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So what's wrong with Target (or, do I really want to know)...


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I just assume all of those stores are the same. Walmart is the biggest so obviously the "worst".


I worked for Target as the front end supervisor and found it to be a frustrating experience. They fire people for not promoting the in house credit card. Everything is controlled by the head office in MN. We couldn't even change the heat settings in the store. They don't pay well. About the same as any box store.


I prefer the shopping experience at Target because its cleaner, wider aisles and better trained employees.



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I prefer to shop locally, but since the local grocery was bought out by Kroger... well, it's getting harder to find a mom and pop!


What i like about Target (at least the one I am familiar with):

*They give a % of profit back to the local community.

*Many of their products are designed by high-end designers (Michael Graves, etc.) so they look cool and actually work.

*Their clothing holds up better than other box stores

*They have organic options (sheets, toiletries, etc.)

*Their customer service is outstanding and their stores are clean, stocked and organized

*Their clearance prices are very good

* Not as much sensory overload and better lighting (not great but better) than other box stores

*They carry clothing in sizes that fit slim people

* It seems like every time I go to Walmart I see a family verbally and often physically abusing their child. I just can't take it any more! Target may be higher priced on some items, but I can get through it without crying.


Target isn't perfect, and there are many items not made in the USA, but it is the 'lesser of two evils' in my opinion.

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I don't know... here is an interesting article from Snopes...



This probably explains why my brother-in-law says he won't shop at Target because they don't support the military. :confused: I had no idea what he was talking about but did not want to get into it since I think we are probably polar opposites on all political issues imaginable. He loves Wal-Mart though and shops there every day.

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Their return policy stinks. When I spend $1000 at your store I should be able to return a $6 item without an issue. It bugs me but I shop there anyway:glare:


Maybe it depends on the store; our nearest Target is super about returns, even taking back clearance merchandise. I used to be in retail though, and I know how controlling and mean some people get when they are behind the register. I just want to yell "It's not your store!!!". Instead I just figure they had a horrible day (or month or year or life) and try to let it go.

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Maybe it depends on the store; our nearest Target is super about returns, even taking back clearance merchandise. I used to be in retail though, and I know how controlling and mean some people get when they are behind the register. I just want to yell "It's not your store!!!". Instead I just figure they had a horrible day (or month or year or life) and try to let it go.


When I was in charge of the front end at Target we had a report that would come back to tell us if we were red, yellow or green with our returns. You didn't want to be red but if you took returns you were almost always red. I quit when I became a person I couldn't stand. I felt like I was in a battle with the store and with customers. I was always in the middle and never felt like I won. I was either an "unkind lady" (nicest way I can say that) or red on my report.



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When I was in charge of the front end at Target we had a report that would come back to tell us if we were red, yellow or green with our returns. You didn't want to be red but if you took returns you were almost always red. I quit when I became a person I couldn't stand. I felt like I was in a battle with the store and with customers. I was always in the middle and never felt like I won. I was either an "unkind lady" (nicest way I can say that) or red on my report.




That sucks. When I was a manager at the Limited we had a similar policy. It was frustrating; I had to 'encourage' salespeople to sell items as hard as they could, then when the customer got home and reconsidered (resulting in a return of an item they did not really want in the first place) the salesperson was 'punished' with low marks. No one stopped to realize that the marks really meant nothing. Who cares if you got a low mark? They weren't ever going to give you a raise *anyway*!!!:lol: I hated that job!


I am glad you don't have to deal with that anymore, and you have made me think twice about my cavalier attitude toward returns. After all, the front desk person had nothing to do with my Target purchase and should not be held accountable for it. Target take note: I count on being able to return my purchase if a pair of pants does not fit. If I couldn't return it, then I likely would not risk buying it.

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I don't know what you're talking about...plugging ears and humming so as not to hear anything bad about Target.


I love Target. My ds has worked there for most of this year and has been employee of the month twice. :D


Our store is great. The management is really good, the store is very clean, and they DON'T PLAY MUSIC! Also, I've heard that the employees are very handsome and helpful. ;)


Of course, I am biased and I shop at Walmart too, so take my opinion for what it's worth.

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Our Target went south a few years ago - used to carry decent clothes for kids, now the girl section looks like stuff for little tramps. :-( Actually I guess most girls clothes departments everywhere are not what they used to be. And I am an old fart!


Our Target has a huge line of registers - only ONE is ever open. Target used to seem like a minor, nice department store - now it (and the tv ads!) look like a Walmart wannabe.

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The main reason I hear for those boycotting Target is the Salvation Army issue, and Christmas... but I have my own reason.


Several years back, I found myself in the childrens book section with my kids. Then I turned around to find that there were magazines along the one side, and on the second tier, at my children's eye level were magazines TOTALLY inappropriate for young eyes. Now, normally magazines that are less appropriate are on the top tier and not in the front row, but these were not. So, I went to customer service and complained. They came with me to the section and said they did not really see a problem but there was nothing they could do. The layout of the store was designed by headquarters and that the magazines were stocked by a seperate company that decided the placement of magazines.


We left the store. I called headquarters. They told me that the layout was a common one, and a very successful model. They also confirmed that they do not control magazine layouts but that it is determined by their vendors.


There was no apology. No change of layout. I returned over the months occasionally to that store to check, and over the next year the situation remained the same. I have not spent a single cent in the store since that first day. And I will continue to avoid them because of my experience.


Each Target is different in management, but the problem was with corporate. Everyone has their own issues with all sorts of stores, but I will not shop Target.

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I prefer to shop locally, but since the local grocery was bought out by Kroger... well, it's getting harder to find a mom and pop!


What i like about Target (at least the one I am familiar with):

*They give a % of profit back to the local community.

*Many of their products are designed by high-end designers (Michael Graves, etc.) so they look cool and actually work.

*Their clothing holds up better than other box stores

*They have organic options (sheets, toiletries, etc.)

*Their customer service is outstanding and their stores are clean, stocked and organized

*Their clearance prices are very good

* Not as much sensory overload and better lighting (not great but better) than other box stores

*They carry clothing in sizes that fit slim people

* It seems like every time I go to Walmart I see a family verbally and often physically abusing their child. I just can't take it any more! Target may be higher priced on some items, but I can get through it without crying.


Target isn't perfect, and there are many items not made in the USA, but it is the 'lesser of two evils' in my opinion.


To be fair, Walmart does give to charitable causes as well, though I don't know how they compare. http://walmartstores.com/FactsNews/FeaturedTopics/?id=11


I was surprised to note that Walmart has actually started offering a number of organic options as well (http://www.walmart.com/earth?redirect_query=organic). I prefer the shopping experience at Target, but am disappointed that they seem to have been reducing their selection of clothing in sizes that fit larger people. Unfortunately I have to go to Walmart (or Kmart, which actually *worse* customer service than Walmart, though the products are a little better overall) to find the type and size of underwear I need at a reasonable price (else it's off to the high priced specialty stores).


I do like the heightened style of things at Target (though I wish their girls' clothes were not so "trendy" most of the time---but that's true of almost everywhere---sigh).


Speaking of sensory overload, I agree with you. I also *really* hate shopping at any of the "superstores" regardless of name. Kohl's is also awful. Once you are out of the main aisles around the store, the racks and displays are so close together you can't move, and I have no idea how they determine their placement of products ("oh, of course, I should have realized that the digital photo frames in this week's ad would be stocked in the men's underwear department...."). My sister loves it, but I never seem to find anything I want in there.

Edited by KarenNC
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(or Kmart, which actually *worse* customer service than Walmart, though the products are a little better overall)


OH, Kmart! You are so right about that store. I can't even go in there... the checkers (there aer only two regardless of customer load) are so very slow, and no one seems to be able to help me on the floor. It's just too much.


I wish our Wal-Mart had organics... must be a regional thing. My parent's store does not have organic either, and that is a bummer because it is the only store in their rural TX town.

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And on their by-industry list (on which none of the big box retailers get a good grade), Target ranks fourth out of six, above Wal-Mart and K-Mart, below Big Lots, Kohl's and Costco: http://www.coopamerica.org/programs/responsibleshopper/industry/bigbox.cfm

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Maybe it depends on the store; our nearest Target is super about returns, even taking back clearance merchandise. I used to be in retail though, and I know how controlling and mean some people get when they are behind the register. I just want to yell "It's not your store!!!". Instead I just figure they had a horrible day (or month or year or life) and try to let it go.


Ours is bad. No receipt, no exchange/return. Not even at CHristmas. I can't remember now what i have that we won't use - but there was no way i was offending the family member that got it for us by asking for a receipt.


And hey, i was a Cust Service Sr at Best Buy - i get WHY, but it makes holiday exchanges a PITA.


Oh i remember, i got Season 3 of a TV series instead of 1.... nope, sorry, can't exchange that for season 1 without the receipt.


Honestly, i try NOT to buy gifts there for that reason.

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Ours is bad. No receipt, no exchange/return. Not even at CHristmas. I can't remember now what i have that we won't use - but there was no way i was offending the family member that got it for us by asking for a receipt.


This may not be just at Target stores. I was talking with a clerk at Babies R Us a few months back about returns. She said everyone must have a receipt now. It is a new policy, but it was put in place because customers would walk into the store, pick up an item, and then bring it up to the CS desk and want to return it.


I don't know why they couldn't just call that stealing, but anyway, according to this clerk, this is what has made that change in policy~a few dishonest people.


Perhaps someone else knows more about that than I do.



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This may not be just at Target stores. I was talking with a clerk at Babies R Us a few months back about returns. She said everyone must have a receipt now. It is a new policy, but it was put in place because customers would walk into the store, pick up an item, and then bring it up to the CS desk and want to return it.


I think it is indeed a trend that has been growing across the spectrum from what I've seen.

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OH, Kmart! You are so right about that store. I can't even go in there... the checkers (there aer only two regardless of customer load) are so very slow, and no one seems to be able to help me on the floor. It's just too much.


Unfortunately, my experience has usually been that there are *no* clerks manning the tons of aisles of cash registers, leaving folks with no option but to either use the self-checkout or leave. I usually leave, because I can't seem to ever get one to work properly when I am near it. Now this doesn't mean that there weren't at least 3 clerks standing over in the corner chatting while watching everyone have to go to the self-checkout........

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I think it is indeed a trend that has been growing across the spectrum from what I've seen.


It is a growing trend.... but i hate that they can't control their own loss and have their stores poorly set up for returns. Drives me crazy - i'm punished because of the rest.




WM limits you to the number of no receipt returns - and files your DL info. I"d actually rather have that than bother family members for receipts. I guess we just all might as well buy gift cards - buy your own presents.


Gee, i must be psyching myself up for getting more gifts this year i don't want huh? :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, implement better loss prevention strategies and the rest of us won't suffer as much.

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OH, Kmart! You are so right about that store. I can't even go in there... the checkers (there aer only two regardless of customer load) are so very slow, and no one seems to be able to help me on the floor. It's just too much.


I thought this was just at the Kmart near us. They are so slow. You can be the only customer in the store and have only one item to check out and it will take 15 minutes to get through the check out.


I had a guy at KMART one time comment on my items. I had a bottled water and suckers. He said, "This water tastes like gasoline". :glare: Yummy, give me ten more please. Then he threw my suckers into the bag. I think he was having a bad day.


We go to KMART to shop when we don't want to go to a store with other people.



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I don't know... here is an interesting article from Snopes...



Oooooh. That's right. I had forgotten about the Salvation Army ban. Yeah. That still bugs me.


Having said that-I would still shop there if they had one here. They will eventually, but not yet.


I like the style of their clothes, but not the quality. Can fabric get much thinner?


I like the cleanliness of the store.


I don't like that you can. not. find. a dadburned. thing. not made in China. They are worse in this area than Walmart.


And most importantly...they had an in-store Starbucks at the one I used to shop at in Virginia. My dh and I would have a shopping date there every now and then. :D



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We are located near 2 Target stores and 2 Wal-Mart stores, all of which are about the same distance from us. I rarely shop either one. I can give easy, acceptable answers for why, but those are only part of my resaons.


Wal-mart is frequented by what's basically the working poor. It's almost all Hispanic and Black. More than once I've been 'told off' by other shoppers. I've witnessed, as someone else has pointed out, parents being verbally and physically abusive towards their children. And my son was once physically pushed out of line by a Hispanic teenager. Plus the quality of the merchandise, especially clothes, is definitely reflected in the price. I bought my son a $5 pair of imitation Crocs and with in a week they were falling apart.


Target has been somewhat better. The stores are cleaner and better lit. But, in my opinion, the prices still reflect the quality. The clothes I've gotten at Target has lasted only slightly longer than those I've bought at Wal-Mart, the prices being slightly higher at Target.


The last straw for me was when I had a few defective DVDs that were purchased at a few different stores. I took a DVD back to Wal-Mart, was told that it had to be exchanged for the same title. Only that title was out of stock and on order. I was told I'd either have to exchange it at a different Wal-Mart or come back to exchange it once the title was back in stock. I felt as though I was doing something wrong by wanting a 'perfect' DVD. The lady at customer service even laughed at me and asked if I expected everything I bought there to be perfect. I was eventually able to exchange the DVD but it took several trips to both the nearby Wal-Mart stores and by then I had purchased an unflawed copy from a store that sells used DVDs for about 1/3 of what I had spent at Wal-Mart.


I took a DVD back to Target and basically ran into the same thing, only they gave me a credit slip that stated I had already paid for the DVD. They were supposed to notify me when that title came in but never did. I stopped by the store when I was in the area (not very often) but they never had that title. In the end, it was $20 wasted. The credit slip expired after 6 months or something and my DVD never came in.


At other stores, I was allowed to choose a different DVD or had my money refunded if the title I was trying to replace was unavailable. It's only at the "big box" stores that I ran into problems.


I also have had friends and relatives who have worked at Wal-Mart and Target. All have said the same thing. The working conditions stink... One friend has been working at Wal-Mart for 8 years and every year they promise to increase her hours from part time to full time so she'll be eligible for benefits.


On the whole, dealing with that and supporting businesses that treat their loyal employees the way they are treated just isn't worth it to save a few dollars.



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I like Target better than Wal-Mart because there's more selection in the card section (not all Hallmark, and some are made in the USA.) The clothes are a better quality. However, all of their store brand is made in China, at least everything I've looked at. I don't care for stores like that as a rule, anyway.


As for the different stories on levels of service, I suspect that some of that has to do with local management, local employees, etc.

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I never had a problem with returns at Target because they could look up the purchase on their computer file as long as I had bought the stuff with my debit card, which I always do. So I have made returns there without a receipt. Same with Kmart. They can now look up debit card purchases made within the return policy time span.


I haven't shopped at Target for over a year, though, so maybe their policy has changed, I don't know. I try to stay out of the stores these days.

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I used to work for Target (a long, long time ago) as the Garden Center manager. There were definitely problems with the management end of things. They didn't pay enough, and they seem to have a hard time finding qualified workers. There was a lack of communication and coordination between the various store managers and the district managers. I think things have improved there though. I don't notice some of the problems that I used to see.


Anyway, I shop there all the time. I enjoy it for the most part, since the store is generally clean, well-lit, and well-stocked, and I can usually find help if I need it. They're pretty good about opening up extra registers too, if the lines are long.


I refuse to shop at Mall-Wart, and K-Mart has the world's worst customer service - I haven't been there in years. There's no way I'd give up Target! :D

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I hate Walmarts return policy! They direct you into the line at customer service and you can't even go look to see what they might have on hand to exchange. Target however doesn't mind if you take your sack with previous purchased item into the store and look to see if they have another size or color.

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Wal-mart is frequented by what's basically the working poor. It's almost all Hispanic and Black. More than once I've been 'told off' by other shoppers. I've witnessed, as someone else has pointed out, parents being verbally and physically abusive towards their children. And my son was once physically pushed out of line by a Hispanic teenager. Plus the quality of the merchandise, especially clothes, is definitely reflected in the price. I bought my son a $5 pair of imitation Crocs and with in a week they were falling apart.

SW in IL- are you for freakin real?????????

God forbid I have to shop with the Hispanics.The Blacks. The working poor. I might catch...something. And newsflash, the race of the punk who pushed your son? Totally irrelevant. Unless, you know, you are a bigot.


I hate Wal Mart with a purple passion, but almost have the urge to go shop there now.




I can't the only one appalled by this post, can I??


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Wal-mart is frequented by what's basically the working poor. It's almost all Hispanic and Black. More than once I've been 'told off' by other shoppers. I've witnessed, as someone else has pointed out, parents being verbally and physically abusive towards their children. And my son was once physically pushed out of line by a Hispanic teenager. Plus the quality of the merchandise, especially clothes, is definitely reflected in the price. I bought my son a $5 pair of imitation Crocs and with in a week they were falling apart.

SW in IL- are you for freakin real?????????

God forbid I have to shop with the Hispanics.The Blacks. The working poor. I might catch...something. And newsflash, the race of the punk who pushed your son? Totally irrelevant. Unless, you know, you are a bigot.


I hate Wal Mart with a purple passion, but almost have the urge to go shop there now.




I can't the only one appalled by this post, can I??



Well, the tone of your post is equally as appalling. Assigning motive and name calling? If you're that appalled, flag it, but don't invite other people into your witch hunt.

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Wal-mart is frequented by what's basically the working poor. It's almost all Hispanic and Black. More than once I've been 'told off' by other shoppers. I've witnessed, as someone else has pointed out, parents being verbally and physically abusive towards their children. And my son was once physically pushed out of line by a Hispanic teenager. Plus the quality of the merchandise, especially clothes, is definitely reflected in the price. I bought my son a $5 pair of imitation Crocs and with in a week they were falling apart.

SW in IL- are you for freakin real?????????

God forbid I have to shop with the Hispanics.The Blacks. The working poor. I might catch...something. And newsflash, the race of the punk who pushed your son? Totally irrelevant. Unless, you know, you are a bigot.


I hate Wal Mart with a purple passion, but almost have the urge to go shop there now.




I can't the only one appalled by this post, can I??



I am not but I think rednecks deserve a mention as Wal-Mart clientele . ;) Thank you, Jeff Foxworthy, for pointing it out. I didn't get some of his jokes until I went to a super duper Wal-Mart. There is a class difference regarding which group shops where that loosely follows race differences. Just is. You won't see me shopping at Dolce and Gabana.

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