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Unarmed security guard jobs for ds

Night Elf

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1 hour ago, TechWife said:

Except that Beth wasn’t asking for feedback.  She was asking for a limited piece of information that wasn’t ASD specific. 

Well, I think that is the danger of letting a large group of strangers on the internet have a lot of background information.  Many of us are reading this in context of other information posted about in great detail.  I honestly had no memory of you having  even having an ASD child TechWife because you keep things closer to the vest and discuss at will.   I personally RARELY start posts myself.  I think I've stated maybe 2 in the past year.   There are a few posters who find themselves in that bind on certain topics and they tend to be the ones that post over and over very publicly and in great detail about a particular situation.  I just don't think there's any great way to back out of everyone knowing your posting history once you've started on this particular board.



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1 hour ago, TechWife said:

Right, I totally understand that. It’s just not reasonable to expect someone to put a note on a thread title when the OP doesn’t know the conversation will drift and even if drift was presumed, there’s no way to know which direction it will go when it drifts. Those of us who have children with ASD shouldn’t be expected to declare it every time we post something or ask a question. 


Oh, agreed, just putting in a word for those who drift beyond the initial post. 

6 minutes ago, unsinkable said:

Transport (it is called different things but basically pushing patients around). You don't really have to talk to them beyond hello, and sadly, many aren't in any position to chit-chat. Also, some hospitals have delivery staff within the hospital, that run stuff from receiving to the appropriate department.

Dietary delivery. You take the trays to patients. Also stock different kitchenette areas in the hospital, with juices, etc. You're not prepa ring food, just taking it places.



And hospitals often offer the ability to switch from one job to another. If the first position isn't a great fit, you can put in to transfer to something different. 

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1 hour ago, TechWife said:

Except that Beth wasn’t asking for feedback.  She was asking for a limited piece of information that wasn’t ASD specific. 


Actually, Beth apparently did think her son’s ASD was a factor in whether or not he would get the job. She mentioned it in her OP. It makes sense that people may have tailored their responses with that in mind, even if they weren’t already familiar with the situation from Beth’s prior threads about her son.

On 9/9/2018 at 6:37 AM, Night Elf said:

How does one get started to become a security guard? This is ds's latest idea. The information I was finding online mentioned licensing but I have no idea where to look for that. I've got to get him driving but my job is so crazy that we can only practice driving on my two off days unless he lets DH take him out after work when there is more traffic on the road which he doesn't like. Anyway, two of the jobs I saw required a valid drivers license. The ones I looked at that were the closest to us said at least 1 year security experience preferred. 

I got him to apply to Target to be a Protection Specialist which we think is a low level security person. We'll see if they call. He applied Saturday night so I'm hoping they'll phone him this coming week for an interview. The only problem is the job description mentions having good customer service skills and as an Aspie he doesn't have that. To be honest, I don't think he'll get this job.


I hope we can let this go now. The more I try to explain my reasoning, the more I feel like I keep offending you, but it’s not my intention at all.

I made a suggestion I thought might be helpful to Beth. She was perfectly kind and gracious in her response. She has been entirely pleasant throughout this thread, and she hasn’t scolded anyone for responding inappropriately and she said she just skims past the responses that aren’t helpful to her. Problem solved, right?

If Beth has already responded and moved on from this, can’t we do the same? I really hope we can. I respect you very much and I don’t want to argue with you. Can’t we acknowledge that we are both trying to be helpful in our own way and let this go? 


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21 minutes ago, unsinkable said:

I just got back from the hospital (I'm fine. No one worry. Just routine stuff. But I do love those Edible Arrangements, if anyone wants to send one).

Anyway, 2 more thoughts:

Transport (it is called different things but basically pushing patients around). You don't really have to talk to them beyond hello, and sadly, many aren't in any position to chit-chat. Also, some hospitals have delivery staff within the hospital, that run stuff from receiving to the appropriate department.

Dietary delivery. You take the trays to patients. Also stock different kitchenette areas in the hospital, with juices, etc. You're not prepa ring food, just taking it places.


12 minutes ago, katilac said:

And hospitals often offer the ability to switch from one job to another. If the first position isn't a great fit, you can put in to transfer to something different. 


I like the hospital job idea. I especially like the idea that once he worked there, he would have the opportunity to transfer to a different position if he got bored in a job or simply didn’t like certain parts of it.

He demonstrated at Kroger that he’s a capable and reliable worker, so he would probably do well enough in a new job to get a good recommendation if he wanted to transfer to a different job at the same workplace (for whatever reason, whether it’s stress-related or he just didn’t enjoy the work.)

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4 minutes ago, HeighHo said:


Do you have a feel for what went wrong at the Kroger job, aside from the demand to work at an uncomfortable speed and the desire to not work full tlime?

It seems to me the hospital ideas are going to be similar, and here everything at the hospital that is not demanding seems to be either volunteer or a retiree job.


I honestly can’t answer your question about Kroger. You may very well be right about the hospital jobs — I don’t know how demanding they are, and would assume it probably varies from one hospital to another. I just liked the idea that he could transfer to a different job in the same workplace if he wasn’t happy with the first one, without having to start all over again from scratch.

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29 minutes ago, HeighHo said:

It seems to me the hospital ideas are going to be similar, and here everything at the hospital that is not demanding seems to be either volunteer or a retiree job.



Patient transport can only go so fast. There's always another patient waiting, but you are walking a fair distance at a reasonable pace in between each one. I don't think they could rely on volunteers for that because the patients have to be transported at certain times.

I'm not sure about non-patient deliveries between departments, but none of the non-medical staff around here ever seem to be rushing, lol. 

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I would stay away from Target if he doesn't want a job that gets hectic, and if he has limited hours that he wants to work. Things really do get fast paced and demanding there, especially from July - Christmas. You have Back to School, Halloween, and the lead up to Christmas. 

Also, during those months they are not giving much time off. Most employees work more hours , and very few people get much time off in August and between Nov-Dec. Obviously, people aren't going over 40 hours, but they are working more hours.

When I worked there, and was scheduling softline employee we were not approving too many time off requests in August and Nov. and Dec.

Another issue he might have with Target is how much they push their Red Card. We expected EVERYONE to participate in getting customers to get one. Employees were pushed really hard to sell people on them. 


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I understand what it's like to be overwhelmed with too many things to do all at once.

Here is an job coach that is easy to check out if you live in one of these states. 

Ken's Krew, Inc. currently operates in downstate New York, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Georgia and southern Florida. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for Ken's Krew, please give us a call to confirm we serve your locality, then read and completely fill out all forms below and mail them to our central office

Contact Us:

Ken's Krew, Inc.
555 Madison Avenue
19th Floor
New York, NY, 10022
(212) 290-8999 phone
(212) 290-8994 fax

Suzy Goldberger
Email: suzy@kenskrew.org

Karen LaPera, Director of Vocational Training
Email: klapera@kenskrew.org


The application and more information is here.

You can do this.




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I haven't read through the whole thread, so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before. Have you checked Goodwill or other organizations for job training? They may be able to help him work on his difficulties in dealing with the public. I had looked into them a while ago for ds, but he has been doing very well working with us so I never pursued it. Ds is also an aspie, and we are lucky that we have been able to train him to work with us. At this time he is completely unable to work outside of our company. He has been taking Udemy courses and I may have him work towards the Coursera/Google IT Tech Support Professional Certificate. He has been interacting with other employees, but no customers so far. We do have some organizations around here that work with adult aspies to teach them job and life skills, but we haven't enrolled him in anything yet. They are not free and can be quite expensive.

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On ‎9‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 9:26 PM, Quill said:

I had a conversation like this with my son and, in our case, it turned out to be exactly the right conversation. He was struggling with the idea of remaining employed in a fast food restaurant because, “It is SOOO mind-numbingly boring!” But something seemed to click for him when I talked about how lots of people do jobs, especially in earlier years, that they don’t love. They may even hate the job. But it puts money in the bank and people can find a way to put up with a boring or unpleasant job until better opportunities arise. 


Yes, I have had conversations like this with my step son.  When we were first wanting him to get a job he was so snobby about what he wanted....I mean, look kid you are a 17 year old kid with no work experience--your first job is not going to be perfect or glamorous.  Something seemed to 'click' with him too after one of my talks with him about how you sometimes have to start off with the worst job in a place to work your way up to better jobs.  And that if you show yourself to be a hard worker and dependable you are already ahead of the pack IME.  So he took a job washing dishes and has not called in one time since he started in May.  He works 30 hours a week even now that he is back in school.  It is hard work and he misses a lot of socializing but he doesn't complain and seems to like it.  I mean sometimes he is a little crabby after a 10 shift when he gets home at midnight but generally he seems to like  it.  I am really proud of him.

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