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Who’s going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I meant to get up extra early to work on a report that was technically due (soft deadline) yesterday.  Hoping to send it out before the client's office hours start.  Then I have a second one due today also.  (I slept longer than intended, but it was so nice and comfy with the extra blanket ....)

  • Coffeeing up.
  • Work.
  • Kids off to school.  They have youth group after and will arrive home around 6 / 7:30pm.
  • Exercise, a little reading and housework.
  • Bills.
  • Whatever else gets done.
  • Kids fed, homework and test study done.
  • Read-aloud?
  • Kids to bed.
  • AHG newsletter.
  • Work or sleep.
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milk cow

 twins school work

 pick up 5 of my sister's kids ( she   is the one with 10 kids youngest 2 months old who is recently single) 

 do school work with  the 5 and 8 year old. 

 do history with  all 5 of sister's kids plus twins - forgotten how tricky it it is to  teach while holding a 1 year old and trying to stop a 2 year old chew up the crayons while reading aloud.

take sister's kids home

 cook lamb chops and veggies for tea

 put twins to bed


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Good morning!

The usuals are done (food for dh and cats, coffee)

  • meals         (only dinner left and will be eating out)
  • school with ds
  • tutor 4 students today
  • tidy house
  • work on master list from the weekend     (2 things done)
  • take ds to swim                     (leaving soon)
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Good morning!  (or Good evening to you, Melissa!)  Have a few places to be and calls to make today.

-DS17 off to school (make sure I write a note for him to leave early)
-fill out Florida Athletic forms for DS17's sports physical

-school with DS13 (three live classes today - writing, ancient lit, AP Computers)
-DS17 takes self to physical appointment at 9:30 (DH will meet him there)
-laundry DONE: 2
-workout (steady state cardio) - yeah, this isn't happening today
-call school about project they want me to work on
-get fingerprinted for substitute teaching job (appointment at 2:15)
-leave at 5 to help DH with his little league team (I have to keep the score book because apparently no parents on his team want to volunteer to do anything)
-everyone on own for dinner

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Good morning!

Hoping I can stay home all day and get things done. It looks like it's going to be a rainy day.

  • school w/dd (prod her along in her much-despised Spanish class)
  • lots of office work (bills, health insurance, bank stuff, see what else is in my pile)
  • post office?
  • call for a prescription refill
  • order horse supplies (syringes, detangler)
  • vacuum steps
  • dd has Yearbook Club this afternoon
  • kitchen things (make a pitcher of hibiscus tea, make banana/oat cookies for dh, see what produce needs to be used up)
  • dinner: Buddha bowls
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Good morning! It's been busy here already, but the day is about to slow down. Dh needs the car today so I am home to get my own things done.  Pink and Selkie, my ds1 was exactly the same and it was the only C I ever gave him in high school. Ironically, he graduated with honors in Spanish. Is the joke on me? 

  • coffee/paper
  • write/exercise
  • check calendar/bills/phone calls
  • daily chores
  • weekly chores
  • read
  • quilt-just need to get started-I don't know why I can't finish this top
  • chat with dd2 when she is home on her off block 
  • ds3 has a tournament (he will be late due to senior night)
  • dd2 has late practice
  • no idea about dinner

Have a great day!

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  • Take it easy in the morning since sleep interrupted with late night calls from College staff, then multiple calls to hospital and ER, then call back from daughter (I can't even count how many Er and hospitalizations she has had since high school graduation- anaphylaxis, asthma, viral meningitis, etc.  
  • get in touch w/ her this morning before her class and get update and notify rest of family
  • write consolation cards
  • mail cards
  • return library book
  • go to class
  • ren
    ew other library bookfind book for book club\
  • go to my doctor's appointment\
  • maybe figure out when I will have enough energy and less pain in neck to get hair appointment and figure out who to see
  • try again to find counselor
  • set up instacart
  • lunch?
  • dinner?
  • Take more steroids and pray and listen and watch happy stuff
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Praying for your Dd and you, Christina. 

Drizzling here again today. Hoping it clears off by tomorrow for Ds' outdoor FT. 


  • Dd to tutorial
  • grocery
  • 1 load of laundry folded and put away
  • budget/bills

To do:

  • school with Ds
  • Ds to/from Science class
  • fill bird feeder
  • Zoo volunteer computer login and scheduling
  • library

Dinner is lettuce wraps and pot stickers. Prep done!


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She is back on prednisone and having to do nebulizer treatments round the clock.  I was so happy that she was doing everything she could to control her asthma she went.  As she has a single, she did go and hang out with a responsible friend (the same guy who drove her to the ER in July when she was anyphalactic)  and though she was feeling not so bad, the campus staff wanted her to go to ER to get a stronger treatment, probably a injection or infusion of steroids among other stuff, and to get a script for prednisone.

Our messaging has not been working correctly on any of our phones so that was part of the confusion.

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3 hours ago, MysteryJen said:

I got a little off track because it is finally cool enough to start using the oven again. A pumpkin loaf is cooling on the counter and a blueberry lemon loaf is in the oven. Now, back to the things, I actually have to do.

My kids are asking for pumpkin bread, but I still have zucchini! We seem to get a large one, better for baking than other eating, every week in our CSA box. 

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Christina, I'm glad you know what the situation is with your dd and pray she will continue to improve!

Selkie, I haven't had complaints about Spanish, but ds did just say the last module has been harder. It's one subject I don't get complaints, so it's probably been too easy! We are using Visual Link, and I can't say that he is learning to really speak it or use it, but he is putting in the time to get the credits. 


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3 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

Christina, I'm glad you know what the situation is with your dd and pray she will continue to improve!

Selkie, I haven't had complaints about Spanish, but ds did just say the last module has been harder. It's one subject I don't get complaints, so it's probably been too easy! We are using Visual Link, and I can't say that he is learning to really speak it or use it, but he is putting in the time to get the credits. 


Amy, I have been meaning to ask how your dd is doing. Did she have her cardiologist appt. yet?

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Looking up recipes for chocolate zucchini cake/bread. Despite the fact that Dh and I are seriously trying  to eat low carb!! It's all your fault Jean and Jen! ?  I laughed aloud at Jen's post, my ds asked what was so funny and I explained. Chocolate zucchini cake baking is on the calendar for Saturday here. 

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15 hours ago, Selkie said:

Amy, I have been meaning to ask how your dd is doing. Did she have her cardiologist appt. yet?

Thank you, Selkie! She is going to cancel it. She hasn't had anymore incidents past one or two weird feelings that week. She believes it's anxiety because some things her professor told her to do if it was helped then.

She was really stressed about the coming work in her nursing program. She did get some good news about something they are changing in how the classes are lined up, which should help. She was looking at having a few very hard classes next semester, and they are changing the schedule so that they only take two of them at a time. 

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