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I hate that I lose things!


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I got a new Fitbit Charge 2 for my anniversary in early October. I lost it this weekend. I'm so upset! It was NOT cheap, and we used a gift card I had to Costco to get it :(


I ran errands on Monday and because it doesn't track steps if I'm holding a shopping cart I put it in the pocket of my baby carrier. And when I checked later that night it was gone. I'm pretty sure that when I unhooked the carrier to take the baby out of it in the parking lot of the store it fell out. 


I've called the stores I was at, and no one has turned it in. I think I'm going to drive over and check the parking lots myself but haven't had a chance to, with trick or treating and then my oldest's college class transportation needs yesterday. 


Really sad, i loved that thing, AND it was an anniversary gift. And my husband is going to be upset that I lost it that freaking quickly. 



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Maybe you moved it without thinking or dropped it in the car?


Did you check all the blankets, clothes and diaper bag in case it got caught on something and pulled out of the holder ?  Did you check the car, under the seats, in/under the baby seat? How about your own clothes any jacket/shirt with a pocket or pants?  


Losing things is such a horrible feeling....I will send up positive thoughts that it isn't actually gone, just not found yet.  :grouphug: 

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That is sooo frustrating.  I had an awful experience earlier this year when I had taken the kids to a late evening outdoor theatre show in the summer and when we got back to the car, my car key, which was attached to my key carabiner was no longer on my carabiner = it had somehow slipped off the carabiner when I attached it to my purse after parking the car.


There was panic, it was dark, it was late, there were tears.  Called DH in tears. We had parked very far away and it was dark and it could have been anywhere!  


Turned out it had fallen into my purse when it fell off.  It took a lot of panicked searching to find it though.


Hoping yours turns out to have fallen into something else you own as well.  


(And to be fair, I think losing things along these lines is fairly common when we are juggling babies, kids, bags, purses, jackets, groceries etc.  It stinks, but I wouldn't blame be too hard on yourself.)

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(And to be fair, I think losing things along these lines is fairly common when we are juggling babies, kids, bags, purses, jackets, groceries etc.  It stinks, but I wouldn't blame be too hard on yourself.)


Thank you for this. DH never loses stuff, but he only has himself to organize. I'm organizing me, multiple kids, often the dog, etc. 

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I lose stuff  constantly.  I'd blame it on the kids and having multiple things I'm juggling, but I've lost stuff since I was 10, so I think it's just me.  


I have taken to not owning anything of value that can be removed from the house. :)  My glasses cost $10 each; I go through 3-4 pairs a year.  I lose my debit card pretty much quarterly.  I don't wear jewelry.  I can't tell you how many chapsticks I go through a year - dozens.  


DH keeps the important papers and such in his possession.  I'd lose my passport and birth certificate if I had to organize them (and I have lost the kids' shot records more than once).  I've learned to scan those things in and email it to myself.



I'm sorry about your fitbit :(

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Man that stinks.  I am one who loses like everything.  Debit cards, drivers licenses, birth certificates, car titles, keys.  A couple years ago,  I lost the ONLY set of keys to the van we had at that time.  It was a chip key, which can only be made at a dealership, do the tune of $300.  Plus, even better, the vehicle has to be THERE in the dealership to program the key.  Which, since I couldn't start it and drive it, meant I needed to have it towed to the dealership.  Oh, and, I have all three kids with me and DH is out of town working........which means his car is in the parking lot at his work.  I had to call a tow truck to get it to the dealership, for another $75, AND my brother so that he could drive the kids and I to the dealership behind the towed van.  Then I had to wait there, with the kids, till they got it fixed.


Even better, about 18 months ago, we sold that van, and then 2 months later, I found the keys.  They had fallen behind the coat rack. 


I hated to like your post, but this is soooooo something that would happen to me. 


Thank you for this. DH never loses stuff, but he only has himself to organize. I'm organizing me, multiple kids, often the dog, etc. 


Early on in our parenting years, DH made a couple of comments about my organizational abilities/ability to get ready to leave the house on time. He got an earful about this issue and has never mentioned it again!


Katie, if it makes you feel any better, I'm going to be frantically combing the house for a client's credit card number today, in my "free" time. She called and gave it to me last week and I must have grabbed a scrap of paper to write it on, and guess what happens to a scrap of paper in a house filled with piles of paper?! 


I suspect I should just save myself the time and call her again, but I feel like such a jerk doing that.

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I gave DH a Fitbit for Father’s Day this year. He loved it and was using it every day and getting so excited to challenge himself with it. No more than a month later we were at Six Flags, and he didn’t want it to get it wet in the river rapids ride. Soooo, instead of sticking it in his pocket or my purse, he shoved it inside his (untucked) shirt. And when he stood up at the end of the ride bye bye went the Fitbit. The ride operators helped him look all over, but it must have gone in the water. I don’t know why I thought the guy that can’t handle keeping track of a watch was a good candidate for a Fitbit! 😜 But I kept my thoghts to myself as he felt really bad about it. He has since bought himself a new one, and he’s being very careful with it. I hope yours turns up!!!

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I am sorry about your Fitbit and hope it turns up.

Unfortunately, I am a member of the lose everything club too. I lost my small leather wallet that had my drivers license, credit cards and insurance info on Halloween at the school where I work. I looked everywhere for it. I called to get replacement credit cards and spent Friday morning at the DMV. I got a call yesterday at 3:00 that my wallet was found. I had to park a couple of blocks away from the school because there was a Halloween parade that morning. I couldn't carry my laptop bag, files, lunch, and another bag with a couple of costumes for kids that couldn't afford one, so I remember taking my wallet out and sticking it in my back pocket with my phone. It must have fallen out when I took my phone out of my pocket. My son found all of our passports when he took down a game from a closet last weekend. I put them there last time we went on a 2 week vacation in case our house was broken into (which hasn't ever happened) thinking they would be safe. I didn't remember I put them there. I really wish I were more organized.

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I was hopeless when the kids were little. I think I just had so many lists running through my head (remember the diaper bag, grab the 2 year old, where's her shoe?, baby hat/socks/coat/etc) that I forgot to pick up my wallet, my debit card, my phone (I once went through 3 phones in 4 months), keys, etc. 


OP, I hope your fitbit shows up - I lost mine 2x before I finally gave up on replacing it.

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OMG, right?!?!?  My DH seems to get this somewhat, that I am juggling about 16 more tasks than he is at any given moment lol.  But it so frustrates him when I lose stuff. 


YES, this is me too! My DH gets really aggravated when I lose things.... but he doesn't realize that I do so much more organizing than him, so my brain has less room for putting stuff in the right place.

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