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The Pre-Thanksgiving Teachers Lounge 11-22-2017


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Today's theme stems from the fac it's the day before Thanksgiving and I have yet to decide if I'll have the kids do any schooling today or not.

I know, I know. Too many things on my mind, though. If anything, we'll do a bit of Greek and maybe a bit of history.


What are you up to today? here: see above.


Anyone going Black Friday shopping? Here: wasn't planning on it but JoAnn's is having some REALLY good deals on fabric and I wouldn't mind getting

some new lengths of fleece to use as blankets.


Who else is having trouble deciding what to do? Here: ME!  :seeya:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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No school for the kids today. I spent the morning cleaning the downstairs so the house is in great order for our long weekend. And the best thing is we aren't even having people over! I just want to have as few house chores to do over the weekend so I can enjoy some family time.


I hadn't intended going Black Friday shopping but my best friend who lives an hour away asked if I wanted to go. I haven't seen her in many months so I said yes. She is a big flake so I'm counting on her cancelling. Either way I'll be happy.


I have to go grocery shopping for normal groceries today and I'm not happy about it

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Today's theme stems from the fac it's the day before Thanksgiving and I have yet to decide if I'll have the kids do any schooling today or not.

I know, I know. Too many things on my mind, though. If anything, we'll do a bit of Greek and maybe a bit of history.


What are you up to today? here: see above.


Anyone going Black Friday shopping? Here: wasn't planning on it but JoAnn's is having some REALLY good deals on fabric and I wouldn't mind getting

some new lengths of fleece to use as blankets.


Who else is having trouble deciding what to do? Here: ME!  :seeya:


Talk to me! :bigear:

I have pie on the mind.


No. I think I'll stay home and eat pie.



I probably need an intervention or something.

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No time for school today, but the kids have helped me cook A LOT. My 6 yr old ds read all the directions to the cookies we were making.


No black friday for me. I am morally opposed to it since people are trampled and what not for material things. Nothing is that important to me. I am considering some cyber monday though.

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We did a little school: some math, some spelling, instruments, some nature study. Less than I hoped, but the kids are so wild with excitement about their uncles and aunts in town... I am having a minor freak-out about how we are almost a third of the way through the school year and less than a third of the way through all I hoped to accomplish...but, we are making progress, slowly!

Edited by rainbowmama
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I wish I had a definite plan in mind for this weekend, but I don't. Maybe I should just hole up in my pjs for two days and get this darn novel finished! 

But that would drive me batty, as well, so I won't do that. Now, if I had a cabin in the woods somewhere where I could also go hiking, THAT would be lovely and

I would definitely do that!

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If you saw how little food in our house we had right now you'd be amazed that I made dinner. I was that determined to not go to the store tomorrow.


We have enough eggs to get us through breakfast Friday morning. And enough fried rice, tonight's dinner, for lunch tomorrow. So the grocery trip can wait until Friday.


Now time to get dressed for my cardio class. Afterwards, get kids to bed then watch a show and fold laundry until dh gets home. Night ladies

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Hi Scrap! 

I am late to find this thread today. I spent most of the day on prep for tomorrow. No school, for sure. We are taking the whole week off. I went to a baby shower tonight and am about to make some nachos for my dinner. 


I love Thanksgiving weekend because it is unrushed and I wouldn't dream of going shopping. Spending Friday reading a book, all day. I might take a nice walk, ply games with my kids and will surely watch a movie in the evening. Saturday I might do some yardwork or some prep cooking for the next few weeks, since the first few weeks of December are insanely busy. More novel reading on the sofa, too. Sunday is church in the am and we are having friends over for dinner. 




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No thanksgiving prep here obviously.


School is winding down a bit. Dd has finished her maths books so we are just doing a bit of mental math and her main writing program so we are working on cursive and some extra reading she needs to work on. DS is tracking pretty well too. We should finished up history and chemistry hopefully though Chem might not quite make it.


Black Friday isn't really a thing here but I am waiting on the day to order school curriculum in case there are some good sales.


We have a pretty solid storm front coming through so hoping to keep power.


And the mechanic just let me know that the car needs around $3000 worth of repairs. Car value is maybe $4k if that. We have just finished paying off dh's car so though we would be getting some leeway in the budget. It is 14 years old with over 160k miles so I knew replacement was coming up but hoped we would get a couple more years so we could save toward a newer model. So currently researching doing the repair versus replace versus repair and then replace analysis. Ugh...

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