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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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4 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

See if I can figure out the Ninja sword instructions.

lunch with my beloved daughter.

afternoon coffee with Pink and Green Mom! 

post office


talk to ds about meds/ supplements

That is so exciting that you get to see another boardie.  I know one current boardie but haven't seen her in 9 years since we moved twice since then and met one in the next place we moved,  That one stopped being on the board.  

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Good Morning all!  I didn\t get enough sleep probably 6 hours because of the sleep study but I did sleep pretty well even with all the equiptment,  I don't know if it was the oxygen that helped but I think it may have been since my asthma was acting up yesterday.

  • Coffee, meds including shots, breakfast
  • shower to get gunk off of me
  • pick up my car (I was too sleepy to drive this morning)
  • schedule car key swap at dealer ( I lost one key and we had to wait about 3 weeks for the key to come from Japan since I have a Subaru and this is a 2006 car)
  • reserve two hotel stays for our trip in Oct
  • after that, look into plans for mini trip to ocean or Atlanta (I would prefer ocean but that is much further)
  • accompany daughter for allergy shot
  • deal with nightmare insurance issue
  • dinner
  • possibly go out


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Good morning!

Have fun, Jean & Pink & Green!

  • a/c repair guy will hopefully be here soon
  • vacuum basement
  • lots of laundry
  • lots of office work
  • still need to come up with some ideas for dh's birthday
  • water plants
  • unpack Chewy box
  • dinner: tandoori soy curls & rice
Edited by Selkie
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Have fun, Jean and Pink and Green! And Pink and Green, have a great time on your cruise!

Today is more of the same- with a couple more errands to do. dh and ds2 are headed to the mountains for the day. dd2 has practice/ workout at faraway pool.

  • coffee/paper
  • water/weed
  • general clean up
  • some clean up
  • paperwork to hs for tennis
  • ds3 PT
  • clean up sewing area, so I can manuever quilt for binding- not easy. Just not enough space.
  • judo?

Have a great day!

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Got home late last night from our little work trip, and now have things to do. 

Ortho for DS14 this morning
Quilt shop sale after, for backing fabric for DS18's quilt and whatever else I might need
Target run for frame for DS18's college stuff (foot locker, frame for home for his grad pics, etc...)
Grocery run for a few items (creamer for the coffee, etc...)
Clean the sewing room so I can quilt the waiting quilt(s); grateful I do have the room, at least
Decide on something for dinner (ha, maybe decide that before the grocery run......)
Also grab a large capacity thumb drive at Target and back-up my school files when I get home, b/c had another "is my laptop crashing??" scare before our trip and I'd like another layer of protection there before it happens again....
Hopefully get to just sit and veg out and watch ER tonight because I am t.i.r.e.d. (but also, it's up to an episode called NICU, and with 3 NICU kids, I am not sure I actually want to watch and see how they cover this......could end up being semi-triggering for me....even though the boys are all healthy and all, I still kind of tense up when I remember that time......)


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As I see how the day goes, I may add to this, but things I know I need to do today:

Get chicken into crock pot for supper -- BBQ chicken sandwiches
Cut up watermelon
Clean up kitchen
Wash dishes
Take DD14 to tutoring
Take boys to orthodontist
Make sure DD17 is on track with her packing for her missions trip (she leaves super early on Saturday)
Attend meeting about missions trip with DD17 this evening

Lots more to do, but I don't know what else I might get to. Landscapers will be here soon to put mulch and bushes around our new patio. DH is working here at home until they arrive, because he wants to talk to them before they start. Hopefully that will be enough, and I won't have to deal with them and can just let them do their thing. We already had a phone call from them this morning and had a make a decision about what bushes to put in -- we stuck with what we originally wanted (Annabelle hydrangeas) instead of switching to the type that he thought looked better. We decided that even if they don't look as big and nice right now, that Annabelles will be more of what we want for years to come.

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1 minute ago, Storygirl said:

As I see how the day goes, I may add to this, but things I know I need to do today:

Get chicken into crock pot for supper -- BBQ chicken sandwiches
Cut up watermelon
Clean up kitchen
Wash dishes
Take DD14 to tutoring
Take boys to orthodontist
Make sure DD17 is on track with her packing for her missions trip (she leaves super early on Saturday)
Attend meeting about missions trip with DD17 this evening

Lots more to do, but I don't know what else I might get to. Landscapers will be here soon to put mulch and bushes around our new patio. DH is working here at home until they arrive, because he wants to talk to them before they start. Hopefully that will be enough, and I won't have to deal with them and can just let them do their thing. We already had a phone call from them this morning and had a make a decision about what bushes to put in -- we stuck with what we originally wanted (Annabelle hydrangeas) instead of switching to the type that he thought looked better. We decided that even if they don't look as big and nice right now, that Annabelles will be more of what we want for years to come.

Storygirl, I love Annabelle hydrangeas - so pretty!

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Air conditioner is fixed. There were two electrical components that needed replacing, and the guy said the damage was probably caused by the storm-related outages we've had lately and having to run the generator.

Horses, dogs, and cats are fed.

Folded and put away two loads of laundry. Started another load.

I can feel a migraine wanting to start up. I'm trying not to rub my eyes, because that always makes it worse.😖

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  • Schedule dentist for me and kids- partially  
  • Schedule eye doc for me and kids  
  • schedule well visits for boys  
  • put away all dishes  
  • take meat out to defrost  
  • make a list for Costco visit for tomorrow 
  • think about one last vacation to squeeze in before school begins
  • cut out some foam for sound barrier stuff-  
  • order game for oldest  
  • measure for shelving for closet  
  • order shelving for closet
  • put away boxes in bedroom (just to either large master closet or attic space next to closet)
  • fold up all extra bedding in guest room if I have time
  • middle son to doctor at 4pm (remind him, he can go without me)  
  • put away the remaining boxes so we can get more from storage Saturday- partially  
Edited by DawnM
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Hi guys.  I missed you all yesterday as I was running around a lot.  I had to drive the kids to camp almost an hour away, so I worked at a library and then carted the kids to horse riding, trumpet lesson, dinner, and accomplished a "family meeting" / scout badge work in the car before grocery shopping.  I did manage to walk 4.6 miles.

I'm starting the 3rd day of my Invisalign journey.  Can't say I'm loving it so far.  No longer can I snack and sip coffee whenever I feel like it.  (Maybe this will be good for my waistline?)  When the aligners are out, I keep biting the inside of my mouth with all these little poky things they stuck on my teeth to guide the movement or whatever.  The aligners themselves only hurt for a minute after I put them in; and they theoretically only hurt for the first couple few days (weekly), or so I'm told.

This is the last day before our camping trip.  It's also the last day before a government deadline.  I have so much to do!

Oh and I forgot ... the maids changed their schedule to come today ... I just remembered when I was in the bathroom and they came a-knocking.  Of course I didn't have the house ready, but there they are, down there moving stuff around so they can clean ....

So far today:

  • Got the kids up & off to camp (driver is driving today, yay!)
  • Yoga.
  • Coffee.
  • A little housework.
  • Got caught up on social media, news, emails.
  • Had a conference call.
  • A tiny bit of AHG work.
  • Got a little work out.

To do:

  • Lots more client work.
  • More camp planning.
  • AHG stuff - register, participate in camping plans, help kid get her "event" going...
  • Camp shopping.
  • Kid 2 to horse riding.
  • Kid 1 ... I wanted to make her go running with the public school cross country team, but now I am not sure I will have the time for that ....
  • Make the kids pack for camp, as they will be going straight from day camp tomorrow.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Dishwasher is going.

Matched medical bills to EOBs.  Fortunately the lab has FINALLY stopped submitting stuff to the insurance company that we haven't had for two years and submitted it to the right one.  I was getting ready to march down there to punch someone in the nose. . .!

Paid bills

Set up new checks (which I use for medical bills)

balanced the balance sheet for bills etc.

shredded some stuff


Answered a camp inquiry

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So stressed out and bummed that I can't sip coffee!  Waah!

I did drink 2 cups this morning before my conference call.  But I really like to sip it slowly throughout the day.  😞

I haven't been this regimented about eating/drinking times since elementary school.

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SKL, I hope you are able to work out the coffee/Invisalign thing. I was thinking you could drink with them in, just not eat? Or is coffee a no b/c of staining &/or the heat?

Got home around 1, after leaving the house at 8:30, from all the errand-running. But, we got DS14 orthodontist'ed, and confirmed/rescheduled his appt for his cleaning next month (his actual dentist is out due to a cancer dx, so I had to ask what the plan is and switch to a different guy for this time) (his dentist is doing great on treatment, but won't be back working until October). 

Went to the fabric shop and got backing fabric for DS18's quilt. Walked in, and realized 1 - it's my version of Jean's Starbucks. The owner grabbed me at the door and said "Come see, I got this in just for you!" She had literally ordered 3 bolts of fabric in a particular line b/c she knew I'd like it. I mean, literally had *me* in mind as she said "yes" to carrying it. ❤️  (she was right, and I bought 2 yds of 1 and 1 yd of the other 2) (plus other stuff....she is having her Xmas in July sale, so everything is 35% to 45% off......)

Went to Target and got assorted sundries for DS18. No foot locker, b/c the only one they had was turquoise. But, did get the other stuff he needs. Not a frame for his grad pics, b/c they didn't have any good options to fit what we need to fit into it. Will try Hobby Lobby later for that. 

Got groceries and figured out dinner: chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans. DS18 is going to help me cook. 

Going to play around with quilt designs to try and come up with a good design for a quilt I'm (eventually) making for DH & I for our bed. Need to write a card/letter for a young man who could use some encouragement. Need to also work on a scripture flip book for DS18 to take to school. Still need to clean up upstairs and start quilting for DS18's quilt; I bought the thread and know how I plan to quilt it, so will start on it tomorrow. 

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took dd out for lunch. 

stopped by Target with her but they were out of her size jeans.

dropped bills and letters for my mom and brother off at the post office

dropped dd back off at the Y.

went to the pet store.  They didn't have the cat food in the bigger bag that I prefer but I got a smaller one to tide me over.  Not the most cost efficient but I didn't have much choice since we are now out of cat food.


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27 minutes ago, TheReader said:

SKL, I hope you are able to work out the coffee/Invisalign thing. I was thinking you could drink with them in, just not eat? Or is coffee a no b/c of staining &/or the heat?


Originally they told me I could drink coffee, but then when I got the stuff, they said not really.  Then they said maybe with a straw.  Somehow I don't see a straw being the same.  I like to sip and hold it in my mouth and slowly swallow.  Call me weird - but it's my coffee comfort thing.  (I know someone will suggest doing the same with water, but it's not the same thing.)

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30 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Went to the fabric shop and got backing fabric for DS18's quilt. Walked in, and realized 1 - it's my version of Jean's Starbucks. The owner grabbed me at the door and said "Come see, I got this in just for you!" She had literally ordered 3 bolts of fabric in a particular line b/c she knew I'd like it. I mean, literally had *me* in mind as she said "yes" to carrying it. ❤️  (she was right, and I bought 2 yds of 1 and 1 yd of the other 2) (plus other stuff....she is having her Xmas in July sale, so everything is 35% to 45% off......)

It's so nice that she knows your taste so well and ordered just what you would like!

This made me think, what is my version of Jean's Starbucks? And I'm pretty sure it would have to be the vets' office, because:

  • I'm there all the time
  • everyone who works there is so great and just my kind of people (animal lovers)
  • and they always act thrilled to see me (okay, that's probably because I spend gobs of money there, but I like to pretend it's my sparkling personality)😛
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1 hour ago, SKL said:

Originally they told me I could drink coffee, but then when I got the stuff, they said not really.  Then they said maybe with a straw.  Somehow I don't see a straw being the same.  I like to sip and hold it in my mouth and slowly swallow.  Call me weird - but it's my coffee comfort thing.  (I know someone will suggest doing the same with water, but it's not the same thing.)

Ah, that makes sense. Annoying that they said yes, then no. :sigh: I hope you figure it out; I would not enjoy being deprived of my coffee. 

Can you have it out for, like, 30 mins at a time and sip your coffee for 30 mins at various times over the day? (or is that also too regimented? Which I'll understand if so, just brainstorming....)

1 hour ago, Selkie said:

It's so nice that she knows your taste so well and ordered just what you would like!

This made me think, what is my version of Jean's Starbucks? And I'm pretty sure it would have to be the vets' office, because:

  • I'm there all the time
  • everyone who works there is so great and just my kind of people (animal lovers)
  • and they always act thrilled to see me (okay, that's probably because I spend gobs of money there, but I like to pretend it's my sparkling personality)😛

It really is nice, and if I'm being honest, it's probably partly to do with the money I spend there, too. Ha! Although the shop owner was one of the participants in the round robin quilt swap thing I just finished, so we do know each other relatively well. And in her case, it's *her* sparkling personality, which is cool. She runs several "come hang out and sew" type events at the shop, and really makes every customer feel as if they're a good friend. 

And I bet your vet's office does have to do with your personality, not the money. You seem like a really likeable person. 

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Back from PT.  It is a mild high ankle sprain- I think he hurt it more when he played on Sunday, but he is doubling down on treatment to get ready for the next tournament, 2 weeks from today.

I don't really have a place- unless it is the PT's office, a small two person office (just one person when we started there). They have treated everyone in my family- except me. I am not even going to count up the money spent in the last ten years there (out of network for us).

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Oh boy, am I ever annoyed. Our air conditioner, which supposedly got fixed this morning, just quit working again. Dh called the repair people and they said they can't come back until Monday - and it is supposed to be broiling hot this weekend. (We have to use this company because they are the only ones who work on geothermal in our area). So dh and ds19 just headed to Walmart to get a few more window air conditioners. I hate the thought of spending the money, but I hate the thought of a 90+ degree house even more!

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23 hours ago, HomeAgain said:

Oh, I'm jealous of y'all that get to meet! 🙂

On the schedule today:
-help ds practice
-make sure volunteer shirts are clean for tomorrow
-yard work
-dump run x2
-plan menu for the next week
-grocery shop

LOL, yesterday was one of those days where nothing got done.
-ds didn't practice.  I exercised in the garage and then we took a walk, saved some worms, and found a beautiful turkey feather.  After lunch we spent the day swimming.
-I did make sure the shirts were clean.
-no yard work.  We took advantage of the first nice day to swim this week.
-only made it to the dump once, but the actual trash and recycling got taken so all good.
-by menu planning, I guess I meant "look at the ads, circle random stuff, let dh make sense of it all."
-no grocery shopping.  Dh is doing that this morning.

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