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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Howdy.  I missed yesterday's thread because I napped all morning, had some minor work emergencies, and had to do the scout craft in the evening.  I am glad to have a few nagging things behind me this week.


Today I have to get some work out so I can enjoy my weekend.  The kids have a couple of activities this evening, but the school provides transport to one of them (bowling) and my hired driver will take them to the second (horse riding).  After that, probably dinner out.


I am so excited to say that my old Aunt Flo has returned after a long absence.  Actually no I am not excited.  :/  I think that is why I keep wanting to sleep so much.


Oh, just remembered, the maids are supposed to come today.  Not sure - they cancel half of the time.  Makes it hard to plan.

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Good morning!  Rainy and cooler here after our midweek taste of spring!


Already done:

fed pets, prayer, post


To do:

Get dressed



Clean master bath

Take son to community college

Shop for dinner

p/u son

Plan to spend afternoon napping, and puttering around cleaning out car and tidying up here and there

Dinner - broiled fish, sweet potato fries and salad

Stations of the Cross 

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Good morning!  Busy day here, sadly revolving around baseball. 



-DS16 off to school

-straighten up for cleaning people

-school with DS13 (including finishing a WTMA paper)

-try to get some laundry done (doubtful)

-go to Spring Training baseball game (Blue Jays v. Phillies) with DH at 1

-workout (lower body focused HiiT workout)

-go to DS16's school for dedication to Roy Halladay before baseball game at 7 pm (he was pitching coach at school, and had coached DS16 for baseball and basketball in middle and high school)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!


Icy morning here. My migraine seems to be dissipating and I'm hoping it won't come roaring back because I have tons of office work that needs to get done.



•take turns on Buttercup Watch 

•office work (so.much.to.do.)

•place Chewy order

•order tea

•mop tile floors

•dinner: the Bhindi Masala that I didn't make last night

•watch hockey tonight & read

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My cold is turning into a sinus infection. I can feel the pressure under my eyes. Ugh.

Drop ds at tutorial.
Clean his room while he is not here!

School with dd.

Get a gift.
Thrift shop
Pick up ds.
Get directions.
Mom taxi for dd with her busy social life tonight.
Begin to get consignment clothes out.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Morning, all!


Still cooler temps here today, and we are loving it!


To do:


math tutor with dd

help/steer dd to some books for research project, gather index cards and label box for project

vacuum and dust downstairs

force myself to drink more water today to offset headache


pizza for dinner, salad for me


Have a great day!

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Good morning.... another dreary rainy day

The school stuff will be copy and pasted through out the week.

- coffee.... lots of coffee

- get dd1 up and dressed- done

- take dd1 to bus- done

- history discussion and 2 replies- done

- read history chapter 7- done

- history notes and ch. review questions- done

- history quiz- done 15/15

- history videos (he posted clips of the HBO John Adams series, I recorded the entire series over the weekend so I will just watch what I recorded)- 1 episode watched

- read primary documents and journal thoughts about those- 3/13 done (I’m a week behind on this)

- start history issue paper due 3/4, turn into online writing lab for 10 extra credit points

- read/notes/chapter reviews for chapters 5-9 in microbiology- read ch. 5, about 1/2 done reading ch. 6

- read over staining procedures microbiology labs for quiz- done and 15/15

- unit 3 and 4 questions for microbiology that are online and assigned as homework- unit 3 is done

- unit 3 and 4 study modules (if we complete these we get 20 points head start on exams)

- lab exercises 13, 18-25, and 32-35 (labs 23-25 and 32-35 are just answering questions not based on results as we have not completed the labs yet)- 18-22 are done, waiting on feedback on how to record the results since we didn’t do the experiments as directed by lab manual. 13 is done, did (results recorded and questions). The questions done for 23-25 and 32-35. Crap there are a few more I have to do that we did in lab Wednesday night

- tidy living room- round 1 done

- tidy kitchen- round 1 done

- dishes- going in dishwasher

- laundry- in dryer

- fold/put away laundry- hahaha

- Dd1 off bus- done

- help dd1 with any homework- none

- look up plans for a cheap chicken coop and other chicken stuff since dh said that we could get some chickens for dd1 so she can join the poultry club for 4-h

- have girls start purge of their room- good lord, I really hope these girls are in a better mood tomorrow

- figure out ways to better organize their room- done... I think

- dinner- probably eat out some where after B.B. gun club. We got McDonald’s drive through

- dd1 B.B. gun club- done

- grab a few things from Walmart for the girls room- done

- video chat with dh before girls go to bed- done

- baths/showers- hahaha

- bedtime routine- ugh

- anything else I get done- took a nap with dd2, took all the books and crap off girls old bookshelf and turned it on it’s sode to make a bench in front of their window and will also hold their American girl stuff (dd1 has Caroline and dh is getting Nanea and Kit tomorrow plus there are a lot of accessories and clothes that my mom gets them), put together two cube storage cases that will be their new bookshelves and toy storage

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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It's another gray day here. Blergh! That's why I'm jumping in here since I have no motivation to do anything except cuddle up with my laptop and/or a good book.


Expander  DD got an expander on Wed. and I have to remember to do this every other day. I'm really bad at every other day. She wanted to do it first thing this morning so it's done.

Check on summer camp scholarship

Print picture - Walgreens

Turn in application - DD applying to private school for next year.

Make up transcript for private school - when I turned in application, they said they need some sort of transcript for this current school year. 

Menu plan

Grocery List  I even went grocery shopping!!

Check on horse camp

Call GAR about bringing in birthday cake

Call for medical checkups for kids - 2 kids done (I need to find a new doc for kid #3)

Kmart Orders

Wash sheets

Sweep kitchen/dining room & bathroom

Math - 3 2 kids

Hobbit - 2 kids

Writing - 3 kids

Purchase grammar book


Edit at the end of the day: I am impressed at how I cut down my list. Way to go, me!

Edited by beckyjo
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Good morning! Pretty busy day here. Lots of school, writing, and cleaning.


To do:

dd2 to field trip-done

school with boys

daily chores

some weekly chores need to get off the list

keep an eye on swim results (friend's kid at Big East champs, plus club team kids at state)

appointment at noon

home to more school/chores

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2 at some point (not sure when she gets back, plus she has to meet with her counselor)

dd2 to club practice/ds2 to aikido


Have a great day!


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Jean, hope you can get a nap.

Selfie and Scout, feel better!


Cool and drizzly here, so a good day for desk work and nice, warm cups of herb tea. I am trying to make this sound appealing, but I have to get to some things I have put off, so ðŸ™.


My treat for today will be rearranging some pictures on one wall and trying out some new matting colors. This is the kind of thing I love doing.


My local supermarket has had good looking whole snapper. And they will scale and clean it. (Scales fly about everywhere, Ime.) I have been reading a great Mark Bittman book on fish and will double check how to cook whole fish.




I ordered Selkie's book on How Not to Die. It's supposed to arrive today, looking forward to reading it.

Edited by Alessandra
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