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I got my first Stitch Fix box!

Night Elf

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When I ordered, it said I'd get it the 21st but it arrived today. :)


Okay, my first Stitch Box was almost totally successful. I'm delighted!


I got a pair of boyfriend jeans. They fit nicely. They came cuffed which I've never worn cuffed jeans. If I uncuff them, they come right to the top of my foot which is too short for me to wear so if I keep these I'd have to wear them cuffed. $88


I got an off-white, sort of tannish brown, cardigan. I love it! It hangs down low past my rear and the sleeves are long enough to hit my hands. Perfect fit. $58


I got a plaid Henley top that is also really long. I wouldn't have chosen this shirt on my own but wearing it I can see how it fits me. I really like it. The only problem I have, and I'm not sure if it's a problem, is when I raise my hands over my head to take it off, the part of the sleeves just below the shoulder pull on my arms. But how often am I going to walk around with my hands raised over my head? The sleeves are long but have a button so I can pin the sleeves from full length to ¾ length. It's really lovely. $48


I got a Litton split neck blouse. The shipping page says it's white but it has black polka dots. There is no collar and the opening on the front neck is dipped down but not to cleavage length. The only strange thing is it has a solid black line running vertically down the back side of the shirt, but it's not bad, only strange. This shirt would look great with my new black skirt I bought at JC Penney. $54


And last, I got a pair of burgundy Toms. My favorite shoes. Unfortunately, they are a half size too big. I put that I wear a size 8 in shoes but in Toms in particular I wear a 7.5 so I think I'll exchange them. They feel fine but I'm worried as they loosen up from wear, my heel will start slipping out. $48


So with the 25% discount, $20 credit fee, the total of the box is $202. I don't think that's bad at all!!


My one complaint is she didn't send me a single skirt and that was what I was most interested in. So if DH okays it, I'm going to order a second box and tell them specifically I want 2-3 skirts and tops.


Yay me!

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I tried on everything for DH. He pointed out some flaws in 2 pieces so we decided to send them back with notes on why they didn't work. I'm exchanging the Toms shoes for a smaller size. 


I reworked my Pinterest board and added notes to the back of the pictures which I didn't realize I could do the first time. I hope the stylist looks at the board again. I went ahead and scheduled my next box for the 26th because I really want some skirts and short sleeve tops. We'll see what they give to me. But overall I was really happy with all the items. The only iffy was the boyfriend jeans that were cuffed. I think cuffed jeans should hug the ankle and mine were big so they poked out on the sides. I couldn't make up my mind about it so decided to send it back and request straighter, longer jeans.

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This sounds like fun, but I have to admit I can't imagine spending this much per month on clothes.  

I do hate to shop, so having someone do it for me would be very nice.


I tend to go to one or two stores maybe twice a year and shop a tight list of replacements for things that are wearing out.  While I'm there I look at other stuff, and sometimes find something outside of my list that is so perfect I pick it up.  This saves me from doing a ton of browsing all the time.


Also I make sure I always have two + pairs of nice jeans, a black skirt, a dark suit, a swimming suit, and a nice dress plus tops that all fit well.  That way I rarely have to run out to the store and buy something just for an event, and maybe pay full price for something I don't really like.

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Yay! I'm glad it was overall a good delivery for you! I am a little bummed you didn't get a skirt. I would go out of my way to say you really, REALLY want a few skirts! The shoes sound great!

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This sounds like fun, but I have to admit I can't imagine spending this much per month on clothes.  

I do hate to shop, so having someone do it for me would be very nice.


I tend to go to one or two stores maybe twice a year and shop a tight list of replacements for things that are wearing out.  While I'm there I look at other stuff, and sometimes find something outside of my list that is so perfect I pick it up.  This saves me from doing a ton of browsing all the time.


Also I make sure I always have two + pairs of nice jeans, a black skirt, a dark suit, a swimming suit, and a nice dress plus tops that all fit well.  That way I rarely have to run out to the store and buy something just for an event, and maybe pay full price for something I don't really like.


I will definitely not be getting a box at any set frequency. I'm only getting the second box so  quickly after the first because I REALLY want those skirts and flowy blouses. The boho look. Depending on what I keep in this second box, I'm going shopping to fill in the gaps.


I don't normally spend this kind of money on clothes either. I wear the same things over and over. I have 4 tshirts that I wear, somedays wearing one two days in a row if it didn't get dirty. I have one pair of jeans that fit. This summer I bought one pair of shorts that fit. Until last weekend, I didn't have anything dressy including slacks, blouses, skirts or dresses. If a funeral comes up, I will have to take my kids and me and buy each of us a full outfit. DH has a suit and some button downs he could wear with his work pants.


The last time I bought shirts for myself was 2 years ago and I got them at Kohls for a steal. I bought my jeans just in the past few months because it was time to let go of the saggy baggy look and go down a size to fit me better. I didn't think it was important to buy more than one pair because I wear the same ones about 4 days in a row then wash it, and wear my PJ pants while they're washing/drying.


I want a whole new look, so I need almost an entire new wardrobe, or at least part of one. The prices I'm paying with Stitch Fix are high but I figure if I get some pieces that are nice that would have taken me hours of shopping at the mall to locate, I'm doing fine.


However, I can say this is addicting. I was so excited about getting my first box and thrilled when it came 4 days early. And I'm thrilled I went ahead and ordered a second box so soon. I'd love to get these each month. It's more fun than Christmas has been for the past several years. Hey, great idea! I'll get a Stitch box for myself for Christmas. Now I have something to look forward to! Yay!

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Yay! I'm glad it was overall a good delivery for you! I am a little bummed you didn't get a skirt. I would go out of my way to say you really, REALLY want a few skirts! The shoes sound great!


I did! In the feedback in box 1 I said I was highly disappointed no skirts were included. And in the notes section of my profile for box 2 I said I needed skirts more than anything else. Then in the personal note to the stylist at the end of ordering box 2 I said I needed skirts. If they don't include any this time, I'll have to shop online because I don't know anywhere around me that has boho skirts.


I do hope they find another long Henley top though. I loved that shirt and hated to send it back. I need one looser on the top though.

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This sounds like fun, but I have to admit I can't imagine spending this much per month on clothes.  



Most people don't do this every month. You can set it so that you get boxes only when they are requested, which is what I do. I have gotten a few boxes over the course of a year, but probably won't get anymore for a long while because my wardrobe is now built up. 

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Hmmmm... I do live pretty far away from any decent shopping options... hmmmm....


Try it!


I'm sitting here a little jealous because they don't service Canada.  Give it a try!  I can live vicariously through you all. 

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This sounds like fun, but I have to admit I can't imagine spending this much per month on clothes.  

I do hate to shop, so having someone do it for me would be very nice.




The cost thing came up in Quill's thread, too.  I just want to point out that when Night Elf posted the prices, I was surprised.  Not because I thought they were high. Quite the contrary, I thought they were much lower than I'd expected for quality clothes that were personally selected for you.  


I think it's important to remember that the cost of clothes really should be measured in cost-per-wear, not necessarily the initial cost.  If you buy a $10 tee shirt from a discount store and the hem starts unravelling and it's only dust-rag quality after 4-5 washes, that cost-per-wear is higher than if, for example, you paid $40 for a good quality tee shirt of sturdy, dense woven cotton that will stand up to 100 washes or more.  Also, if a person just buys things that they end up not wearing much because it's looking ragged or doesn't fit well or is just a very trendy thing, then cost-per-wear is higher than if you have something that wears and washes well, stands up to the timelessness of classic style and which you enjoy wearing often, then cost-per-wear is less even if the initial cost was higher.  So, it's worth investing in fewer good quality pieces that will last and in which you'll be happy, comfortable and stylish. 


Here's a good article about this: http://www.simplyfrugal.ca/cost-per-wear/ 

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The cost thing came up in Quill's thread, too. I just want to point out that when Night Elf posted the prices, I was surprised. Not because I thought they were high. Quite the contrary, I thought they were much lower than I'd expected for quality clothes that were personally selected for you.


I think it's important to remember that the cost of clothes really should be measured in cost-per-wear, not necessarily the initial cost. If you buy a $10 tee shirt from a discount store and the hem starts unravelling and it's only dust-rag quality after 4-5 washes, that cost-per-wear is higher than if, for example, you paid $40 for a good quality tee shirt of sturdy, dense woven cotton that will stand up to 100 washes or more. Also, if a person just buys things that they end up not wearing much because it's looking ragged or doesn't fit well or is just a very trendy thing, then cost-per-wear is higher than if you have something that wears and washes well, stands up to the timelessness of classic style and which you enjoy wearing often, then cost-per-wear is less even if the initial cost was higher. So, it's worth investing in fewer good quality pieces that will last and in which you'll be happy, comfortable and stylish.


Here's a good article about this: http://www.simplyfrugal.ca/cost-per-wear/

Also, one thing I noticed with the first box is this: quality details. There were two tops that, on first pulling them from the box, I was afraid they would be see-through. SO VERY MANY tops are see-through and I was afraid because of the lightness of the fabric and the crochet designs in the front. But both pieces have a nice lining and are not see-through.


I cannot yet say how well these clothes will hold up over time, but I did notice those quality details and I think that makes it much more valuable for wearing a long time. I expect good clothes (and shoes) to last for several years; that is why I like classic styles.

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This sounds like fun, but I have to admit I can't imagine spending this much per month on clothes.  

I do hate to shop, so having someone do it for me would be very nice.


I tend to go to one or two stores maybe twice a year and shop a tight list of replacements for things that are wearing out.  While I'm there I look at other stuff, and sometimes find something outside of my list that is so perfect I pick it up.  This saves me from doing a ton of browsing all the time.


Also I make sure I always have two + pairs of nice jeans, a black skirt, a dark suit, a swimming suit, and a nice dress plus tops that all fit well.  That way I rarely have to run out to the store and buy something just for an event, and maybe pay full price for something I don't really like.


From the previous stitch thread I learned that you can schedule boxes on demand so you don't have to get one every month. I am more and more tempted to try one.

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