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What I should be doing


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Is making cinnamon buns for Christmas and wrapping presents while I have the time.  

Instead, I just got off the phone with my sister and I’m really fighting taking a nap!

After today, I won’t really have another opportunity to wrap without people around.  Gotta make myself do it!

What are you doing instead of what you should be doing?

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I am wasting time on my computer rather than a lot of things I should be doing.  Menu planning, cleaning, teaching (kids are still in bed), ceremony planning for scout event on Thursday night, folding laundry from yesterday, and so on.  In my defense I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible migraine and am just getting over the pain, but still feeling wiped out.

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I'm here instead of buying Christmas gifts.  I've just hit such a wall on Christmas gift ideas this year.    However, I did have a slightly productive morning.  I had my hair done and I went and got some quotes on updating our fireplace to a gas insert.  

I have my final on thurs... should be studying for that too..  

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Well I have one more "unkept promise" that I recall (stuff I told a client I would do last night but haven't started yet).  Then a great deal of other work that was targeted to be done before now and isn't.

And I badly need a shower / hair wash.  Debating whether to postpone my work for my bath or my bath for my work.

When I feel too mentally jumbled to make a decision on what to do next, I pop over here for a break.

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This was supposed to be my "get stuff done" week. I'll be traveling from next week until Christmas Eve - lots of last minute prep work, most of which can't be done with kids around! But now my kids have 3 snow days. There are special events on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so my week is shot. And I'm hiding in my room because this is the first time all day everyone's been quiet at the same time.

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1 hour ago, lavender's green said:

This was supposed to be my "get stuff done" week. I'll be traveling from next week until Christmas Eve - lots of last minute prep work, most of which can't be done with kids around! But now my kids have 3 snow days. There are special events on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so my week is shot. And I'm hiding in my room because this is the first time all day everyone's been quiet at the same time.


This is my get stuff done week as well.  We are leaving for Orlando on Saturday and won't be back until the 22.  On my list this week is:

-put together cube shelving (done)

-mount shelving to wall

-organize play room

-clean out car

-pack clothing

-wrap presents

- finish christmas shopping

-clean bathrooms

-clean bedrooms

-prepare guest bedroom for brother who will be visiting my parents while we are gone

-clean the downstairs so mom can enjoy a clean house while we are gone

- finish up pet sitting jobs

-dd has dance tonight, dress rehearsal thursday, and her recital on Saturday morning before we leave


I'm positive there is more but that is all I want to think about now.  Instead of doing any of that right now I'm going to play Stratego with my oldest.

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This morning my boys had their day at the hybrid school and I had quiet all day!  I did not clean the kitchen or fold the laundry!  I called a friend and talked to her and then had lunch with dh.  After that I popped on here and goofed around.  I did come home and clean the kitchen and then my mom popped by.  Now I'm about to organize ds precalc final studying, then I will nag him to do some physics final studying.  

I should figure out what to make for supper.  Why do people need to eat all the time???aghhhh  I'd be really happy with toast myself. LOL

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I forced myself to make the cinnamon rolls and I wrapped all of  youngest dd’s gifts yesterday, and no nap.  I didn’t get to two things I forgot Dh asked me to do. He wanted to know what I did get done, while I was finishing up the cinnamon rolls.  He has no idea how much time that stuff takes.  Before I wrapped, I gathered all the gifts and separated them into piles for each person and realized that I’m only done with the youngest.  The older kids basically just have stocking stuff type gifts and ds barely has that.  (Ideas for 22 year males that’s useful, not clutter?). I also wrapped dh’s gifts.

Today, I have to clean for the party I’m hosting in the morning, make my food for that, bake some cookies for dd to take to the nursing home this evening, try to make meatloaf and tacos to freeze as I need to portion and freeze the bulk size foods that Dh bought me this week.  I need a shower in there too.

One thing I did get done this morning is I got a nap in after the kids got on the bus!  I must have been really tired because even though I want to take a nap, I usually don’t fall asleep especially after I had a cup of coffee.

Hopefully there’s no entertaining threads today to distract more than I already am!

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Well yesterday was not productive at all but I'm making up for that today apparently.  I have cleaned our bathroom, kids are packed, the shelf is secure to the wall, laundry is folded and away, and now I'm going to make some coffee and finish organizing the play room.  

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On 12/12/2018 at 12:13 PM, hjffkj said:

Well yesterday was not productive at all but I'm making up for that today apparently.  I have cleaned our bathroom, kids are packed, the shelf is secure to the wall, laundry is folded and away, and now I'm going to make some coffee and finish organizing the play room.  


Did you get the play room organized?  I’m sure you’ll be glad when it’s done!   (Picture?)

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I've had a productive few days.   I was able to set down in a list everything I needed to get for my kids/grandkids.  That's 12 people, not including my dh and our parents and my aunt.  I'm not a shopper nor a gift-giver by nature, so this is a bit overwhelming.  Putting it in a list helps me a lot.  I need to "see" what I'm getting.

So, I spent 2 days doing online shopping. Carolyn, you're so right, this stuff takes so much more time than people realize.  Then I went yesterday to TJMaxx and bought a ton of goodies.  All my girls (including 2 daughters'-in-law) are either foodies or into skin care.  So I bought about 7 different face mask packages -most were 5 to a pack, plus a hand mask thing, and several different types of unique foodie items.  I went to town today dividing them up between the 5 girls I have.   Some got more because I'm light on other gifts for them.  I try to do 3 gifts per person (the foodie/skin care gift bag is one gift).   I may go to World Market to get a few more international foodie items. 

Plus, I started decorating more.  I've added a bit outside and inside.  I found a cute red sleigh filled with chocolate goodies from Ghirradelli.  I divided the chocolate stuff up in my foodie bags and kept the sleigh.  I filled it with pinecones and plastic fir needles and some white lights... now it's a Christmas decoration.  

Between the weather and our schedules we haven't had a chance to go get our Christmas tree yet.  Hopefully tomorrow, in the mud.  🙄

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