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I'm tired of working already - Update in Post 1

Night Elf

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Right now I'm working 31 hours a week. I have four 6-hour shifts on weekdays and 7 hours on Saturday. I struggle with going to work and watch the clock when I'm there. The main problem right now is we're short staffed. We currently have 5 employees (3 full time and 2 part time) and 2 regular volunteers (Both are there every day the store is open except for some Saturdays). At one time we had 7 employees and 2 volunteers. Things went more smoothly as every department was covered. Now we're always behind.

I'm on the management team. I don't know if my manager will even let me reduce my hours again and continue being on the team. I'll feel disappointed if I lose my responsibilities. I'm just trying to figure out what's more important to me. I honestly think they need 3 on the team and there isn't another employee who is worthy of being management. 1 employee is a recent re-hire and I don't think she's going to last long. She was fired for her behavior and somehow my manager thought she would change. She's had one super bad day that left my manager regretting her decision, but the employee came in the next day and apologized. Personally, I don't think she'll change. She's a very domineering, aggressive personality that stirs up strife in the work place. It was an unpleasant working environment and some of us were relieved when she left. I'm almost positive she'll go back to her old self because she acts that way at home. I know this because one of our employees rents a room in her house.

So anyway, DH doesn't want me to talk to my manager until we get more employees. As it is, I've been asked several times to go in and work 8-hour days. I hate them. I have to work all day Wednesday because two of our employees have off. I will talk to my manager about that. With us being short staffed, we simply cannot have 2 employees gone on the same day.

I'm feeling burned out.

UPDATE: I had to go in today on my day off because they needed me. I was happy to do it and enjoyed myself. Just before we closed the store, I was talking to my manager and other little manager like me. They told me I was not burned out and that I was only struggling with work because of the woman we rehired after having fired her 3 months ago. She taints the workplace and I dislike her immensely. She holds an animosity towards me that is totally unfounded but she's created me to be a monster and vehemently complained to the manager about me. The manager defended me until this woman calmed down enough to say she didn't know I really did much around the store. She admitted she doesn't watch me work so she didn't know just how much I did. Then my manager and I and her talked after that and it went downhill. I really want her gone and my manager believes she won't last much longer. She's repeating the same things that got her fired the first time around. So my manager told me to please hang in there and just wait it out. I told her I'd rather go back full-time than work part-time with that woman. That's saying a lot because I really don't want to increase my hours again. But I"d do it in a heartbeat if it meant her leaving. My manager put up now hiring signs and we handed out 4 applications today. I told her that hiring in new people while still having that woman working there is a disaster waiting to happen. She offends people and tries to get everyone mad at each other. New people may not like the vibes in the store and may quit before this woman is fired. I wish we had a valid reason for firing her right now but my manager said we can't fire her just because she's a b*tch. I've been spending a great deal of time in prayer trying to get a hold of myself and approach this woman from a Christian standpoint like my Lord commands me to do. I'm really struggling with it. 

So there's that. I know for a fact I'd like my workplace better when she's gone. I didn't realize just how upset she was making me that I believed I was at fault for not liking my job.

Edited by Night Elf
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This is a pretty normal feeling about working, feeling burned out and not excited about going to work.  We work from home in our own business, completely set our own hours and working environment and etc., and I still have days where I get burned out, or weeks when I just don't feel like working.

I work anyway, though, because that's part of working, and has been since the dawn of time.

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Before management changed over in August of last year, I was only working 16 hours a week. Then I doubled that to 32. Then I went full time to 40. Then that was too much so I dropped down to 31. It's been 3-4 months I've been working this schedule. I think part of my burn out is that we keep hiring/firing so as part of the management team, I'm expected to step up and fill in. Today I'm working my 6-hour shift but I don't know about tomorrow. And I know I'm working 8 hours on Wednesday. I had to work a 40-hour week two weeks ago after we fired our cashier. I figured I'd be stuck in that schedule but my manager assured me it was just for that week while she figured something out. Her idea was rehiring a formerly fired employee. Ugh. 

I'd like shorter shifts or another whole day off. The day off would only be minus 6 hours from my paycheck whereas cutting down my weekday hours from 6 to 4 would make me minus 8 hours on my paycheck. Personally I'm more inclined to have another weekday off. That means I'm only working 4 days a week. But I bet my manager will counter with suggesting I work full 8-hour days on my 4 working days. I'd have to think about that.

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30 minutes ago, moonflower said:

This is a pretty normal feeling about working, feeling burned out and not excited about going to work.  We work from home in our own business, completely set our own hours and working environment and etc., and I still have days where I get burned out, or weeks when I just don't feel like working.

I work anyway, though, because that's part of working, and has been since the dawn of time.

Yeah, I know. I have a hard time accepting that for myself though because I'm only working to get me out of the house. The extra money is good. It allows us some wiggle room since we have two in college. The truth is that I don't have to work. We'd be okay just on DH's salary as we were for years and years. I'm in this job because it developed from a volunteer position to a paid position to a management position. I moved up the ladder very quickly. I've enjoyed my time there but now I'm starting to dread it and I keep wondering how long am I willing to be unhappy. If we could find two employees who work well in our store, things would get better. I wouldn't feel so pressured and stressed out. Right now I'm doing two job. If we got an employee in clothing, I could focus on being the cashier and keeping the front of the store clean. It's much less stressful than having to run back and forth all day. I'm getting in close to 15,000 steps a day because I'm constantly on the move. It's just tiring.

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I would expect that as a manager your main job is to ensure the business runs smoothly and that you should fill in when and where ever needed. That is what a manager does. Maybe you need to drop out of the manager role and simply show up for your shift.

You still fulfill a very important role as a regular employee by being reliable, long-term, and compatible. In a business with very high turn-over of staff, which is probably the reality of your current business, as a manager you'll probably have the unending responsibility of "babysitting" employees. 

Edited by wintermom
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For me, 4 longer days would totally be  the way to go. Stuff piles up at home whether I’m gone 6 hours or 8 hours, and having one more day at home would make me feel much better about working. 

I have been in your same boat, going from volunteering at an org that I loved to working part time to working way too much (with one particularly difficult coworker) and worrying over it way too much at home when not working. it was really a hobby as I wasn’t making much money after taxes. I feel a lot of sympathy with your situation!!  I mostly worked 4 days a week. When I ended up working 5+ or going back in at night for various events, it was hard to go back the next week, you know? Things at home seemed to fall apart and I was more disconnected from my responsibilities with my kids.

We are moving out of the area this week, so I recently quit my job. And I have to say I really miss it. I miss having a reason to get out of the house. I miss needing to get a little more dressed up. I miss having built in communication with lots of people. I miss feeling like I was really helping make a difference at a small nonprofit, and being able to talk about my job when socializing with my husband’s coworkers - it just felt nice to be able to share my work experience like other adults do (I’ve mostly been a stay at home mom). 

If I were you, I’d talk to the manager about going to 4 longer days. Or cutting back to 25ish hours, but keeping your management position. She knows she can rely on you, especially with a staff that is so transient. I think she will want to do what you need to stay happy. 

I hope this is a better week for you!!

Edited by WendyLady
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5 hours ago, wintermom said:

I would expect that as a manager your main job is to ensure the business runs smoothly and that you should fill in when and where ever needed. That is what a manager does. Maybe you need to drop out of the manager role and simply show up for your shift.

You still fulfill a very important role as a regular employee by being reliable, long-term, and compatible. In a business with very high turn-over of staff, which is probably the reality of your current business, as a manager you'll probably have the unending responsibility of "babysitting" employees. 

This is true. I have a job that I dislike (stay for financial reasons); recently had the opportunity to move into supervision with the perks that entailed. But for me, the perks were not enough to compensate for the extra responsibilities.  

Maybe being on the management team is not right for you. I seem to remember that you had really liked your job. Maybe it's time to move back into an individual contributor position.

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I wonder if you’d be happier working four days instead of five.  When I went back to work I hated doing six hour days- It was still tired when I got home and it was one more day that wasn’t ‘mine’. So I switched to four 8 hour days and the job became tolerable again. 

And as mentioned above- maybe you’d be happier as an individual contributor. That way if someone calls in on your days off you’re not pressured to cover. You might even feel that it’s time to branch out and find a more suitable job somewhere else. 

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I had a good day today. I was super busy and the time just flew by. I wasn't watching the clock. I get kind of lonely up front all by myself though. Usually everyone is in back working. I go back there just to talk for a minute in between customers at the register.

Unfortunately I  messed up twice today .I sold a $50 set of dishes for $20 and a $50 cabinet for $35. In both cases the price tags were on the floor and I didn't see them and came up with a price on my own. I was way off. My manager told me not to stress about it because I'm not the only one who does it. Then I broke a customer's item. I went to reach for it to put it in the bag and my hand hit and it hit the concrete floor and shattered. It was only $1 but still, I felt terrible. I gave her 20% off the other item that hit the floor too but it wasn't damaged.

So despite those bumps, the day was nice.

I am hesitant to give up my managerial position because I like the title and responsibility. Usually I don't mind filling in where I'm needed. I've just struggled since we fired our cashier two weeks ago. I was the only one of us 3 managers who didn't want to fire her so I was outvoted. I thought the girl was sweet even though she was a bit distracted. After she left, I had at least 3 customers ask me about her and then proceed to tell me something stupid she had done. An example is she overcharged someone by $7 and when the customer pointed it out to her, she said to the customer Well can't you just pay it? It goes to a good cause. I was horrified! Egads! The customer that witnessed that said she was surprised but didn't want to complain about her because she wasn't personally involved.

I'm going to keep my current schedule for a couple more weeks and see if we advertise for employees. Hopefully we'll get one in. Then I do think I'll ask if I can do four 8-hour days. I dislike long days but knowing I have 3 days off a week is a nice trade off.

Thanks for helping me think this through. I really don't want to quit. I know I'll feel relieved for a few weeks and then I'll be bored again and miss working. I just know that's what will happen. I do like getting out of the house. I also like getting a paycheck and helping my youngest dd with college expenses. I also like being able to tithe at church. I can't tithe my DH's money as he's not a believer and most assuredly would not go along with it. He says I can do whatever I want with my money. 

I do think I'll ask for an extra vacation day next week, just for a fun day to be at home with nothing to do. I usually use my day off to run errands or make appointments. Rarely do I have absolutely nothing to do. And even Sundays I have church and grocery shopping. A day to sleep all morning if I want to will be glorious. 🙂

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someone who creates a hostile work environment has certainly given reason to be fired. I would encourage your manager to reconsider her choice to keep the employee on, especially if new hires might have to deal with her.  And you shouldn't discount the fact that you are burnt out. An unpleasant work environment is a huge factor in a lot of people burning out at particular places.  Even the perfect position that one loves greatly can end in burn out because of a toxic environment,

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