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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Up early again to finish yet another report.  And lots of other work to do after that.


Really wanting to go back to sleep.  Will go get more coffee.


Tuesday in general:  kids have basketball practice after school and need to be picked up; one kid to horse riding.  Hopefully I am able to get away from work to do this, so we can finish our audiobook, which is almost done.  I want the kids to be able to test on it (if they want to) before vacation.


And I need to get the laundry caught up so people can pack for the trip.  This mostly means de-wrinkling and folding / hanging a pile of clean clothes on top of the dryer.


I am hoping there won't be too much homework tonight, so the kids can work on getting ahead (we'll miss the first 2 days in January) and can pack their suitcases.  Lord, I can't believe we are leaving tomorrow.  Shoot.

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Good morning!  Yesterday a friend of ours gave us free tickets to the Sugar Bowl to see our Clemson Tigers play on New Years Day in New Orleans.  So excited!  Once that happened I stopped being productive and started planning our travels, hotel, NYE plans, making arrangments for the kids to go to my parents, etc.  Lots to get done today.



-get DS16 out the door for his Honors English II final (gonna be a doozy)

-make kennel reservation for the dog 

-figure out what to write in sympathy card for friend

-school with DS13 (only have logic, spelling, grammar and WTMA writing this week)

-pedicure appointment at noon

-take dinner to friend after pedicure

-try to get to the store to get stocking stuffers, rather than waiting unitl 12/24 as usual

-make sure DS16 is studying for 2 finals tomorrow

-dinner (Eggs in Purgatory)

-read (need two more books for my 52 books in 52 weeks challenge)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning, everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day!

We're heading into Atlanta for an overnight trip for dh's birthday (on Thursday). Our Christmas is going to be that day before we leave town to be with family, so I didn't want to celebrate both on the same day. 


Breakfast, pack, and leave are all that's on the list for this morning. 



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Not a whole lot today! :D


It's a home day, so I'll fold the laundry, set up ds's lessons for January, and bake.  Maybe go to the library.  We have a body of water we have to cross to get anywhere, really, and both of the bridges have construction going on, making them one lane each direction.  I'm not going to deal with that mess.  The library is on this side, so it's safe, but for the rest I'll stay home.

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SKL, enjoy your trip! Amy, have a great time! Pink and Green, Woo Hoo!!

Dd1 comes home today, Yay!! And dd2 gets her braces off! 

The boys have a pretty basic day. And ds2 has more work to do.


To do:

pick up dd2 from am practice (leaving in 10)

daily chores


dd2 to ortho appointment

home to more chores/laundry


dd2 to swim practice

ds2 to judo/Christmas errands while he is at practice

dh to pick up dd1


Have a great day!


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Good morning!


This morning has been a bit discombobulated with the security system guy here bright and early, but he just left so now I can get on with my day.



•order prescription refill

•finish up the last of my office work before break (yippee!) 

•make a bowl of salad

•get a few Christmas cards ready to mail and maybe run to the post office

•vacuum upstairs

•mop mudroom

•tidy up main floor

•clean horses' feet and treat with thrush preventative

•figure out a few quick and easy appetizers for Christmas

•wrap presents

•dinner: the Indonesian rice bowls that I didn't make last night

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Got the kids out just barely in time - the bus had to wait for them as they tore down the street.  Good times!  Well it wasn't my fault this time.  Kids need to decide on (and locate) their shoes / boots / coats the night before.


Got some laundry done.  I still need to wash at least one load today and process all those clean but unfolded shirts I've piled up.


I am having trouble getting focused on work.  Trying not to let the stress immobilize me.


I need to do some cash transfers, pay some bills, make some donations.  I also want to do all the not-every-day grooming today so I all I have to do tomorrow is take a quick shower.  I just know it's going to be that kind of day.  I should also squeeze in the Christmas cards.

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Kids are still asleep. I thought the dog would wake them, but he just snuggled in on dd's bed when he came inside.


Dd has to take a math test today. I have to turn it in online. Then we are school-free til January 2.


Meal planning and grocery shopping must happen today.


I'd like to make some progress on gifts and get the gingerbread cookie dough made.


dinner - ham and bean soup, salad, pear cobbler

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•bath ✅

•grocery shop ✅

•pick up prescriptions ✅ (did all I could)

•mail package

•Christmas Around the World escape room with some extra kids (set up first) ✅

•regular chores ✅

•ensure kids do chores


Perfectly timed, two kids showed up at our door while I was setting up the Escape Room. I just escorted them in to the waiting place with the other kids. They made it out with 5 minutes to spare!

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I swear DS16 will be the death of me.  He informed me he can't find his graphing calculator. This is somehow my fault.   So I told him he can pay $120 for a new one and oh yeah, he needs it for Algebra II final tomorrow.  He insists he doesn't need it for his final, despite the teacher sending three (3) emails that in big, bold print say "All students MUST have graphing calculators for the final exam on Wednesday.  There will be no loaner calculators."   :banghead:


So let me add to my day:


-order and pick up THE LAST graphing calculator at our Staples

-drink heavily


And just because:


-laundry (lots)

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Checked to make sure that ds is ok on getting presents for people.  (An Aspie thing - I really don't want a meltdown on Christmas because he's upset that he didn't keep up with things.)  And he's fine.  Scaffolding on gift giving holidays over the years is starting to bear fruit.


Checked to make sure that dd is ok on presents and of course she is because she is the one who keeps the rest of us organized.


My last gift that I was waiting for came so I'm good too. 


kitchen - took care of the recycling mess.  I'm glad that dd cleaned her room but I wish that she had taken her recycling all the way out to the bin. . .


laundry - one load of laundry folded and put away.


paperwork - finished the filing I started yesterday.

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Onto my next three things.  (For accountability I keep this post open and write down the things as I get them done and I can't move onto other enticing forum threads until I'm done and can hit post.) 


Kitchen - rebooted dishwasher


laundry - booted up the washing machine for it's first load today.


paperwork - tried to figure out a bank thing unsuccessfully but I'm hungry and don't have access to what I need to figure it out so I'm going to hit post and then eat lunch. 

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Dd's math test done and submitted.

Grocery shopping mostly done - need a quick trip to Publix.

Picked up a gift for dh and one for dd while we were out this morning. 

Soup is simmering.

Dishwasher and washing machine running.

Table is reset with fresh linens.


Kids are watching LOTR.



Next up:

wrap dh's gift

sort gifts while kids are engrossed in the movie


bake pears

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Office work - done


Christmas cards - done


Working on my Christmas menu and shopping list. I'm going to get my grocery shopping done tomorrow because there is bad weather (freezing rain and snow) in the forecast for Thursday and Friday.


We are swamped with Christmas presents. UPS was here twice today, Fedex once, and the mail lady brought some packages up to the house, too.


I'm switching up my dinner plans. Our Plated box arrived and it's either going to be sticky apricot glazed salmon with garlic rice and kale or Thai shrimp curry tonight.

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dropped dd off at volunteering

gassed up the car.

discovered that I lost half the cash money I was recently given.  :banghead:  Backtracked to two local stores that I've been in to ask if by a longshot, they found it.  Nope.  

put the other half in the bank so that at least I won't lose that.


Got really easy food for dinner tonight.


went through all the mail and bills. 

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We are at the hotel for the night. We had a great day! My best friend gave us a package for the Big City Hunt as our Christmas gift. It was a ton of walking but a lot of fun. It's a smart phone scavenger hunt. It's available in lots of cities around the country.


We did the CNN studio tour, too. Then we went to Atlantic Station to a German Christmas market and ate dinner. 


We'll do more in the city tomorrow before heading back home. 



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