - but if I had to be pinned down I'd say 3 workouts a week, plus some extra walking with the dogs. I'd also like to stretch daily. 

Other fitness related goals are:

to get more sleep (looked at my fitbit data and realized I've only gotten 8 hours of sleep once in the past 4 months! Average is more like 6 hours, with plenty under that. Not acceptable. 

lose 20 pounds (although I'd be happy with 15)

eat in a way that is appropriate for a bariatric patient (it's been so long I had to pull up my old blog to see what I used to eat when I was on track. I'd truly forgotten. And I'd been sucked into various fads, etc that never lasted more than a few hours, lol. What works for me as a bariatric patient is to eat protein first, make half my plate veggies, use the small appetizer plates, avoid sugar, etc. I need to remember that doing those things WORKED so as to not fall for whatever new thing is being pushed. Oh, and not drinking while eating. 

Welcome! It is very easy to get sucked in to this or that but you know what works, keep on the blinders, this is something I've been working on to. Sleep is such a tough one with motherhood, I'm right there with you, been trying to get more, my hormones thwart me.

11 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Everybody's goals are great!  I love reading them.

Warning, my goals are boring and all about just continuing what I've been doing, haha.  Keep working toward my black belt test in the spring.  Keep progressing with strength training.  Stay the course with my daily eating plan and my weekly workout routine.

I think I may need to tweak my calories or macros a little...maybe I'll post what I've been doing/eating and see what y'all think.  I like it that I'm still slowly dropping a little body fat, but I seem to be having some energy crashes and anxiety that usually means something's not quite right.  Maybe I'm not sleeping enough and that is stressing my body, not sure.  Overall, though, I'm really happy with how far I've come this year and just plan to keep on keepin' on, hopefully avoiding injury so that I can rock my black belt test! 

Keep on, keeping on, and a black belt is in no way boring! Keep with what works.

From what you've said I'd guess you aren't eating enough, knowing how active you are. I've got to tweak a bit too, I've been dropping a bit despite some holiday indulgences for day to day when I don't have those times of indulgences I obviously need a bit more. I re-inputed my info into the PN calculator for maintenance instead of body recomp but then it seemed to be too much, IDK I need to look at it again. 

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Today's plan: strength training this morning (the rest of the plates for my adjustable dumbbells came!) and CKD class tonight.  The dojang was closed all last week so I'm looking forward to getting back on the mat!  I slept terribly, though, so I'm going to try hard for a nap today at some point to recharge beforehand.

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1 minute ago, Night Elf said:

Wow, you gals have some great goals. Mine are baby goals as I have never managed any type of exercise program more than a few months. However, I have found something new that is lots of fun and easy to do. It's called Body Groove. It's basically dancing but she does workouts in 4-5 minute segments. So I tried to do her 30-day challenge and each day is 30 minutes long. After a week of working out, the longest I've lasted is 20 minutes. I'm thinking this challenge is going to take me a lot longer than 30 days. But that's okay because I'm moving.

I've discovered I'm not walking as much as I had thought I was. I had to get a new Fitbit and it's like a watch so I wear it on my wrist. I'm a cashier. I move my arms a lot. Those movements register on my Fitbit as steps. So I have no way of knowing exactly how many steps I'm getting and how many arm movements I'm doing. So I'm not sure I should think of my regular daily movements as exercise of even the smallest form. 

My goal for the end of the year is to workout 5 days a week, 30 minutes. She does yoga too so I'd like to mix up my exercise by doing yoga on some days. I'm starting slowly though. Right now I'm doing 5 days but I'm doing 2-3 segments of Body Groove so that's about 8 - 12 minutes a day. I can handle that much. I thought about doing 3 days a week and trying to go for longer, but I know I won't stick to that because the session will be hard and I'll start dreading it and quit.

I may post sporadically as I haven't been spending nearly as much time on the computer as usual. I wish you all the best with your goals!

Welcome Beth! Starting slowly is a great plan for success. I know fitbit counting arm movements as steps is annoying, I take mine off doing activities where I'm just moving my arms like folding clothes.

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3 minutes ago, soror said:


From what you've said I'd guess you aren't eating enough, knowing how active you are. I've got to tweak a bit too, I've been dropping a bit despite some holiday indulgences for day to day when I don't have those times of indulgences I obviously need a bit more. I re-inputed my info into the PN calculator for maintenance instead of body recomp but then it seemed to be too much, IDK I need to look at it again. 


I think we're in the same boat!  When I put in maintenance it's like, dang.  That's a lot and I don't want to backtrack.  But as I was looking back through my fitness log, I realized that I dropped weight right after Thanksgiving and right after Christmas, times during which I ate more than usual for a day or two but didn't go crazy.  So that might be a clue that everything would go better if I upped my intake a little.  I just have a hard time with doing anything "a little," lol.  I can do it (I think), it's just hard.

You're probably going to need to eat more as you ramp up training for the obstacle course I bet.

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29 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Today's plan: strength training this morning (the rest of the plates for my adjustable dumbbells came!) and CKD class tonight.  The dojang was closed all last week so I'm looking forward to getting back on the mat!  I slept terribly, though, so I'm going to try hard for a nap today at some point to recharge beforehand.

Ya for new equipment and CKD, it is nice to get back to routine. The kids are off TKD tomorrow but are back at it Thurs, I'll be happy to get my routine back, although I'm afraid the gym will be a mad house. I slept horribly too, probably too big of a nap. I laid down in time to get 8 hrs, ended up with a hair over 5, definite nap for me too.

18 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


I think we're in the same boat!  When I put in maintenance it's like, dang.  That's a lot and I don't want to backtrack.  But as I was looking back through my fitness log, I realized that I dropped weight right after Thanksgiving and right after Christmas, times during which I ate more than usual for a day or two but didn't go crazy.  So that might be a clue that everything would go better if I upped my intake a little.  I just have a hard time with doing anything "a little," lol.  I can do it (I think), it's just hard.

You're probably going to need to eat more as you ramp up training for the obstacle course I bet.

I know it is hard to adjust when things have been working and you are used to how they are. I had to increase when I upped exercise already and am still not there and am still working on my training plan, so who knows, I foresee lots more tweaking in my future.

Today's plan is 2 MM workouts- Fight Club (done) and Core here shortly.

DD1 has decided to start C25K so I'll go with her, and try running a bit and see how the toe does. I had been working on just increasing my time running (until the toe injury) but was reading about the Galloway method yesterday that intentionally keeps breaks of walking in the run, to help with injury prevention and also increased speed. I'm intrigued. So, I don't think I'll do the full C25k plan with her, with all the other exercise I do but I'd like to at least walk out there while she's at it, more walking would be good.

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48 minutes ago, soror said:

Welcome Beth! Starting slowly is a great plan for success. I know fitbit counting arm movements as steps is annoying, I take mine off doing activities where I'm just moving my arms like folding clothes.

Wait..so am i the only one who thinks that counting arm movements is totally fair, lol? Like, I'm still moving, which to me is the point. 

I did take it off though when mowing the lawn as I realized the vibrations from the mower were likely to over count, so I'm not a total cheat, lol. (normally I use the manual mower so not an issue)

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So...I thought I took it easy when I worked out yesterday, but woke up sore. I am one of those people that gets DOMS really really easily- I've even gotten it from a firm massage - anyone have advice for that? I ALWAYS get it the first time I work out after a long break, and even taking it easy yesterday I feel it starting. Mostly the inner thighs which makes sense I guess, I never have done the hip adductor/abductor machine before so that was totally new. Normally I just do squats and such but supposedly those machines are good for SI joint stabilization so I did them. and now I'm paying for it, lol. 

I did however find some good info on muscle release/self massage for SI joint issues last night - turns out my IT band on that side is super tight so I worked on that - ouch! I also learned that I'm not crazy, it probably IS the front of my body that is causing all this. Psoas and other hip flexors can pull things out of wack, so back to stretching and massaging those areas. 

As for sleep, I told DH no nookie last night - I was going to bed! Took some melatonin and went to sleep, but woke up with sore legs a few times, and then DD2 wanted to nurse and at one point got woken up by the cat sitting on the TV remote and making it make noise, lol. 

Ate really well yesterday until that 2am wake up to turn off the TV - then I ate the last gingerbread man that DD had made and then was still hungry and had a Luna bar and some tortilla chips. I have no will power at 2am!

Today I want to go back to the gym and introduce DD2 to the kids club area - the other kids remember going years ago but she's never been left with anyone other than DH or my mom. This may be...interesting, lol. I'm hoping that having her brother and sister there will help her adjust. Prayers welcome!

As for exercise, I'm thinking walking on the treadmill for today, then upper body tomorrow. Or maybe a class today, I'll see what is offered. 

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2 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

So...I thought I took it easy when I worked out yesterday, but woke up sore. I am one of those people that gets DOMS really really easily- I've even gotten it from a firm massage - anyone have advice for that? I ALWAYS get it the first time I work out after a long break, and even taking it easy yesterday I feel it starting. Mostly the inner thighs which makes sense I guess, I never have done the hip adductor/abductor machine before so that was totally new. Normally I just do squats and such but supposedly those machines are good for SI joint stabilization so I did them. and now I'm paying for it, lol. 

I did however find some good info on muscle release/self massage for SI joint issues last night - turns out my IT band on that side is super tight so I worked on that - ouch! I also learned that I'm not crazy, it probably IS the front of my body that is causing all this. Psoas and other hip flexors can pull things out of wack, so back to stretching and massaging those areas. 

As for sleep, I told DH no nookie last night - I was going to bed! Took some melatonin and went to sleep, but woke up with sore legs a few times, and then DD2 wanted to nurse and at one point got woken up by the cat sitting on the TV remote and making it make noise, lol. 

Ate really well yesterday until that 2am wake up to turn off the TV - then I ate the last gingerbread man that DD had made and then was still hungry and had a Luna bar and some tortilla chips. I have no will power at 2am!

Today I want to go back to the gym and introduce DD2 to the kids club area - the other kids remember going years ago but she's never been left with anyone other than DH or my mom. This may be...interesting, lol. I'm hoping that having her brother and sister there will help her adjust. Prayers welcome!

As for exercise, I'm thinking walking on the treadmill for today, then upper body tomorrow. Or maybe a class today, I'll see what is offered. 

I get soreness easy too, try hot baths w/ epsom salts and magnesium, make sure to stretch after your workout too. Not enough sleep always makes eating well more challenging, I hope we all sleep well tonight.

2 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

Wait..so am i the only one who thinks that counting arm movements is totally fair, lol? Like, I'm still moving, which to me is the point. 

I did take it off though when mowing the lawn as I realized the vibrations from the mower were likely to over count, so I'm not a total cheat, lol. (normally I use the manual mower so not an issue)

LOL, my goal is more steps, that's why I take it off but everybody has their own goals, do what works for you. 


Exercise done for the day- Fight Club(kickboxing 'ish') 25 min; Core 23 min; Couch to 5K W1D1- 30 min (warm up and cool down 5 min easy walking- 8 sets -60 sec run/90sec walk

Finished run/walk w/ dd- I was glad I went with her as she needed some motivation on the last couple of sets she has some cardio endurance from TKD but with the weather colder hasn't been biking as much. It was pretty easy for me, but that is what I was going for, so I might just keep at it. 


gf bagel w/ cheese( i'm out of my fav bread I eat w/ almond butter.) 

breakfast: 2/3 cup plain steel cut oats; 1 apple chopped; 2/3 c. ff greek yogurt, 1T pb

Edited by soror
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On 12/29/2019 at 11:04 AM, soror said:

My fitness goals this year are increasing cardiovascular fitness and gaining strength and staying injury free and conquering an obstacle (or three).

I've signed up for 2 races- 5k Terrain RAce in March and 5k Spartan Spartan Sprint in August and plan a 6k trail run in April.

I've been doing Beachbody's Morning Meltdown along with the Ultimate Pullup Program but finish MM this week. I'm still trying to decide but at this point I believe I want to try out a free month of obstacle course training online and see how that goes. 

Nutrition goals are continue tweaking to fuel workouts and build muscle and staying as whole foods based as reasonable.

This week's workout plans:

3 lifting sessions- Ultimate Pull-up Program

7 Morning Meltdown workouts (2- HIIT, 1 - yoga, 1- Kickboxing (kind of), 1 core, 1 lower body, 1 full body HIIT and strength all 20-30 min long except last that is 50+)

1 - 1 mile run w/ incline walk assuming my toe lets me, I thought I broke it but perhaps it was just a bad bruise, it still hurts but in shoes I've been able to do more and more, we'll see


Wonderful goals! Keep that injury-free part in focus. Pain from injury will mess with sleep, being able to exercise and participate in those lovely races you have planned, and driving dc around to all their activities. Just a friendly tip from me, who has done stupid things and gotten injured.Â đŸ˜‚

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18 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Wonderful goals! Keep that injury-free part in focus. Pain from injury will mess with sleep, being able to exercise and participate in those lovely races you have planned, and driving dc around to all their activities. Just a friendly tip from me, who has done stupid things and gotten injured.Â đŸ˜‚

LOL, I'm going to try and avoid stupid things but you know how things go!!!

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8 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I stupidly fell over the edge of a concrete slipway yesterday, getting out of the sea, and now I can't Nordic Walk. My toe is black and blue.

So it wasn't the cold water that got you, it was the concrete and bare feet. Poor you! Next time wear some kind of footwear to firm up your grip and protect the toes. (((hugs)))

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16 minutes ago, seekinghim45 said:

I guess my goals are to keep walking, drink water and somehow add strength training.   Walked 2 1/2 miles this morning... a little less than the 3.5/4 I do at home, but I had to go to the bathroom and no trees here in suburbia for me to use. ( Live in a rural area at home on 50 acres). 

You don't have to do anything different than your daily chores to add in strength work. Just wear heavier footwear, carry light weights (e.g., grocery bags, ski poles - as in Nordic walking), when you walk. Don't take a grocery cart but carry a basket around the store. Carry things instead of letting others carry them for you. Walk up and down the stairs more often. Hand mix things instead of letting electric mixers do the job. Little things like this will all add up over time. Soon you will be stronger than any lazy people in your family!Â đŸ˜‚

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4 minutes ago, wintermom said:

So it wasn't the cold water that got you, it was the concrete and bare feet. Poor you! Next time wear some kind of footwear to firm up your grip and protect the toes. (((hugs)))

I'm looking at neoprene booties. I'd forgotten the slipway extended out to sea, and was probably a bit giddy from the cold.

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I've put a couple of pounds on over the holiday, which is to be expected since I think I've kind of figured I have some buffer now and haven't been as strict as some past years where I was thinking "I can't gain a single pound because I'm already almost obese!"  So, I think I'll do one of those 2-week no-sugar detoxes to kick off the year and get me back on track.  I think I have one more holiday thing to go to, so right after that.

Did I already do a new year's goals thing in the last thread, or did I just think about it, lol?  At the risk of repeat, other than a reset to non-holiday eating norms, I'm going to continue at OT 5x/week, and I think in the new year I'll buy a 10-class card at my old Pilates studio and try to go there 2x/month.  Want to go back to outdoor rowing this summer, and since last year's masters sweep program was chaotic, I'm going to try to get more active in my rowing club and see what I can do to help build the program so we have a good summer.

I'd like to keep getting stronger and faster, but without injury.  As I look around, I'm lifting heavy weights compared to most in my classes (I was literally the only one who went to the heavy weight rack today) but then I see what some of you here are doing and am thinking there's a lot farther I could go!  Those are some impressive goals some of you have!  Woot!

And I've started running on the treads - I'm kind of shocked how fast I can go just starting, but I think that whole year of walking fast uphill has really kicked in my endurance.  But the whole reason I didn't run for so long is I know so many people who have killed their knees, and I really don't want to injure myself - I've never had knee problems, and this is not the time to start. I have literally never run in my life before, so I am clueless about anything technical.  I have noticed my knees are a bit sore after running (at the top, like above the kneecap where it attaches to the quad).  It doesn't hurt, it's just a bit sore there.  Is that just getting used to running?  Is there something I should be doing that would help or prevent this? Is this something I should worry about? I talked to the coach today, and she told me the back of the tread is springier, so I'll try to stay back there, and I do notice a bit of a (good) difference if I bounce more/lift legs higher as I run.  I've been trying to have my footstrike be mid-foot -  I think that's supposed to be better than heel? Maybe I should get new shoes?  My shoes were pretty new when I started at OT, but now it's been a year, so some new ones are probably in order?  I typically go 1.5 - 2 miles on the treads during a class, depending on whether I'm walking or running.  I still walk all inclines.  Any tips from runners?  I could go back to walking, but it appears I enjoy pushing myself...

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On 12/29/2019 at 11:48 AM, Laura Corin said:

Mostly more of the same: yoga, Nordic Walking, brisk walks.  I'm going to try to do the Adriene 30-day yoga in January, and I've just discovered a new form of exercise: wild swimming.  First swim in the North Sea today - it was good.  Not nearly as cold as I expected.  Actually managed to swim a bit.  I'm in the black cap and black cozzy on the left:

I am so impressed that you did that!!!  

Let's just say that's not on my list of goals for the year, lol!  I find the sea a bit frigid even in the summer!

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Goals for the year:  

- more running (realistically, 3-4x a week).  A part of me wants to run every day and go for a streak but that is probably not a realistic goal.  My soon-to-be 13 year old went out on his first solo run this week and did great, and that allowed me to go out later and have my "me" time still.  I hope we can do some running together and some apart.  

- Some bodyweight exercise 1-2x a week

- continue Whole Foods Plant Based Eating.  I've been doing this for a few weeks now, with meat/dairy intake at about 1x a week.  I'm enjoying it, though I can't say I feel particularly different.  There has been enough holiday indulgences that there has also been no scale movement, but I'm hopeful things will go down a bit after tomorrow.  I have been very inspired by How Not to Die and How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Gregor.  

These are not yet SMART goals, but I'm hoping to sit down and brainstorm a bit tomorrow.  Being less of a procrastinator is NOT a goal for 2020. Â đŸ¤£

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32 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

I've put a couple of pounds on over the holiday, which is to be expected since I think I've kind of figured I have some buffer now and haven't been as strict as some past years where I was thinking "I can't gain a single pound because I'm already almost obese!"  So, I think I'll do one of those 2-week no-sugar detoxes to kick off the year and get me back on track.  I think I have one more holiday thing to go to, so right after that.

Did I already do a new year's goals thing in the last thread, or did I just think about it, lol?  At the risk of repeat, other than a reset to non-holiday eating norms, I'm going to continue at OT 5x/week, and I think in the new year I'll buy a 10-class card at my old Pilates studio and try to go there 2x/month.  Want to go back to outdoor rowing this summer, and since last year's masters sweep program was chaotic, I'm going to try to get more active in my rowing club and see what I can do to help build the program so we have a good summer.

I'd like to keep getting stronger and faster, but without injury.  As I look around, I'm lifting heavy weights compared to most in my classes (I was literally the only one who went to the heavy weight rack today) but then I see what some of you here are doing and am thinking there's a lot farther I could go!  Those are some impressive goals some of you have!  Woot!

And I've started running on the treads - I'm kind of shocked how fast I can go just starting, but I think that whole year of walking fast uphill has really kicked in my endurance.  But the whole reason I didn't run for so long is I know so many people who have killed their knees, and I really don't want to injure myself - I've never had knee problems, and this is not the time to start. I have literally never run in my life before, so I am clueless about anything technical.  I have noticed my knees are a bit sore after running (at the top, like above the kneecap where it attaches to the quad).  It doesn't hurt, it's just a bit sore there.  Is that just getting used to running?  Is there something I should be doing that would help or prevent this? Is this something I should worry about? I talked to the coach today, and she told me the back of the tread is springier, so I'll try to stay back there, and I do notice a bit of a (good) difference if I bounce more/lift legs higher as I run.  I've been trying to have my footstrike be mid-foot -  I think that's supposed to be better than heel? Maybe I should get new shoes?  My shoes were pretty new when I started at OT, but now it's been a year, so some new ones are probably in order?  I typically go 1.5 - 2 miles on the treads during a class, depending on whether I'm walking or running.  I still walk all inclines.  Any tips from runners?  I could go back to walking, but it appears I enjoy pushing myself...

Don't run every day, and yes I bet you need new shoes! Look at the sides of them - are there "wrinkles" in the foam sole? If so, time to get new ones. 

I don't know much else, but I'd say ask at a running store near you, or check for a club if you want to get started. Runners are the NICEST people. (cyclers, on the other hand, have a very different reputation, lol). Seriously, they love helping new people to the sport (but expect to be signed up for a 5K before you know it!). 


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So, the kids did great at the gym Kids Club! I'm so relieved! I prepped the 2 yr old on how she'd get to play and her sister and brother would be there, and that I'd be in the next room and come back soon. She didn't cry at all! On the other hand, DS7 had a melt down and didn't want to go - his PANDAS is flaring lately and he gets where he wants to stay home all the time when it does. I talked to him, promised a treat afterward, told him where I'd be in comparison to him, told him he could ask the teacher to call me on the intercom if he needed me, etc etc and we got him there. And of course, he had a blast once he was there. He'd gone before but it had been 2 years and he forgot, goofy boy! It's a place where he can run and climb and be silly and he loves it. 

Oh, and when I picked up the kids the woman in charge pulled me aside and said, "your kids are SO good!". Yay!

I got her name, shook hands with her, etc and chatted a bit as they got their shoes, and I feel she will do well with them. 

I only did the treadmill, 22 minutes with some hills, walking, but I didn't want to be too long in case things were not going well for the kids. I did, however, use the sauna again - bliss!a

And then we discovered that there is a health food store in the same plaza that carries all our favorite gluten free stuff! So DS was super excited about that. 

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8 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Don't run every day, and yes I bet you need new shoes! Look at the sides of them - are there "wrinkles" in the foam sole? If so, time to get new ones. 

I don't know much else, but I'd say ask at a running store near you, or check for a club if you want to get started. Runners are the NICEST people. (cyclers, on the other hand, have a very different reputation, lol). Seriously, they love helping new people to the sport (but expect to be signed up for a 5K before you know it!). 

Thanks!!  Yes, there are wrinkles in the soles - I had to look hard, but they're there.  They have a guy that comes in from time to time and does stride analysis, and also sells shoes - he's from some local shop.  He hasn't been there since I started running - I think you can do the stride analysis at the store, too, so I'm thinking I should find out where this store is and go shopping...

I actually think I could do a 5K now.  I ran a mile outside last summer during the rowing season (coach ordered 'warm-up'), and was actually able to run at a good pace the whole time, and was surprised.  This is way before I started running on the tread.  I've run up to 2 miles in a go on the tread, and a 5K is only a bit over 3, right?  There's one that starts at the end of my street and goes right by my house every year.  Maybe I should join them next time...  

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Just now, Matryoshka said:

Thanks!!  Yes, there are wrinkles in the soles - I had to look hard, but they're there.  They have a guy that comes in from time to time and does stride analysis, and also sells shoes - he's from some local shop.  He hasn't been there since I started running - I think you can do the stride analysis at the store, too, so I'm thinking I should find out where this store is and go shopping...

I actually think I could do a 5K now.  I ran a mile outside last summer during the rowing season (coach ordered 'warm-up'), and was actually able to run at a good pace the whole time, and was surprised.  This is way before I started running on the tread.  I've run up to 2 miles in a go on the tread, and a 5K is only a bit over 3, right?  There's one that starts at the end of my street and goes right by my house every year.  Maybe I should join them next time...  

You should! They are fun!

Years ago I got into running....not sure how that happened actually. I was the person that said, "if you see me running look behind me because someone is chasing me". But I got up to running 5K and enjoyed it. And the races are fun. 

But I'm SUPER slow - as in my running is BARELy faster than my walking. So that is kind of a bummer. I never did increase my speed much, but I did increase my general stamina. 

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18 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Goals for the year:  

- more running (realistically, 3-4x a week).  A part of me wants to run every day and go for a streak but that is probably not a realistic goal.  My soon-to-be 13 year old went out on his first solo run this week and did great, and that allowed me to go out later and have my "me" time still.  I hope we can do some running together and some apart.  

- Some bodyweight exercise 1-2x a week

- continue Whole Foods Plant Based Eating.  I've been doing this for a few weeks now, with meat/dairy intake at about 1x a week.  I'm enjoying it, though I can't say I feel particularly different.  There has been enough holiday indulgences that there has also been no scale movement, but I'm hopeful things will go down a bit after tomorrow.  I have been very inspired by How Not to Die and How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Gregor.  

These are not yet SMART goals, but I'm hoping to sit down and brainstorm a bit tomorrow.  Being less of a procrastinator is NOT a goal for 2020. Â đŸ¤£

I know you guys had such a huge derailment with all your visiting but you are getting back on track

45 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

I've put a couple of pounds on over the holiday, which is to be expected since I think I've kind of figured I have some buffer now and haven't been as strict as some past years where I was thinking "I can't gain a single pound because I'm already almost obese!"  So, I think I'll do one of those 2-week no-sugar detoxes to kick off the year and get me back on track.  I think I have one more holiday thing to go to, so right after that.

Did I already do a new year's goals thing in the last thread, or did I just think about it, lol?  At the risk of repeat, other than a reset to non-holiday eating norms, I'm going to continue at OT 5x/week, and I think in the new year I'll buy a 10-class card at my old Pilates studio and try to go there 2x/month.  Want to go back to outdoor rowing this summer, and since last year's masters sweep program was chaotic, I'm going to try to get more active in my rowing club and see what I can do to help build the program so we have a good summer.

I'd like to keep getting stronger and faster, but without injury.  As I look around, I'm lifting heavy weights compared to most in my classes (I was literally the only one who went to the heavy weight rack today) but then I see what some of you here are doing and am thinking there's a lot farther I could go!  Those are some impressive goals some of you have!  Woot!

And I've started running on the treads - I'm kind of shocked how fast I can go just starting, but I think that whole year of walking fast uphill has really kicked in my endurance.  But the whole reason I didn't run for so long is I know so many people who have killed their knees, and I really don't want to injure myself - I've never had knee problems, and this is not the time to start. I have literally never run in my life before, so I am clueless about anything technical.  I have noticed my knees are a bit sore after running (at the top, like above the kneecap where it attaches to the quad).  It doesn't hurt, it's just a bit sore there.  Is that just getting used to running?  Is there something I should be doing that would help or prevent this? Is this something I should worry about? I talked to the coach today, and she told me the back of the tread is springier, so I'll try to stay back there, and I do notice a bit of a (good) difference if I bounce more/lift legs higher as I run.  I've been trying to have my footstrike be mid-foot -  I think that's supposed to be better than heel? Maybe I should get new shoes?  My shoes were pretty new when I started at OT, but now it's been a year, so some new ones are probably in order?  I typically go 1.5 - 2 miles on the treads during a class, depending on whether I'm walking or running.  I still walk all inclines.  Any tips from runners?  I could go back to walking, but it appears I enjoy pushing myself...

Great goals, I'm sure you will accomplish them, you have done a great job being consistent. I'm not an expert runner at all but sounds like you for sure need new shoes. I know I do too. We are all in different places, I know I joined a group for Spartan Women and it really is awe inspiring what those ladies can do but I've got to focus on where I am now and my own goals.

7 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

So, the kids did great at the gym Kids Club! I'm so relieved! I prepped the 2 yr old on how she'd get to play and her sister and brother would be there, and that I'd be in the next room and come back soon. She didn't cry at all! On the other hand, DS7 had a melt down and didn't want to go - his PANDAS is flaring lately and he gets where he wants to stay home all the time when it does. I talked to him, promised a treat afterward, told him where I'd be in comparison to him, told him he could ask the teacher to call me on the intercom if he needed me, etc etc and we got him there. And of course, he had a blast once he was there. He'd gone before but it had been 2 years and he forgot, goofy boy! It's a place where he can run and climb and be silly and he loves it. 

Oh, and when I picked up the kids the woman in charge pulled me aside and said, "your kids are SO good!". Yay!

I got her name, shook hands with her, etc and chatted a bit as they got their shoes, and I feel she will do well with them. 

I only did the treadmill, 22 minutes with some hills, walking, but I didn't want to be too long in case things were not going well for the kids. I did, however, use the sauna again - bliss!a

And then we discovered that there is a health food store in the same plaza that carries all our favorite gluten free stuff! So DS was super excited about that. 

What a relief, that the kids did well, that is a load off, and it was smart to keep it short to try it out. My youngest goes to babysitting while I workout and the olders do their TKD class, she loves it and cried when the old babysitter left. 

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43 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

And I've started running on the treads - I'm kind of shocked how fast I can go just starting, but I think that whole year of walking fast uphill has really kicked in my endurance.  But the whole reason I didn't run for so long is I know so many people who have killed their knees, and I really don't want to injure myself - I've never had knee problems, and this is not the time to start. I have literally never run in my life before, so I am clueless about anything technical.  I have noticed my knees are a bit sore after running (at the top, like above the kneecap where it attaches to the quad).  It doesn't hurt, it's just a bit sore there.  Is that just getting used to running?  Is there something I should be doing that would help or prevent this? Is this something I should worry about? I talked to the coach today, and she told me the back of the tread is springier, so I'll try to stay back there, and I do notice a bit of a (good) difference if I bounce more/lift legs higher as I run.  I've been trying to have my footstrike be mid-foot -  I think that's supposed to be better than heel? Maybe I should get new shoes?  My shoes were pretty new when I started at OT, but now it's been a year, so some new ones are probably in order?  I typically go 1.5 - 2 miles on the treads during a class, depending on whether I'm walking or running.  I still walk all inclines.  Any tips from runners?  I could go back to walking, but it appears I enjoy pushing myself...

Running on tread mills is nice in that you've got a flat, steady surface so tripping and turning your ankle is less common. However, the surface of the mill is also not cushioned at all. So you need really good shoes. If you want to protect your knees, then you should run landing on the balls of your feet rather than landing on your heel. You will have a more upright body position as well as a shorter stride.

I had an elite-level running coach look at my running gait, and this is what she recommended I do. It took a little while to get used to it, but it is way better for my body. If you look closely at elite marathon runners, you may notice that this is how they run.

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1 minute ago, Ktgrok said:

You should! They are fun!

Years ago I got into running....not sure how that happened actually. I was the person that said, "if you see me running look behind me because someone is chasing me". But I got up to running 5K and enjoyed it. And the races are fun. 

But I'm SUPER slow - as in my running is BARELy faster than my walking. So that is kind of a bummer. I never did increase my speed much, but I did increase my general stamina. 

Try walking uphill fast for a year, lol.  Seriously, I have always been super-slow.  When I started at OT, I was walking at about 3mph and getting winded.  Over the year I got up to 4.3mph with the incline 2% higher than the baseline they recommended (walking at OT is always at an incline, and it varies).  When I realized I was not really being challenged much by that anymore, I decided to start running.  Today I did 2 min. at a time at 7.2mph.  That's not real runner fast, but heck, it's waaay faster than I thought I could go.  My fastest all-out (only 30 seconds) was at 9.7mph.  What the heck even.  After all that uphill walking, it doesn't seem so hard to run!  I've still been walking my 'base pace', but I've noticed a lot of the joggers are going the exact same speed as me (4mph), but just moving differently.  So I'm calling that good for now.  If I increase my base pace much, then I'll have to start jogging it instead...  

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19 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Running on tread mills is nice in that you've got a flat, steady surface so tripping and turning your ankle is less common. However, the surface of the mill is also not cushioned at all. So you need really good shoes. If you want to protect your knees, then you should run landing on the balls of your feet rather than landing on your heel. You will have a more upright body position as well as a shorter stride.

I had an elite-level running coach look at my running gait, and this is what she recommended I do. It took a little while to get used to it, but it is way better for my body. If you look closely at elite marathon runners, you may notice that this is how they run.

It seems I need new shoes - the ones I have are good quality Asics I bought when my rowing coach made us run 1/2 mile warm ups a couple summers back (which I did veery slooowly), but now my guess is they're worn out.  Balls of my feet, hm?  I knew heels were bad, but I thought I was supposed to aim mid-foot.  But I do notice that I feel better when I kind of step higher, which does shorten my gait, I think.  I think I need to get me to the gait analysis place stat.  I told myself I wasn't going to run today, but then I did...  oops.

Edited by Matryoshka
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7 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Try walking uphill fast for a year, lol.  Seriously, I have always been super-slow.  When I started at OT, I was walking at about 3mph and getting winded.  Over the year I got up to 4.3mph with the incline 2% higher than the baseline they recommended (walking at OT is always at an incline, and it varies).  When I realized I was not really being challenged much by that anymore, I decided to start running.  Today I did 2 min. at a time at 7.2mph.  That's not real runner fast, but heck, it's waaay faster than I thought I could go.  My fastest all-out (only 30 seconds) was at 9.7mph.  What the heck even.  After all that uphill walking, it doesn't seem so hard to run!  I've still been walking my 'base pace', but I've noticed a lot of the joggers are going the exact same speed as me (4mph), but just moving differently.  So I'm calling that good for now.  If I increase my base pace much, then I'll have to start jogging it instead...  

incline walking tends to irritate my knee - but it has been a while. I did use the "random hill" program today and that went okay. 

My walk is comfortably around 3.2, brisk is 3.5. My jog is 4.0-4.5, lol. FASTEST sprint is maybe 6mph when I was in shape and only for 30 seconds, lol. But, I'm 5'1 so my stride isn't very long. I'm blaming that, lol. 

Meanwhile, DH runs much faster than me, but I walk much faster than him! 

6 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Is asphalt better?  

Much much much better! I prefer to run outside (treadmills are boring) and asphalt is fine on my joints. Sidewalks are murder on them. 

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13 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Try walking uphill fast for a year, lol.  Seriously, I have always been super-slow.  When I started at OT, I was walking at about 3mph and getting winded.  Over the year I got up to 4.3mph with the incline 2% higher than the baseline they recommended (walking at OT is always at an incline, and it varies).  When I realized I was not really being challenged much by that anymore, I decided to start running.  Today I did 2 min. at a time at 7.2mph.  That's not real runner fast, but heck, it's waaay faster than I thought I could go.  My fastest all-out (only 30 seconds) was at 9.7mph.  What the heck even.  After all that uphill walking, it doesn't seem so hard to run!  I've still been walking my 'base pace', but I've noticed a lot of the joggers are going the exact same speed as me (4mph), but just moving differently.  So I'm calling that good for now.  If I increase my base pace much, then I'll have to start jogging it instead...  

Personally, after decades of running, I'd stick with walking but increase the speed. It's so much easier on your joints. Get outside and walk up and down hills, rather than simply putting on a steady incline. That incline on 100% of the time is forcing your knees to over-extend when they don't need to. It's going to eventually cause some pain. You'll also start walking faster if you don't have a machine forcing you to do a steady speed, or at least you will vary your speed which is going to be better for your body.  Mix things up a little, and you'll have more opportunities to strengthen a variety of muscles all around your body.

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