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Ooooo!  :(    


Last year was the first year I got to get my own kids their favorite toys/things for Christmas, because I was super careful not to let Grandma know what they *really* wanted. 


So frustrating when you want the joy of giving your own children something they love and someone else does it instead.  And before Christmas!  Double whammy!

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Ooooo! :(


Last year was the first year I got to get my own kids their favorite toys/things for Christmas, because I was super careful not to let Grandma know what they *really* wanted.


So frustrating when you want the joy of giving your own children something they love and someone else does it instead. And before Christmas! Double whammy!

Yeah and it wasn't a huge deal this time specifically, but such an ongoing thing that it's really frustrating.

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The solution is to become bitterly estranged from most family members. Then the worst they can do is give your kid a Barney the Dinosaur when they are 12years old. Oh wait...that actually sucks, too.

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LOL. I've already started telling the aunties, "this is what I ordered for my kid for Christmas. So DON'T buy this."

This. What one kid really wants... And she's tell anyone that asks... We're told family over and over DO NOT BUY. then we follow it with other amazing suggestions...



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Well, oldest ds swooped in this year and got what will be THE favorite gift for youngest ds.  It is a specific age-related thing that we wanted to hold off until age 8.  I'm struggling between feeling like it's the sweetest thing ever and the feeling of.........................something missing?  Like, I don't get to do that thing like I did for the oldest.  Which then makes me feel like a bad mom. :lol: Ah.  Oh, well.

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Ooooo! :(


Last year was the first year I got to get my own kids their favorite toys/things for Christmas, because I was super careful not to let Grandma know what they *really* wanted.


So frustrating when you want the joy of giving your own children something they love and someone else does it instead. And before Christmas! Double whammy!

Oh yeah, it took me a few years to learn not to share the kids' wishes when gramma called to ask about them. I did also learn to have a secondary item to give as a suggestion - not the "most wanted" thing, but something else that the kids' would like. (Unless it was a hard to think of something year. Then my own list is on full lockdown!)

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Well, oldest ds swooped in this year and got what will be THE favorite gift for youngest ds.  It is a specific age-related thing that we wanted to hold off until age 8.  I'm struggling between feeling like it's the sweetest thing ever and the feeling of.........................something missing?  Like, I don't get to do that thing like I did for the oldest.  Which then makes me feel like a bad mom. :lol: Ah.  Oh, well.


Think of it this way, maybe... your older son had such great memories of a specific gift and he wanted to do the same (similar? not sure if it's something you gave oldest at that age) for his younger bro.  Seems like a Good Mom thing to me.  :-)

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I've had to tell my big kids with their own money not to buy themselves anything right before Christmas. That's an odd conversation but seriously the big kids want and need so little, if they buy themselves what I was planning to buy them I really will be stumped.


We've have grandparents buy any random thing mentioned without checking even right before Christmas and it is annoying. I'm going to have to write that in my book of things to remember not to do and say when I am a MIL.

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Think of it this way, maybe... your older son had such great memories of a specific gift and he wanted to do the same (similar? not sure if it's something you gave oldest at that age) for his younger bro.  Seems like a Good Mom thing to me.  :-)


You hit the nail on the head.  And it's something he still has, so the two of them can play together.  :)  I just....I feel conflicted and a little sad that I didn't get to pick it out.

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I just jokingly scolded my mil because when we went to her house on Saturday she showed us her new TV and new Keurig. I told her it was passed the point that she is allowed to buy herself things. Her response, " well no one is going to buy me a Keurig and I know that." All I thought was I'm glad I chose the other gift over the Keurig when I was deciding for her.


As for kids, I tell the grandparents all the favorite gifts. Mainly because they're also the more expensive gifts and things we just wouldn't be able to consistently get for all the kids. I get the privilege of getting things that they didn't ask for but will love anyway. So far, I've chosen well.


I would be quite annoyed if that wasn't the way I operated though.

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