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What gift?


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My son has to give a gift for a gift exchange.  It should be between $10-15 and it is for a 12-year old boy.  The boy requested Skittles and a Fortnite gift card.  I do not let my son play Fortnite so it would be inappropriate for me to buy a Fortnite gift card for his peer.  I don't even know where to buy it.  I was thinking of the Skittles and a gift card for something else, but what?  Still,  a gift card feels impersonal so I would prefer something else. Any ideas?  I don't have time to order anything.  




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You can get the $10 Playstation gift cards at Walmart. It would not be a Fortnite card, but obviously the child would use it for Fortnite, so you might still feel uncomfortable getting it. 

How about a food place GC? Domino’s for a pizza? McDs? And a bag of skittles. 😂

It’s tricky buying for boys that age because their interests become more individualized. I know my boys in that age range enjoy junk food, but I don’t know if that would be ok with the parents or not. Like a gift bag with chips, full sized candy bars, candy...

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10 hours ago, mmasc said:

You can get the $10 Playstation gift cards at Walmart. It would not be a Fortnite card, but obviously the child would use it for Fortnite, so you might still feel uncomfortable getting it. 

How about a food place GC? Domino’s for a pizza? McDs? And a bag of skittles. 😂

It’s tricky buying for boys that age because their interests become more individualized. I know my boys in that age range enjoy junk food, but I don’t know if that would be ok with the parents or not. Like a gift bag with chips, full sized candy bars, candy...


Yes, I was thinking of a food place.  Subway or donut shop or pizza along with the Skittles.  Does that sound okay?


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10 hours ago, Catwoman said:

Why wouldn’t you buy a Fortnite gift card for a kid whose parents allow him to play Fortnite?


Because it is a problem when you are telling your own kid they are not allowed to play Fortnite because you don't think its appropriate, but you are spending money for a friend to play the game.


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32 minutes ago, Teaching3bears said:

Should it be me buying this or my son?  Taking my son would be another trip and I am so busy these days.

Honestly, I’d go buy it myself if that’s what’s easiest, get the card you feel comfortable buying, and not give it another thought! Have your son help you wrap it if you want him more involved with the gift. Done. 😊

Edited by mmasc
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3 hours ago, vonfirmath said:


Because it is a problem when you are telling your own kid they are not allowed to play Fortnite because you don't think its appropriate, but you are spending money for a friend to play the game.



Okay, I can understand that, especially if you think it might bother your son in any way.

3 hours ago, Sherry in OH said:


A boy requesting Fortnite does not mean his parents allow it.  He may be hoping that if someone else buys the gift card his parents will allow the game.  


I was under the impression that the boy’s parents were fine with him playing Fortnite. If they aren’t, I definitely wouldn’t buy him the gift card!

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3 hours ago, Teaching3bears said:

Should it be me buying this or my son?  Taking my son would be another trip and I am so busy these days.


I don't see any need to drag your son along just to buy a gift card. He won’t learn any valuable life lessons from the experience of picking up a gift card off a rack in a store, and you will be inconvenienced by having to make a separate trip. 

How about a generic Visa gift card or cash inside a Christmas card? That way, the kid can buy whatever he wants. I know a lot of kids like food-related gift cards, but my son never liked them. If you get a general gift card or give cash, the kid can spend the money wherever he likes. The advantage to cash is that the kid won’t end up with $2.00 left on the card after his purchase and there’s nothing else in the store for $2.00, so he might never use all of it. You could also give him the Skittles along with the card.

It’s very kind of you to put this much thought into the gift for your son’s friend! I’m sure he will like whatever you get him.  🙂

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7 hours ago, Sherry in OH said:


A boy requesting Fortnite does not mean his parents allow it.  He may be hoping that if someone else buys the gift card his parents will allow the game.  


By that logic, his parents might not allow him to eat Skittles, but he's hoping that if somebody else buys it it'll be too late for him to object.

Teaching3bears, I'd just get a generic Visa gift card and call it a day. How he spends it is his problem and his parents' - not yours.

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I got him a medium pack I'd Skittles. Tonight I will go to the grocery store and if there is not a $10 gift card that seems right I will go to Subway across the parking lot. I know that he does not have food allergies. I do not know if he is allowed Fortnite but I have met his parents and he probably is. Kids did not consult parents when they wrote this down. My son asked for Doritos. I would prefer if he had asked for something healthier or more life-enriching but that's life. I hope he is not given $15 worth of Doritos!

I am not calling the parents over this. I am not buying him a Fortnite card, nor do I even know where they sell them or care.

Children giving each other gift cards does seem impersonal to me.

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