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Another CVS job update

Night Elf

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They're killing me! New development. They were supposed to call by the 3rd. I didn't hear so I called on the 10th. The manager said something had gone wrong and they couldn't see my application. He wanted me to go back to the online application and do it again. I did try but the system wouldn't let me since I had completed it already. I gave him the Job ID number to show it was for his store but he didn't recognize the number and gave me another one I should try entering somewhere. That's not how their system works. So I told him that when I completed the application, I was given a candidate reference number and gave it to him. He's going to contact HR with that number to see if they can find me.


So then I contacted Career Tech Support. They promptly got back to me and said they could see I had successfully completed my application and if there were any problems to call them. So I called the store manager back AGAIN and told what I learned and gave him that number. Also, they told me the reference number he gave to me is for internal employees and it's not something I could use in this situation. Either he or HR can call and maybe Tech Support can help them find my application.


Now it's out of my hands. The manager said he'd phone in a couple of days. I'm not holding my breath. I don't know how hard he is working to get this straightened out. He seemed excited when he told me he definitely wanted me to work in his store and he was in touch with HR trying to resolve the problem. I just don't know what to believe. So both my counselor and my DH said the ball is in their court now and there isn't anything more I can do so not to call them again. I have no immediate plans for applying somewhere else so I'll just wait it out. If I don't hear in a few weeks, I'm going to write them off and think about my options again.


This seems like an awful lot of work for a low paying part time job.

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And this is why so many people miss out on jobs. THis kind of technological incompetency. My DD21 went through similar when she wanted to get a job at the movie theater. She had to basically make herself an annoyance. X person didn't fill out the paperwork right. Y person found her file but updated it wrong. Z person spent two weeks finding her updated file but then forgot to submit the update so still no one knew it was updated.


A lot of work for a low paying part time job is absolutely right.



I'm starting to wonder if this is a strategy for weeding out people who don't try very hard.


My son went through something similar with Chick-Fil-A. He eventually just cut his losses and got hired at McD's.

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I was treated VERY well, though I will say the guy that originally hired me was dumb.  Not bad......just dumb.  He was not employed there the second time I was hired by the same store.....though that was by mutual choice.


But, over all, yes, I had no issues with managment. 


That's great. :-) Hopefully, it's just the one near me. From what I can tell, the pharmacists are treated especially poorly here.

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I would not call CVS again.  It is NOT a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket.  Did you apply to Publix?


I didn't because I'm not sure I want to work there. It's such a big store and they have so many different positions. I don't even know what they're hiring for. I wouldn't want to work in the meat, seafood, or deli departments. The bakery is iffy. I have no experience and all those big machines scare me. There are always lots of employees up front so I don't imagine they are hiring cashiers. Unfortunately, I'm letting my anxiety rule my world though I'm trying very hard not to. I'm just plain scared to work at Publix. I like the idea of CVS because it's a smaller environment with advancement possibilities. I can't think of any other place I want to work. Kroger is always hiring but dd, who worked there in the Starbucks kiosk, said it didn't seem to be a good place to work. Employees often complained about management. Ds works there stocking overnight so he's not a regular store employee so he has his own management. He's got a new manager in fact, and he's becoming increasingly unhappy with that job.


The fact is I don't need to work. I could just volunteer at the Humane Society which would get me out of the house and give me something to focus on instead of my youngest dd who is becoming more independent and pulling away from me. It's hurting my heart. This is why I need to do something. I'm home on my own every week day and it just gets lonely and I get bored.

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I would call back. What do you have to lose? You don't need to work, you'd be a great employee, you want to work for them. It sounds like the issue is on their end and not yours.

I really hope you find something. I totally understand where you are coming from!

Locally, the Humane society is a wonderful place to volunteer. A great group of very friendly people who would welcome you in. I hope yours is the same.,

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I think you should just get a volunteer job. Humane society, library, rocking NICU babies, adult literacy group, etc. I know a lot of places here also need people to just do typing, data entry, etc for say, a community center, homeless organization, etc. 


My library system doesn't have any volunteer positions open, unfortunately. That would be fun.


I just checked my hospital. They have a volunteer program that acts like a job with an application, interview and orientation. You also have to pay $25 for your uniform and pay an annual dues of $12. I never thought about that. They said you had to be available for one 4-hour shift a week, 100 hours per year. I don't see how that math works out, unless they mean they cap you at 100 hours.


I like the Humane Society because you can work as much or as little as you want. I don't know if you have to schedule times but it seems like it should work that way. I wouldn't mind going in and hanging out with the dogs and cats to give them people time and affection. I have no professional training so I'm a little scared of a dog snapping at me or biting me. They also have adoptions every Saturday at a pet store and volunteers staff that answer questions. The only drawback I see to this plan is I might get attached to a specific animal and then I'd be sad when it found a forever home. I've been wanting another dog for quite a while now. We lost a pet on Nov. 1st of last year, but DH hasn't wanted to add to our family. Volunteering here could help me with that perhaps.

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So, my personal theory of life.......


When you are on a path in life and every, single, thing becomes and obstacle.....it is because you are not supposed to be on this path.  I do believe in perseverance and overcoming challenges, but seriously, sometimes the obstacles in life are just ridiculous and that is why I say "Ok, universe, I am listening to you. LOL I won't do XYZ" LOL  And as soon as I give up, the obstacles go away. 



Ok, so the last  bit is pretty much like saying "My ( insert lost item) is always in the last place I look!" .....well, isn't that is because you stop looking after you find it! LOL But it still works for me.   :lol:

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Well, I'll take a contrary view. I've often had to push them to get things done when it comes to employment. If you want the job, you sometimes have to push if they've already said that they'd like to hire you. I can't count the number of times I had to do the type of thing you're doing in order to get hired. It's one thing if you just don't get past the initial part. I'd accept that. But sometimes the processes are against you, and in my mind, that's different.


In my current 3/4 time professor position, I went through the application process and then sat on the qualified list for two years. Every few months I emailed the professors that coordinated scheduling for the areas I'm qualified for to remind them. They finally called that they had a class, so I went and signed the paperwork to teach in the fall. But the professor I was supposed to work for retired shortly after I signed. I never got put on the schedule because she missed one step. So when I emailed about getting books, they said they didn't have a class after all. Being an adjunct, I had no recourse. So I went back to my email campaign. Thankfully they ended up giving me two 8-week sections, and in time I was told that they'd guarantee 12 credit hours each semester if I wanted them.


Same thing with my federal government job. I was getting nervous because it had been on the desk of the person three levels up for a month, and there were rumors of a government-wide hiring freeze. I was a contractor in the same area, so I made an appointment with him and pled my case. He signed it and had me walk it to HR. He had just forgotten about it. I actually signed the paperwork the day before the hiring freeze.


Personally, I'd call in a week, but that's me.

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I just checked my hospital. They have a volunteer program that acts like a job with an application, interview and orientation. You also have to pay $25 for your uniform and pay an annual dues of $12. I never thought about that. They said you had to be available for one 4-hour shift a week, 100 hours per year. I don't see how that math works out, unless they mean they cap you at 100 hours.




Just following up on my own post. My DH said he thinks the 100 hours mentioned is a minimum. So I'd be making a commitment to work at least that many hours. So that's cool. I don't know anything about volunteering in a hospital but this is a real possibility should CVS not work out.

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Just following up on my own post. My DH said he thinks the 100 hours mentioned is a minimum. So I'd be making a commitment to work at least that many hours. So that's cool. I don't know anything about volunteering in a hospital but this is a real possibility should CVS not work out.


Yes, that's exactly how our local hospital does it. They of course make exceptions if you have a crisis, but they want committed people. You can certainly go over 100 hours a year.

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