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  1. Any recommendations for an AP Biology provider and thoughts on why you liked it? Thank you.
  2. Anyone can please recommend an AP Spanish Language tutor to work on some specific aspects of the test? Please let me know Thanks 🙂
  3. Gord!, a mathematician and award winning board game designer, is hosting Zoom-drop-ins by grade level for people to come anytime. As well as the student Zooms, there are teacher Zooms and a homeschooling parent Zoom. Learn more about this opportunity to learn math from Gord!, please visit: https://mathpickle.com/zoom-drop-ins/ The first session is free to check out! About: Dr. Gordon Hamilton is a father of two teenagers, an educator and mathematician. He designs MathPickle puzzles and award-winning board games like Santorini.
  4. Any recommendations for a good online geography class? Appreciate your ideas. Thank you.
  5. I am looking for an online social studies class for my 9th grader. We need a class that would spark curiosities towards a history research project. It would be an engaging class but not with a heavy load so as to leave room for rigorous classes already on the plate and for pursuing an interest based research. History is not my dc focus but dc appreciates it. Any ideas? Please let me know. Thank you :)
  6. Any recommendations for a good online speech and/or debate class? Please let me know. Thanks :).
  7. Crosspost Have any of your children taken Online G3 Lightning Literature 7? How did you like it? Any pros and cons? Tips on making the best of this class? In previous threads I learned that there is not much feedback or accountability for this class. That might not be a good fit for my dc. Any other classes where the literature discussions are vibrant, there is some writing, and a little more accountability?? Would greatly appreciate your input on this. Thank you 🙂
  8. Have any of your children taken Online G3 Lightning Literature 7? How did you like it? Any pros and cons? Tips on making the best of this class? In previous threads I learned that there is not much feedback or accountability for this class. That might not be a good fit for my dc. Any other classes where the literature discussions are vibrant, there is some writing, and a little more accountability?? Would greatly appreciate your input on this. Thank you 🙂
  9. I feel for you two. It happened to one of my dc. All tests taken at the same location but for no rhyme or reason one of the AP scores was missing. My dc immediately contacted the CB and did so regularly. 4-6 weeks after the release date, the results finally arrived. I hope your experience is better and faster than ours. I’ve heard in some instances it is.
  10. This is great https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Guide-Math-Richard-Corn/dp/0998584916/ref=dp_ob_title_bk If you want to over prepare for ACT math, do SAT 2 Math 2 prep: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1523381531/ref=dbs_a_def_awm_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i0 This is a good list of ACT books by subject https://blog.prepscholar.com/best-act-prep-books
  11. I haven’t checked all the links above, but in case this is not listed the following science videos are very good and trusted by many in this forum: Corresponding test he discusses: http://www.allpencilsdown.com/preparing-61C.pdf While the ACT science has changed a little, the video series above is still relevant. Pair it with reading scientific journals and https://www.amazon.com/Love-ACT-Science-innovative-standardized/dp/0996832203/ref=sr_1_2?gclid=EAIaIQobChMInNG1sqHX4gIVD9tkCh1bCQH3EAAYASAAEgI4IvD_BwE&hvadid=241929030173&hvdev=t&hvlocphy=9052003&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=10773912269542378554&hvtargid=kwd-218253899608&hydadcr=22567_10346631&keywords=for+the+love+of+act+science&qid=1559906730&s=gateway&sr=8-2.
  12. Speaking of calculators and standardized tests, the daughter of a friend (in another school district) was asked to clear her SAT approved calculator before going into the SAT Math 2 test. I checked the SAT 2 calculator policy and didn’t find anything about having to clear the calculator https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/taking-the-test/calculator-policy. Anyone has heard of this? Also for AP tests my dc couldn’t even take a sound free timer that was allowed in years past. This change bothered me because often the clocks in the test rooms are not functioning. Some other districts in our area project timers on the smart board, ours mainly relies on the teachers giving the 5 or so minutes warning. My dc was allowed to bring a basic digital clock with no alarm for a later AP test in which timing was of essence. Thoughts? Should my dc bring a printout of the calculator and timer policy in case there is ever an issue in our district?
  13. flor


    In our local group everyone loves typing.com, as recommended above 🙂
  14. Thanks a lot for sharing. I have a child who’d enjoy taking this class 🙂.
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