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How much do you spend on groceries each month? & how many in your family...I've been

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We budget $1000 a month for our family of four (two adults, two teens). This includes all food, all toiletries, all pet food and products (three cats and a large dog), all cleaning supplies, all paper products, and all eating out. We usually come in just under our budgeted amount, mostly because we seldom eat out!

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we budget 500 a month so 250 every paycheck (2 paychecks per month) we are working on cutting that down even further.


that amt we cover: food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, dogs food.. We have a seperate budget for eating out of 50.00 per month.


we make our own bread, we dont use paper plates.. I dont buy all "brand" names, I shop on sale items, and I make from scratch anything that I can. So sometimes I have money left over at the end of the month, and when that happens I go and buy Extra Meat to freeze.. Meat/Chicken is always our biggest expense.



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$400 including all foodstuffs, Nutrimigen hypoallergenic infant formula (about $50/wk), diapers, baby food, all housecleaning supplies, OTC medications, toiletries, including soaps, all stuff for the bathrooms, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. And probably other things I can't think of right now!

We add $40 a month for the pets.

We have four people, two cats, and a dog.

ETA: This also includes eating out.

ETA2: This seems a bit lower than many people here...which makes me wonder how we do it! We don't use any coupons. I shop mostly at Wal-Mart, and I don't buy organic unless it's the same price or lower than other prices. We also eat meat with most meals.

Edited by chaik76
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We have been spending about $300-350 per month on food for my family of 5, and about $100 per month on pets etc. We have to reduce this because my husband just lost his job.


I buy mostly store brands, and judging from the prices in this thread I think things are less expensive here. A gallon of milk in under $3. We also don't eat meat, but I do buy dairy,and those prices have increased lately. Prices on everything have gone up so much. A year ago, I could feed our family for $50 per week, and I don't know if I can do that now.

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if she can help you save money on your groceries: www.moneysavingmom.com - Crystal is an AMAZINGLY, thrifty young woman and can truly stretch a dollar.


Another fan here. :) Thanks to Crystal, I've cut our monthly grocery spending in half from $600+ to $300.


$300 for a family of 4, but my dh travels quite a bit for work. This includes food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, meds.


I try to only buy items on sale and stock up.

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We spend $400.00 per month for a family of 7 - kids ages 14-1 year old - and one big dog. This includes all food, diapers, paper goods, dog food and such. We definitely don't eat as much beef as we'd all like, but we're full and happy.



PS- did I mention that the 3 oldest are boys? Yikes! They can eat a LOT!!

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Last month, I carefully tracked my grocery spending (food and household/personal supplies) and I spent $798.12 for a family of six. If I had not purchased junk food (lemonade, Doritos, ice-cream, coffee and the like), it would have been $730.


I can't get our spending any lower than it is because grocery prices are high here. I did buy a lot of pot roasts on sale for $2.39 and $2.19 a pound, and a 20-lb turkey for $0.59/lb., most of which is still in the freezer.


I make nearly everything from scratch, including bread, laundry detergent, window cleaner and all-purpose cleaner.


Last month, I spent 23% of my budget on fruits and vegetables and 19% on meat (due to the good deals I found). I spent between $3.79 and $2.99 for a gallon of milk (depending on whether it was on sale), and my family drinks about 7 gallons a week.


Household expenses were 18%, and that was mainly because we have to buy very expensive garbage bags on our town's pay-as-you-throw plan. Plus, I bought a $20 water filter replacement cartridge for the faucet.


Previously, we spent about $1200 a month on groceries and supplies, so my first month of economizing went pretty well. I'd like to get it down to $600 a month, but that may be a pipe dream.



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Tracy, the amazing is born of necessity, eh? :)


Yes, that is true. Thank you for the tips. I am curious about diluting your shampoo with water. Why do you add honey? Do you find that you really use less shampoo that way? I would like to try it. Sometimes I dilute my dish soap, but then it gets so thin that it comes out much faster, and I don't think I really saved any. Does that make sense? Just wondering if the same is true for shampoo.

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We are a family of 7 (actually 9, but two have left the nest) and we average about $500.00...that includes toiletries and an extra run to the grocery for milk or bread later. It isn't an easy accomplishment, but thankfully we have 4 daughters and a 5 year old son who do not eat a lot of food. The budget is tight and I make menus for the week plus shop for the sales. Praise God for giving us our daily bread!:001_smile:

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$350 a month for a family of 4. The kids are little, but one of them eats more than I do, so that doesn't seem to be a big factor. That amount covers food, toiletries, paper goods, and even a bit of wine and/or beer, especially when we have company. I bake our bread and sweet treats, cook most things from scratch, and plan everything around what I can get on sale. We could cut down a good bit if we bought less fresh produce, but I'd rather not have to make that change. We are fortunate to live near an independent market that has stellar produce and egg prices year-round. The increase in dairy prices has been a bit difficult, but with gas prices heading lower, I'll probably go back to making a monthly trip across state lines, where a gallon of milk is over a dollar cheaper.

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We spend roughly $1000 a month for a family of 6 and I care for my 2 nephews 4 days a week as well. I feed them breakfast and lunch (snacky's too as Elias calls them). This is for everything though, even the dog food. I have meal plans for lunch and dinner weekly. I think having a meal plan really cuts down your grocery bill. I have tried to venture to the store without my list or meal plan and I always spend more then I normaly would with a list.

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Ours is presently around $225/mo for a family of four (no pets). This includes all paper goods (no diapers now due to potty training - just paying for laundry more frequently ($1-2 a load) at the moment :001_huh:) and most toiletries. We do occasionally have people give us the odd food gifts that help this - dh is a seminary student supporting us on a part-time job and all help is welcome. I do not shop for organics (nothing against them other than the price) and I do buy most of my stuff at Aldi.


I look on budgeting as a challenge and sort of enjoy it. Sometimes it's a real drag when we have to have tight belts for several months on end (dh's job is tip-driven, so the income is somewhat variable), but OTOH it's been an incredible testimony of God's provision in our every-day lives!


Mama Anna

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I found this quite amazing myself. Thought some would enjoy looking.


That book (Hungry Planet) is one of the most popular books in my house, my kids spend hours looking at it, as do I. I highly recommend looking through and reading the whole book, it's fascinating.

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