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Liver or kidney cleanse advice?


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I was bitten by a copperhead snake three weeks ago. I received ten vials antivenin, and it was a severe envenomation, meaning that the snake put his full load into me, and it was a large snake. I'm better, but not well. Snake toxin can attack kidneys and liver. I don't think there is anything WRONG with my organs--hospital checked all that out. But after having all that go through me, plus all the narcotics and OTC pain pills and three weeks of antibiotics....any ideas on what to use herbally to help it along? And I was told by another doctor to not take NSAIDS becuase it impedes the removal of the venom from the body. Been loving me some alleve!! So any suggestions, particularly brands to buy?

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And I was told by another doctor to not take NSAIDS becuase it impedes the removal of the venom from the body. Been loving me some alleve!!

Wait, you do know Aleve is an NSAID, right?


Sorry I'm not much help. I run fast and far from any product claiming detox or cleanse properties, especially if they claim to cleanse specific organs.

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Ds is on meds that are taxing to his liver and his labs improved after adding milk thistle to his line up. That said, I would almost be afraid to add anything to your body. I would be more apt to just eat and drink super clean. Lots of water, fruit and veggies, maybe stay lowish protein. My hesitation with herbals is that there is still a mechanism in which they work, which is often not understood/studied. So you may help your liver to the detriment of some other system.


If you want to add herbals, I would try to find a professional to guide you.

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I am similarly on medication that requires regular kidney and liver checkups.  Sassenach is right on; taking herbs without fully understanding all of the implications is unwise.  A lot of the traditional tonics for liver and kidney also function as diuretics. Eating very clean and drinking water will help your body's efforts to work things out on their own. 

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Wait, you do know Aleve is an NSAID, right?


Sorry I'm not much help. I run fast and far from any product claiming detox or cleanse properties, especially if they claim to cleanse specific organs.

Yes, sorry that wasn't clear. I was mad that the alleve I was taking instead of Percocet was not good. I'm pretty much past needing anything for pain now.

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Here's the first advice I received from my shout out to my herbalist counsel:

"The best thing to use on snake bites is nopales. Have her look up Doug Simons who has extensive knowledge on the use of nopales for venomous bites. I would also look into taking calendula and plantain internally. Calendula is draining and plantain is drawing( draws out) Also use mucilaginous herbs like mallow, drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber."

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Thank You all for yOur advice. I will look into it further. So far I'm doing water, greens, and using this as an excuse to drink lots of coffee!


Careful with the coffee consumption. Caffeine is hard on the liver, and the adrenals. You're goal is to FLUSH the venom (toxins) from your system.

Drink lots of WATER (toss in some fruit for flavor, if needed).  Best to stay away from alcohol right now too. You need to do everything you can to support and flush

your liver.

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