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I've never been so excited about cleaning!

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If you'll remember, I weaned Miss Bossy so Dh could take her and the other younger kids to visit his family for a few days.


I'm spending one day cleaning and organizing one area of the house. For each 10 hour day I put in, I'm paying myself $100.


When they get home on Wednesday, I should have a house that is completely ready for the holidays, and $500 to spend on myself.


My 14 year old is going to spend the time making Christmas presents, so all of that should be out of the way.


Today, I conquer the garage, the deck, and both porches.


I'll post an update tonight.


I'm off to take "before" pictures.

Edited by amy g.
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I'm 'Christmas-green' with envy!! I am actually in SUCH a mood to clean and organize, and I mean everything.... just like you're doing. But, alas, my monkey boys are climbing the walls and there's no hope of DH taking them anywhere anytime soon :glare:. In the meantime, I can barely keep up with the everyday chores. And I only have until Thursday (Thanksgiving) to get my act together.


Do you think your DH would mind my boys tagging along with him?? ;)


I hope you get a lot done and feel that wonderful sense of accomplishment come Wednesday.

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Great job!!! Until about a month ago, my parents' garage looked like someting out of "Clean House." Today, it looks a lot better -- but we've still got a looong way to go before it can truly be used!


You've inspired me to get busy on my closet and bedroom today (well, that, and we have to get it ready for the baby!



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Dh called this morning. He said she was great in the car, and only asked for me once in the middle of the night.


He's taking her fishing, and to the zoo every day, so she is pretty happy about the attention.


Dh has always been unusually good with and sensitive to his babies, so I feel good about their spending some quality time together.

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Dh called this morning. He said she was great in the car, and only asked for me once in the middle of the night.


He's taking her fishing, and to the zoo every day, so she is pretty happy about the attention.


Dh has always been unusually good with and sensitive to his babies, so I feel good about their spending some quality time together.


Excellent. She has a soft spot in my heart.

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You must have a soft spot for spoiled rotten babies!


We are working on Miss Bossy's room today.


The before pictures are a true nightmare. I just shut the door, and quit using that room.


I'm putting the toys she doesn't play with in the attic, and giving away all of the hand me down clothes from the big girls. I don't have anywhere convenient to store them, and I know a family that would really appreciate them. I'll just buy her new clothes if she ever grows.


Be prepared to be amazed by the pictures of her room's transformation. Of course it will probably be 2:00 am before I and finished, and can post them!

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You must have a soft spot for spoiled rotten babies!




:tongue_smilie::D No, just strong willed babies. Plus verbally precocious ones. And it's always cuter when it's someone else's babies who are being strong willed (can you tell I have some of my own? But not the same as Miss Bossy--I had such a good chuckle over your description of what she'll say to you when she's angry.)

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Well, life is getting in the way of my cleaning.


My dad came over for a visit, then some people I'd never met before came by to pick up a turkey and buy soap.


They ended up being so fun, that we sat talking until I was late doing chores, and they have to drive home in the dark.


I'll have to finish Miss Bossy's room tomorrow, but I made some new friends.


I got a two for one, because Miss Good decided to clean out her walk in closet (that you couldn't walk in or use at all) to store some of Miss Bossy's extra toys. I told her to throw everything into the hall, then only replace what she really loves. She is going to have a bunch of extra room because she only likes 3 outfits.


It's a good thing I built an extra day into my schedule.

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The den before:




The den after:




I don't think it looks that different, but it still took a full day to clean.


Miss Bossy's room before:




The big kids just kept gifting her with more and more cast offs!


Miss Bossy's room after:








She even has a clean closet!




We will see if I have the stamina to tackle my own bedroom and bathroom tomorrow.

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Dh called again tonight. He said the baby asked for me once at 5:00 in the morning. He just put Finding Nemo on for her, and she forgot about me. Other than that she has been completely happy.


He also said that they saw Bolt last night. Miss Bossy liked it so much that he took her to see it again tonight. I'm glad to hear that he is spoiling her in the manner to which she has become accustom.


My MIL called to thank me for letting them visit and spend some time with her. I said, "Don't worry. I was pushing them out the door!"

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My family is on their way home!


Ds was at Boy Scout camp with a troop where he did not know anybody. I've already had 2 parents call to tell me that he is the most polite, hardworking child they have ever met...and he is not even home yet.


That made me feel better about all of the past times that I've put parenting before housework.


Now, they can start messing everything up again. I never got to my room because Miss Good decided to clean hers, and I've been helping her. We aren't finished, but I've hauled 4 big boxes of junk out to the curb from her room and closet.


The trash men came today, and I watched them out the window, praying that they would take my huge pile of trash. There is a limit to how much they are supposed to take, but they must have heard my prayers today.


I'm going to sit back and relax while Dh makes me a nice Thanksgiving feast.

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