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Year-end Review - Day 15


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Well, I was walking most days until the days got too short.  I look forward to getting back to that.


I mentioned this yesterday, but I've gotten better about vitamins for me and the kids.


On again off again house keeping habits.  Same for organizing my emails / e-files.


A lot less sitting, but that is mainly because my tailbone hurts.


Getting a bit better about sleeping at night.

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I keep trying to make a habit of washing the eggs (from the chickens) every day. But I don’t want to. So, they keep stacking up in the basket until both baskets are full and I don’t have any more room to collect more eggs. And then I wash three dozen eggs and I grumble at myself for making my task a big PITA instead of just doing it every day.


(And yes, I know you aren’t supposed to wash them; they will last longer if you don’t. But DH and I once got in a massive fight about this because he is paranoid that the unwashed eggs will contaminate something. So they sit in the baskets in the garage until I finally simply must wash them all.)

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Eating a completely vegan diet.  One of my best decisions ever.


Reading  A LOT! So far 63 books this year, with 2 more in progress that I will finish before the end of year.  Also actually keeping up with those books on Goodreads.


Exercising....this one I truly hope I can keep up but it hasn't been going on long enough to truly say it is a fully formed habit.  Hopefully listing it here will help with accountability. 

Yes, reading! I so enjoyed joining the Book a Week group here. 

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