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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I looked at my personal list and realized I did way more than I actually put on the list yesterday......all artwork was taken off the walls and taken to storage, basement fridge got almost completely cleaned out, upstairs freezer was cleaned, 3rd storage unit secured, part of the laundry room was packed up and taken to storage.......so we are indeed making progress!

Stuff I didn't do yesterday:

1. Get dressers and bed frames and nightstands to storage  

2. middle son's bed-frame to Goodwill

3. Finish cleaning out basement fridge and freezer  

4. Pack up basement shelf stable food (our pantry was down there and is now all over the floor!)  

5. Pack up shoes and take shoe racks over to storage along with shoes (we have been using bookshelves for a shoe rack) (well, shoes at least)

6. Clean out and pack up laundry room, leaving only essentials to get through until Sunday -mostly  

Edited by DawnM
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Today is another quiet one, so far. I am at home by myself.  Dh left early for Bible study, errands and work. Not sure if the car purchase is going to happen today or not. 

I got a good bit of AHG work done yesterday and my tutoring job has not put a student on my schedule yet, so today I can focus on Dd's English and History. Not lots left to do on the English, except a bit of scheduling and rereading some more literature books. I have not been a  very detailed lesson planner so far in our homeschool. We are mostly just do-the-next-thing people. Do I need to change that for high school? I do spend some time every other weekend during the school year double checking where we are and making sure I actually know what the next things will be.

Other things for today:
Call mom
Walk the dog
Go out to dinner with Dh?!

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Jean, I'm so sorry to read about Cinnamon. 


I slept well, am up, caffeinating, and heading to VBS. Yesterday went well, today is just VBS, home, youth group for the kids, home. DH & I will go out with friends for dinner while the boys are in youth group. 

No other plans. 

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Hi guys.  I pooped out yesterday about 7:30pm after not having more than a couple hours of sleep at a time for several days.  Woke up when my kids called me from camp to chat before they went to bed.  Then woke up for good at 6:something am.


  • Exchanged texts and emails with kids and friend moms.
  • Caught up on news, social media, and emails. 
  • Am on my 2nd cup of coffee.
  • Took out the garbage.
  • Fed the bird.
  • Sent out a few work emails.

To do:

  • Finish as much work as humanly possible.
  • Squeeze in a bit of yoga, walking, and reading.
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Good morning! I am up early- took ds3 to tennis. It will be hot today, so I am trying to get in most of my chores early.

  • coffee/paper
  • garden
  • write
  • more appointments to be made
  • grocery store/pick up ds3 from tennis
  • relax and read in the AC
  • figure out dinner- probably brats and a salad

Have a great day!

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Good morning!  Not much going on.  

-workout (chest, triceps, shoulders)
-return book to library

-straighten up master bathroom
-dinner (DS14 is cooking chicken schnitzel, which means the kitchen will be a wreck once he is done)
-clean kitchen


Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning,

I was up at 4:45am so I could take a shower in my own blissfully clean bathroom before the roofers arrived at 5:30. They moved the dish on our roof and now our internet is out. Hoping that can be easily fixed so I don’t have to try to do work on my phone all day.

-school w/dd

-office work (end of the month things)

-vacuum basement

-tidy up main floor

-text hay guy

-sweep out one hayshed 

-dinner: spicy peanut noodles & broccoli

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Another topsy turvy day because despite ds working on his cars for hours last night and thinking he had it fixed, he couldn't start it this morning.  I talked to him on the way to dropping him off at work about how the greatest tests/ challenges of our Christian walk are these little daily frustrations that crop up.  This was while hiding my own frustration (while acknowledging it to myself) because if I showed my frustration it would tip him into an Aspie meltdown.  So. . .    amazingly I am only a half hour behind schedule and have:

dropped ds off at work (40 minutes of my time right there).

talked to the vet's office about rabbit disposal options.  It helped to talk it through with them though I'm going to handle it myself.

human care is finally finished

pet care is done.  I did an extra check on Rusty and he's his normal cheerful self. 

medical care is done

morning exercises are done

got My Chart test results from one of my doctor's appointments from last week.  Reviewed that.  No surprises since we had reviewed it in the office but I wanted to google a couple of things just for better understanding.

Read a Katy Bowman blog post. 

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Home from VBS. Frozen pizzas cooking in the oven. Going to make little bit (niece) at least take a nap after lunch, and suggest quiet activities for the big boys. 

Have thought more about the quilt and think I've figured out what I can do that will add to what I've done, still be cohesive to the quilt, and not just be extra for the sake of putting on extra. I'll start working on that this afternoon if the little one sleeps, if I can. If not, I do have the weekend and next week, and what I'm planning won't take too long to execute, so that's good. I knew if I sat on it long enough, it would come together. 

Our friends for dinner tonight postponed till Saturday, so need to figure out an option for tonight. The boys have youth group, niece will be with us, so DH may want to do something fun/special with her so she doesn't feel left out, but maybe we can limit that to snocones or something after dinner at the house so we aren't eating out so much. 

Need to do some tidying up as well, and consult DH about something to do with my mom and then email/text/call my mom and let her know our decision. Long story, but short version is she's asked me to come up and care for her when she gets her knee surgery scheduled, and her preferred date conflicts with something very important to me. She knows this and is asking for that date anyway. I've come up with a compromise, need to run it by DH and then let her know. We'll see how that goes. It's a fine line, setting boundaries and honoring our parents at the same time. 

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Well, change of plans......just saw that the Quilt Festival class schedule is on line now for planning purposes......will be spending my afternoon looking at that, dreaming about classes, determining what I want to take in a dream world, and what I can afford to take in the real world.......

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5 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Today is another quiet one, so far. I am at home by myself.  Dh left early for Bible study, errands and work. Not sure if the car purchase is going to happen today or not. 

I got a good bit of AHG work done yesterday and my tutoring job has not put a student on my schedule yet, so today I can focus on Dd's English and History. Not lots left to do on the English, except a bit of scheduling and rereading some more literature books. I have not been a  very detailed lesson planner so far in our homeschool. We are mostly just do-the-next-thing people. Do I need to change that for high school? I do spend some time every other weekend during the school year double checking where we are and making sure I actually know what the next things will be.

Other things for today:
Call mom
Walk the dog
Go out to dinner with Dh?!

Scout, wanted to touch on this -- we haven't changed much from being that way, even with high school. The primary change is that you just have to record what you've done and know how to list it on the transcript. The only planning we really did was to check state graduation requirements (we don't actually have to follow them, but I considered them to be the minimum we should do anyway), check what possible/potential colleges we might aim for (what they'd require of incoming students), and thus use those courses as a bit of a guideline for what needed to be covered over the course of the 4 years. 

We kept a subject based transcript both times so far and that worked well. 

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10 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Scout, wanted to touch on this -- we haven't changed much from being that way, even with high school. The primary change is that you just have to record what you've done and know how to list it on the transcript. The only planning we really did was to check state graduation requirements (we don't actually have to follow them, but I considered them to be the minimum we should do anyway), check what possible/potential colleges we might aim for (what they'd require of incoming students), and thus use those courses as a bit of a guideline for what needed to be covered over the course of the 4 years. 

We kept a subject based transcript both times so far and that worked well. 


I have seen the transcripts from our umbrella school and they are dull, but very clear and readable. If Dd ends up with any significant number of non-vanilla, unusual courses, I may opt to write one myself. Otherwise, the umbrella school one will cover our bases, I think.  I am keepng records of books, curricula, assignments, etc. and sowly reading through Lori D.'s giant pinned threads on the high school boards! 

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Well, the roofers managed to screw up not only our Hughesnet dish, but also the antenna for our super slow & poky backup internet. Dh and I are trying to do work on our phones, which are also slow & poky. And dd is very grouchy about not being able to do her online schoolwork. Fun times...

On the bright side, the new roof looks good and only one more day until they’re done. And also, I’m having the kids pick up Japanese for dinner because I’m too frazzled to cook.

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Selkie, I'm glad your roof woes will all be over tomorrow......assuming, hopefully, they'll correct the antennae errors before they leave?? Yikes. Fun times. 

Pink, I ended up napping. Now on the couch with the niece, watching a movie. She's watching, I'm computering, having one more coffee, and going to scan more of the class catalog for the quilt festival. Found 2 fun options so far.....


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4 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Selkie, I'm glad your roof woes will all be over tomorrow......assuming, hopefully, they'll correct the antennae errors before they leave?? Yikes. Fun times. 

Pink, I ended up napping. Now on the couch with the niece, watching a movie. She's watching, I'm computering, having one more coffee, and going to scan more of the class catalog for the quilt festival. Found 2 fun options so far.....


They tried to fix it with no luck, so there are repair people from both internet providers coming over in the morning. It’s going to be crowded up on that roof, I guess...

And to make the day even more fun, the power in our neighborhood went out. Thank goodness for our generator, because it is so hot today. The power co. truck is in our lane now while they work on the lines.

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1 minute ago, Selkie said:

They tried to fix it with no luck, so there are repair people from both internet providers coming over in the morning. It’s going to be crowded up on that roof, I guess...

And to make the day even more fun, the power in our neighborhood went out. Thank goodness for our generator, because it is so hot today. The power co. truck is in our lane now while they work on the lines.

oh goodness. I hope it all gets sorted tomorrow (and the power is restored today). 

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Howdy.  It's been a long day - wish I could nap or sleep, but not yet.

I completed several big reports today.  I still have 3 more to submit.  One of them is ready but the government website just won't cooperate.  We have the "help desk" working on that for now.  One is scheduled for a webex to submit tomorrow morning, but I have some things I need to do first.  The third is all on me, and I would love to finish it tonight if I don't poop out.

I'm trying to keep up with my hundreds of emails so I don't let anything fall through the cracks.  I hope I'm not forgetting anything that I need to do by quarter-end.

My kids are likely to call me in the next hour - otherwise I would be sneaking a nap right now.  Last night they called me and I can't remember what we talked about, I was so dead.  I hope they are having more fun than I am, LOL.

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@fairfarmhand  Nice to *see* you here! Did y'all get hail later this afternoon? Crazy hot, then a huge storm here. Cool and nice now. 

@Margaret in CO Ds' troop t-shirts are that synthetic, moisture wicking fabric. So comfy and they don't shrink. They came back from camp with black gunk on them, but an overnight soak in Oxyclean fixed that. 

Went out to dinner with Dh to an Italian place (his parents gave us a giftcard). Food was just ok, service was poor because they were busy and shorthanded, but it was still nice to not cook. And to have a leisurely conversation without interruptions. We have another free meal to use this week and will choose a better restaurant. 

Helped Dh put out the trash and the huge branches that came down from our tulip poplar in a storm last week. The stick truck comes this week.


Next up:

jammies, read, maybe have a little ice cream

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9 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

@fairfarmhand  Nice to *see* you here! Did y'all get hail later this afternoon? Crazy hot, then a huge storm here. Cool and nice now. 

@Margaret in CO Ds' troop t-shirts are that synthetic, moisture wicking fabric. So comfy and they don't shrink. They came back from camp with black gunk on them, but an overnight soak in Oxyclean fixed that. 

Went out to dinner with Dh to an Italian place (his parents gave us a giftcard). Food was just ok, service was poor because they were busy and shorthanded, but it was still nice to not cook. And to have a leisurely conversation without interruptions. We have another free meal to use this week and will choose a better restaurant. 

Helped Dh put out the trash and the huge branches that came down from our tulip poplar in a storm last week. The stick truck comes this week.


Next up:

jammies, read, maybe have a little ice cream

No hail. Thankfully. My first tomato is ripening out there! Just some high wind and rain. You?

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