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Juice fast? (Don't yell at me!)


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I've always wanted to do a juice fast but never got around to it. I'm having dental surgery Friday and thought it might be a good time. I figure fruit and veggie juice and broth is better than Jello and ice cream, right? I'm thinking Friday afternoon to Wednesday morning because Thursday is Thanksgiving. So... tell me everything?

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I would go vegan this week before you fast and eat light and healthy whole foods like fruits, vegetables and if you need a little starch do sweet potatoes or rice or oatmeal. If you have been eating heavy before a fast it feels worse. It is easier to step into it so my advice would be to go ahead and cut meat and dairy asap.

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Agreeing with the others that too much juice is unnecessary. If you really want to fast, try a lot of water, some light vegetable broth and a little juice if you feel like you need it. Too much juice without the fiber from the fruit and vegetables can make your blood sugar swing and make you hungrier. Drink lots of water and listen to your body and take care of yourself!

Edited by CaliforniaDreaming
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If you plan on eating a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, I would tread lightly wrt fasting. Coming off a fast into a meal like that would NOT be fun.


I agree that maybe just a vegan fast with easily digested grains or grain substitutes might be a better choice. Or maybe just a whole fruit and veggie diet with healthy fats like olive oil and nuts and seeds--no grains, no animal products of any kind, no beans. But not simply juice. 

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Why add the juice? Why not just a regular water fast?

I'll be on pain meds.


You might as well drink milk shakes and eat ice cream. 

You're a bad influence!


I would go vegan this week before you fast and eat light and healthy whole foods like fruits, vegetables and if you need a little starch do sweet potatoes or rice or oatmeal. If you have been eating heavy before a fast it feels worse. It is easier to step into it so my advice would be to go ahead and cut meat and dairy asap.

I'm on an 8 hour eating window with one fruit and veggie smoothie and a normal dinner. Tonight's parmesan chicken with broccoli and potatoes, tomorrow is beef stroganauff over quinoa with green beans.


Agreeing with the others that too much juice is unnecessary. If you really want to fast, try a lot of water, some light vegetable broth and a little juice if you feel like you need it. Too much juice without the fiber from the fruit and vegetables can make your blood sugar swing and make you hungrier. Drink lots of water and listen to your body and take care of yourself!

Yes, I never understood how much juice was good for you. Apparently it's not.


If you plan on eating a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, I would tread lightly wrt fasting.

I don't do this. It would make me miserable.

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So your dental surgery requires that you not eat solid foods? For how long? 


I agree with others. Forego the sugar in fruit juice and stick to vege juice, broth, etc if you want to go that route. And allow your system some time to readjust before the Thanksgiving meal unless you have a good supply of Poo-pourri. 

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What about a meal replacement drink? If you cut back, I'd definitely go with "heartier" liquids and a little solids. 


I've been thinking about going on a restricted diet as an elimination thing, maybe go liquid heavy for a bit. Something's not agreeing with me. :( 


Good luck with your surgery.

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So your dental surgery requires that you not eat solid foods? For how long? 


I don't have to put my entire jaw is going to be in pain for at least 24 hours.   

What about a meal replacement drink? If you cut back, I'd definitely go with "heartier" liquids and a little solids. 


I've been thinking about going on a restricted diet as an elimination thing, maybe go liquid heavy for a bit. Something's not agreeing with me. :( 


Good luck with your surgery.

I actually want to do a juice fast though. A whole 30 changed my life. Highly recommend.

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I don't have to put my entire jaw is going to be in pain for at least 24 hours.


I actually want to do a juice fast though. A whole 30 changed my life. Highly recommend.

Tell me more about how W30 changed your life. I need motivation to do one. I’ve tried in the past but I fail at planning ahead we’ll enough.

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Sucking through a straw is generally not recommended post tooth removal, so it depends on what you're having done.


Personally, the only juices my body can tolerate are low carb ones---heavy on the spinach, berries, no sugar added almond milk.


If you're fasting for health reasons, generally just doing water for 24h is better.  


Yo-yo-ing on calories can really tank your metabolism. 

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Tell me more about how W30 changed your life. I need motivation to do one. I’ve tried in the past but I fail at planning ahead we’ll enough.

I was tired for 10 years, tried everything, nothing worked. Nauseated for... 4? years, tried everything, nothing worked. Two (really $4!++&) weeks into Whole 30 and all of that was gone. Not only were my two complaints gone but I was sleeping well, looked 17 and felt amazing. I lost 8 pound that month. In the last part of the reintroduction period I had a bagel and boom. I felt like I was hit by a train. I have a gluten intolerance. Not too good with dairy either, but that bagel was awful. I had no idea what I was doing to myself.


I don't know about you, but I really need a straw to get these concoctions down. Depending on the procedure, you might not be able to use a straw. So as you consider recipes, think about things you can drink without a straw, or consume with a spoon.

Wisdom tooth removal so no straws. Thanks for the thought.


If you're fasting for health reasons, generally just doing water for 24h is better.  

I don't think I can do that with the drugs.

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When we juice fasted, it was mostly lower carb veggies that we juiced. Kale, broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, etc. We threw in a little apple, orange or lemon, and berries. We loved it! Still do it from time to time.


Why did you love it? Why do you still do it?

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I don't know if I could handle just juices and broth for a few days, especially if I was taking painkillers. I could probably do smoothies and thicker soups (like pumpkin or squash) and bone broth is always good. I would also add a vegan protein powder to the smoothies. I don't function well without some protein. 

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If I was taking painkillers, I would need things like ice cream to keep me from getting nauseated from the medications. If I tried to drink only juices for several days, that alone would bother my stomach, but adding the painkillers to that... :ack2:


You may already be feeling lousy from the surgery, so I would wait to do the juice fast until you've fully recovered. (Okay, I wouldn't do a juice fast at all, but I definitely wouldn't start one when I was recovering from dental surgery!)


Also, if you're on antibiotics in addition to the painkillers, don't forget the yogurt and/or probiotics.

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In terms of healing from surgery, I would try to get in plenty of protein. I basically only had juice, smoothies, and yogurt when I was healing after my wisdom tooth extraction, because that was all I felt like. If you want to avoid dairy, maybe you could add in some protein powder? Personally I'd be inclined to do lots of green smoothies. (I'm generally in favor of the occasional fast, but I think recovery from surgery is one of those times you might not receive the greatest benefit from one.)

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Are you making the broth yourself? If so, and it's from good quality bones, you can leave the fat in it and get some data that way. Honestly, you might feel.great doing this. You've gotten good advice on coming off the fast, you could also make some healthy homemade jello, the green smoothies are a good idea and you can purree some Avocadoes in there for calories also. Ooh, coconut milk smoothies, too.

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I had major dental work not too long ago.  Maybe the first day I took it somewhat easy, but after that I ate what I normally eat.  So it should not be necessary to go too crazy with fancy diets.


A lot of juice concoctions are loaded with sugar.  Hence why I suggested eating ice cream or milk shakes.  At least those have protein.  What's a concoction of liquified fruit and veg really going to do for you?  And if it gets rid of the fiber, you are missing out there too.



Edited by SparklyUnicorn
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I've done a ten to fourteen day "master cleanse" lemonade fast 2-3 times and loved it. The recipe for one glass is 2 Tblsp fresh-squeezed lemon juice, 1-2 Tblsp dark amber robust taste (not rich taste) 100% pure maple syrup, 1/8 tsp. or to taste cayenne pepper (less if needed, but as hot as you can handle), and fill the 8 oz glass with water.  I chug it, I know some people who sip it.  I swish with clear water a couple of times after drinking it.  That's all I had for the ten days and you do have to come off it slow (the literature for this recommends completing the ten days, so it may not work for Thanksgiving week, but maybe another time; or it wouldn't kill you do not do the ten days). I've also done a 10-day organic raw milk fast.  I just like the self control that fasting for a few days like this develops.  It doesn't necessarily last, so has to become a lifestyle and not just a thing to do once in awhile, but it is a good tool in the toolbox, IMO.  



Edited by milovany
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This is in response to both of you. The last time I had surgery something went wrong and I was in severe pain. I hadn't considered not having pain medication. I will discuss this with my doctor.


I know nothing about the topic. I just saw you kept saying pain meds, you might not need them for a wisdom tooth removal. I had all 4 out and took no pain meds.



Slache, are you sure you will need painkillers?


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I've done a ten to fourteen day "master cleanse" lemonade fast 2-3 times and loved it. The recipe for one glass is 2 Tblsp fresh-squeezed lemon juice, 1-2 Tblsp dark amber robust taste (not rich taste) 100% pure maple syrup, 1/8 tsp. or to taste cayenne pepper (less if needed, but as hot as you can handle), and fill the 8 oz glass with water.  I chug it, I know some people who sip it.  I swish with clear water a couple of times after drinking it.  That's all I had for the ten days and you do have to come off it slow (the literature for this recommends completing the ten days, so it may not work for Thanksgiving week, but maybe another time; or it wouldn't kill you do not do the ten days). I've also done a 10-day organic raw milk fast.  I just like the self control that fasting for a few days like this develops.  It doesn't necessarily last, so has to become a lifestyle and not just a thing to do once in awhile, but it is a good tool in the toolbox, IMO.  


I've never forgotten this and I'm glad you're still doing it! I don't want to do something this extreme after surgery though. I agree about self control. Intermittent fasting has been very good for me. I've enjoyed it so much I want to give up eating all together but I can't afford the monitoring of my health to do it.

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