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Who’s going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Howdy.  I fell asleep last night waiting for my kids to finish their homework.  We were all behind on sleep.  Woke up at 3:something.  It's gonna be a long day.

I'm not sure if my kids finished their homework or not.  I'll have to go wake them up early and find out.  Yay.

I should have just gone back to sleep when I got up, but I started checking my emails and decided I needed to get on the computer.  Now it's almost 6.

I have a vague feeling of doom about today's work ... not sure why other than I'm still behind on everything.  I hope I get a bunch done and keep everyone happy today.  I have one conference call that I know of.

Must remember to take out the garbage after sending the kids off to school.  I have piles of boxes and wood to take to the treelawn, but it's cold and I probably won't do much of it this time.

The kids have their choral Christmas concert tonight.  Need to figure out what they will wear - supposed to be black & white.  A black skirt and white shirt should work, but one of them probably won't go for that ....

Otherwise, whatever gets done ....

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  • Wait for dad to call with info from the funeral home
  • Make plans for travel for dad and for us
  • Write obituary
  • Pack/finish laundry/plan for dog care  
  • research a local retirement center (but not done, it will be a work in progress)
  • contact a close friend about retirement centers for dad (he will be moving this way by summer he says). Friend does this for a living-  
  • clean my bedroom (it will make me feel better)- never mind, don't have it in me
  • color my hair (also will make me feel better)-  
Edited by DawnM
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Dawn, I'm so sorry about your mom!

The WTM baked oatmeal is in the oven, and I'll get the kids up after it's done. 

Today, ds will do a bit of school, then we are headed out for lunch and to go Christmas shopping. We'll get back for a quick dinner and will have to go to church. 


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Good morning! It's frosty and sunny here and I'm the only one up. Dh left hours ago and kids are still asleep. Dd has some light schoolwork to do. 

Errand day for me! Zillions of errands! Going to one part of town to do many things. Contemplating taking ds with me. 

To do, besides errands:

  • Order one gift for dd? Thought about it, but my original idea is too expensive and will be better as a birthday gift next yr. 
  • Get butter out to soften and make dough for pecan cookies. 
  • Call mom
  • Figure out dinner.
  • Dd to choir practice.
  • Make grocery list


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Good morning! ((Dawn))

Fairly regular day here. I have some Christmas things to do, some house things to do, and some stuff I want to do.

  • coffee/paper
  • electronic chores etc
  • dd2 off to last day of finals
  • clean kitchen
  • wrap some presents for dh and ds3
  • read a little
  • write a couple of Christmas letters (I only send out cards to reply to cards I receive- probably about 8 total)
  • scrub tub and shower- wash shower curtains and rugs
  • send  boys out to the garage to find missing Christmas mugs
  • some general clean-up and kitchen decluttering
  • figure out dinner
  • finish DVD and finish up some yarn

Have a great day!

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ScoutTN, we are also having the same weather here. But Christmas is supposed to be great weather-  60's.

  • deal w laundry
  • see about if I can call AAA to renew or have to go there
  • Art Museum for renewal and look for presents
  • Botanical garden to buy a renewal for dd and dsil, and get ticket for Christmas thing, and look for presents
  • Plan meals  (how I hate doing this for so many days from now- not Christmas dinner, Christmas Eve but my brother is a non red meat eater and super picky, my son has a mammal meat allergy too and I have no idea how many people will be at each meal too)
  • plan activities too
  • pack gift
  • more Christmas decorating
  • go to store, put in prescription and get more foods
  • dinner
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I went back to sleep for a while, woke the kids up to ask about their homework (they said it was done except for needing "a little help with spelling."  So I slept some more.  When I reviewed the work, it was done so half-a$$ed ... then kid took forever to come downstairs.  (This is the kid I just made a mental health appt for.)  We fixed the homework, left a little late to drive to school, but maybe they won't get a tardy due to the horrible roads.  Ugh!  2 more mornings before break, which can't come fast enough !!!!  They have a math test today and tomorrow, so that should be interesting.

Took out the garbage.

Cleaned the kitchen and some clutter.

Fed the bird.


Caught up on emails, news, and social media.

Texted with driver & got her check to her - she is up to date until next week.

Emailed / texted 2 teachers.

Analyzed and emailed re a work issue.

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Did 2 loads of laundry.

Did rounds 1 & 2 of horse chores. Shoveled lots of frozen manure.

Got a hay delivery.

Puppies puppies puppies 🙃😍 So much fun...

Ordered a few more Christmas items. Will be glad when I'm done spending $ on Christmas!

Realized our produce box will arrive tomorrow and there was still lots of last week's produce in the fridge. So cut up veggies for snack trays, roasted beets, and made a big bowl of cabbage and celery root slaw.

Got most of my dinner prep done, too.

Next up: Eat lunch, clean kitchen, office work!


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Morning errands acomplished.
Cookie dough is chilling.
Round 1 of croissants are toasting. 


Next up:

English with dd
Revise grocery list and make a quick trip to Walmart (just the neighborhood market/grocery, not the superwalmart!) 
Assemble breakfast casseroles  Two made. Not sure if  I need another one.
Figure out dinner  Corn chowder and salad.

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2 Christmas letters written and mailed

DVD finished and mailed

kitchen clean

some presents wrapped- in the home stretch here

dd2 home and finished with finals!

ds3 is at courts with ball machine- finally hit 50 degrees so he won't damage the balls

Next up:

eat a little something


pick up ds3

figure out dinner

map out weekend schedule

not sure what else- bathrooms might not get done today



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Human care done

pet care done 

medical care done 

found one replacement head for my sonicare (and 20 for dh’s which is a different model). 

graded algebra 2

graded physics 

graded American history 

graded American literature 

bought more replacement heads for my model of sonicare. 

washed, dried and put away dishes, knives and pans 

wiped down counters 

did research on fixing my laptop 

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It hasn't been a very productive day.  And I'm just not feeling it.

I took a nap.

I talked to my kids' teacher about my daughter's "issues" - it was a good conversation.

I got some good news about a work project.

My youngest says they don't have homework today.  (The older one still has at least one thing carrying over from the weekend.  But she won't be home to work on it until 8:something.)

In about an hour, I need to be heading to the school with clothes for my kids' choir concert.

I think one reason I am not feeling productive is the invisalign thing ... it is painful and distracting the first few days, and that makes me tired.

Wonder if eldest is going to be starving or if she snagged something to eat.  Maybe I should bring her some nuggets.

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Picked up ds3 and headed home. When we got home, he discovered that he was missing a piece to the charging socket. So back to the court and he found the piece in about a minute. It was a tiny ring about 1 cm in diameter.

He said he thought he saw it fly off when he was hitting.

Eyesight is improving, I guess 😂

Anyway, fixing the machine is his project for the afternoon.

And, in the category of super amazing news- ds1 got a job! Full-time! With benefits! 

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Morning list is done!

Got ds his first navy blue blazer. It fits and he likes it. He will look very handsome at the dance this weekend! 

Cookies are baked.

Assembling the last breakfast casserole momentarily. Tricky to make room in my fridge for another one. 

Then to bed with a book. I'm wiped out! 

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21 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

ScoutTN, we are also having the same weather here. But Christmas is supposed to be great weather-  60's.

  • deal w laundry
  • see about if I can call AAA to renew or have to go there
  • Art Museum for renewal and look for presents
  • Botanical garden to buy a renewal for dd and dsil, and get ticket for Christmas thing, and look for presents
  • Plan meals  (how I hate doing this for so many days from now- not Christmas dinner, Christmas Eve but my brother is a non red meat eater and super picky, my son has a mammal meat allergy too and I have no idea how many people will be at each meal too)
  • plan activities too
  • pack gift
  • more Christmas decorating
  • go to store, put in prescription and get more foods
  • dinner


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