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ACT cancellation (first world problem)

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I am sad for my daughter today. It looks like they are going to cancel the ACT test this Saturday in our area. She has been studying so hard and it is her last chance to qualify for merit scholarships from her college. The next ACT/SAT date is too late. She had a good chance of getting one of the scholarships, but had to raise her ACT composite score one point to qualify. She did take the SAT two weeks ago, so there is still a chance she qualified. She had never taken that exam before though and has test anxiety, so we were more confident in her qualifying with the ACT which she has already taken several times over the last five years.  :(

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Is there a chance that you can change locations? A planned cancellation is so unfair to you.

No, it is due to Hurricane Irma. It sounds like all of the surrounding counties (and possibly the whole state) will cancel. And any main roads out of the county are already backed up and moving at only a snail's pace.

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The next SAT is Oct 7, with results returned two weeks after.  That should be in time for any Nov 1 deadlines.  The cheaper signup is through Sept 8.  The results from the August test should be available by Sept 18.  We were told to check the College Board account because the results may be available before the email from College Board is sent.  If it were me, I'd go ahead and sign up for the Oct date, hoping to improve on the August scores.


Alternatively, if ACT is really her best shot, I would consider traveling for it.  Compare possible scholarship to travel costs for a weekend.

Edited by wapiti
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Any chance the college will extend the deadline for her?  The IRS is extending deadlines for anyone affected by Harvey, so anything's possible. . .  Or any way you can you get on a flight to Atlanta?  There are still slots in Atlanta.  Or will the ACT offer an alternative in a week or so?  

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Any chance the college will extend the deadline for her?  The IRS is extending deadlines for anyone affected by Harvey, so anything's possible. . .  Or any way you can you get on a flight to Atlanta?  There are still slots in Atlanta.  Or will the ACT offer an alternative in a week or so?  


That's a good idea. The college is in Florida, so I suppose there is a possibility that they will push back the deadline. I would imagine a majority of their students are in-state. I'll email them and check.


I have not heard that an alternative would be available, rather they will be pushed back to the next scheduled ACT date. But, things are still up in the air. We could not afford to fly out, even assuming there are any flights as the airport here is quite small and I have to work until Friday.

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Crazy as it sounds, it would be very difficult to travel at this point. We are quickly running out of gas locally. I sat in a gas line this morning that extended onto the main roadways because I heard that the gas station nearest us, which had previously been out, had received a gas shipment overnight. The interstate running through town is bumper to bumper and people will likely begin to run out of gas on the roadways soon. 

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Our area was affected by Harvey. A couple of days after Harvey passed without us even asking a lot of colleges kindly started writing to my child and offering to extend deadlines if needed. As suggested above, I'd contact them. Hope Irma doesn't affect you. Stay safe!

Edited by flor
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:grouphug: Definitely check with ACT and the college. A cancellation due to a hurricane should definitely qualify as an exception. I wonder if the make up is simply October or if they might be willing to do it in a couple of weeks somewhere in the area.

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By the way, SAT worked the cancellations really well. CollegeBoard made the call to cancel tests. ACT cancellations work differently. When calling them they keep stating that they cancel only if school administering it cancels the test. Turns out our district is so busy dealing with the aftermath of Harvey; bless their heart, they have not had the opportunity to call the ACT to cancel. We think the 9/9 test might get cancelled, but as of now nothing is confirmed. 

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I'll call and email the college for an extension since so many students in Florida are affected.


We think the 9/9 test might get cancelled, but as of now nothing is confirmed.

A list is out though it may not be complete. Mostly Florida and Texas (16), with one in Georgia




From ACT's Facebook page

"We extend our thoughts to those impacted by Hurricane Irma and hope you are safe. Here is an update to those registered for the ACT test this weekend. We will email rescheduling updates to all affected students and encourage you to check this page for the latest list of rescheduled test centers: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/test-day/rescheduled-test-centers.html"

Edited by Arcadia
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Arcadia: Thanks a lot for sharing. My dc had been watching this list, but thanks to you, my pair of eyes joined the party :001_smile:. Today at mid morning ACT added to this list the high school my dc was to take the test at, just two days before the test date. No word yet on when it'd be rescheduled. I know our poor schools are swamped with post-Harvey issues to tackle. Just wanted to give this update to thank Arcadia and for Melissa B to learn about our case. Hope you all will be safe in FL.

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"Separately, ACT said it was busy working to reschedule some tests scheduled for Saturday in U.S. states such as Texas, Louisiana, and Florida, that are affected by hurricanes Harvey and now Irma.


“This has been a huge effort, and our goal has been to make sure that every single student in those impacted areas can cross the ACT test off their list of worries, as so many of them have much bigger issues to deal with now,†Colby said."


There is cancellation at some international test centers due to a breach of the test materials.

"Would-be test-takers from countries including China, Thailand and Australia expressed outrage on social media over the international cancellations because the test, the first of the new school year, was to be used by high school seniors applying to colleges this fall."



"Ed Colby, spokesman for ACT Inc., which owns the nation’s most popular college admissions test, confirmed Saturday’s test administration at some international sites had been canceled because of credible evidence test materials had been compromised, but said he could not provide more information because of the ongoing investigation"


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ACT informed us that for security reasons after the registration deadline has passed (including rescheduled centers), examinees can't change their registration to a different test center. They just want us to wait to hear from them re: rescheduled plans.

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