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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!



-finish my book (only about 50 pages to go)

-wrap presents for dirty santa party tonight

-lay out by pool if the sun is out today

-maybe make chocolate pies for Christmas (might be better to do it tomorrow)

-start wrapping gifts for kids and extended family

-maybe take a walk and look at Christmas decorations people have up

-make Whole30 potato salad

-go to Christmas party at DS13's friend's house tonight (I am dreading this - it is a kid party and I don't really know many of the other moms; I hate going to parties when doing Whole30 and the hostess is a food-pusher; DH smartly declined the invite, wish I had too)


Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!


I have a Herculean task for today, so I will join in.


Finish sewing hooded towel Towel ✅

Sew doll dress ✅

Sew dress for 5 yo granddaughter

Spatchcock and dry brine turkey Turkey ✅


Oops! Forgot to add 2 puff pastry sausage stuffing rolls for ds's girlfriend's family ✅

See what I mean?

Edited by Lawana
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Mommyof1, sorry you're sick! Glad you can stay home. Try to rest.

My list:
Farmers' market
Costco for the beef
Fish store for shrimp?
Deposit a check

Bakery for croissants

Check on mom

clean bathrooms
make dinner - taco salad

concert tonight!

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! I am car-less for most of the day, so that pushes my errands (which are the exciting ones of food for Christmas Day and maybe some extra stuff for ds2) to tonight. Like 7 pm or later. It is a little like a circus here, with everyone running in and out of the house. And somehow, I am the only one left here. But if I don't get out-there will be nothing to eat. 


To do:

finish chores

put away stuff girls got a costco last night (snacks and kleenex-no actual food)

make sure ds1 gets off to coaching gig

finish paper and coffee

make some lists-so if I ever get out of here, I will know what to do.

watch some football since I am home

Mass tonight (but probably everyone will be gone and there will be no car here)

get stuff at grocery store


Have a great day!

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Buffet breakfast at the hotel.

Shopping for something the kids could wear for swimming.

Kids took a swim, I found some shade and worked.

Went to visit a race horse training stable.  This was specially planned for my kids, but they were so tired and over-stimulated they did not appreciate it as they should have.  In fact, one of them was a jerk.  Feels like a mom fail, but I don't know what I could have done to prevent it.

Put the kids to bed, ordered room service coffee, and I'm supposed to be working. 

I guess Saturday is just starting back home, but I'm whipped.

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Good morning!


I got up an hour later than usual, did my morning chores, and have been lazing around drinking coffee and talking with dh. It's so nice to be on break!


•clean out hay boxes

•wrap a few last gifts

•do some teen driving practice

•stop at the grocery store for a few things

•either go out for Mexican or pick up takeout for dinner

•watch hockey tonight



ETA: refill grain bins and clean hay steamer

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Good afternoon

- coffee!!!!

- clean living room- just gotta clean off the desk but dh is currently watching a movie that doesn’t interest me

- laundry- done

- fold and put away laundry- all folded, only gotta put away the girls’ clothes (waiting for dmil to drop off dd1 so she can put away her own clothes)

- dishes- in dishwasher

- clean master bedroom

- clean bathroom

- organize school stuff?

- crochet?

- dinner

- baths/showers

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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Hope you feel better, mommyof1! 


We are in Ohio, and it's snowing!! Yes, I get excited since we see so little of it in middle GA. 


Today is simple.


I'm heading out soon for one gift I forgot, drop off a card at a relative's house, and to get our lunch. We eat out a lot while we're here. 


Our niece and her kids are coming over later, and we'll play some of our new games today. That's it. Fun and relaxation. 

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Got dd a tunic sweater that fits and she likes at Costco! She is hard to fit and to please these days, so nice to have a $15 victory.

Bills/budget updated.



Next up:

lunch for me ✅

dinner prep ✅

clean bathrooms ✅

buy movie tickets for next week?

print some photos?

unload dishwasher ✅

make veggie dip for tomorrow ✅

UPS? ✅

Gas for my van ✅

shower and pick clothes for tonight

rest -enjoying hot tea and gingerbread cookies now

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Cleaned two bathrooms, vacuumed upstairs, did a couple loads of laundry and tidied up the mudroom.


Ds19 and I tried to clean out the hayboxes but the layer of crud at the bottom was frozen solid. We got two of the six done, but it was slow going.


We went out for lunch, stopped at the grocery store, and got some coffee on the way home. Nice afternoon.


Now I'm headed out to play ball with the dogs while I wait for the hay to steam. 

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Got the tree up. Dd and I were crawling around under it, tightening the bolt things that hold it up. It would not stay vertical until dd discovered a low branch blocking the trunk. More crawling around, altogether too much time. But it was nice listening to carols as we decorated the tree, which looks lovely now, btw.


Next year (or now), I am getting this tree stand with a foot pump. I don't care about the price at his point, lol.



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After 10 hours of sewing, I have to call it quits. My neck hates me lol. Got the bodice done of the dress, so I am pretty sure I can add the skirt and put in the zipper tomorrow! And that doll's dress? The instructions sucked! You just never know with independent pattern makers.

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Got the tree up. Dd and I were crawling around under it, tightening the bolt things that hold it up. It would not stay vertical until dd discovered a low branch blocking the trunk. More crawling around, altogether too much time. But it was nice listening to carols as we decorated the tree, which looks lovely now, btw.


Next year (or now), I am getting this tree stand with a foot pump. I don't care about the price at his point, lol.





That tree stand looks cool. Anyone here know if it really works that much better?

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