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Flylady support??

3 ladybugs

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I am thinking of starting Flylady organization. Anyone want to join me in the baby steps? I figure this is the best time to start as my house is relatively clean right now (just did a major cleaning project) and I have a new sink in the kitchen. LOL


Anyone want to join me? If there is already a group that does this, please let me know where you are!

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Yes! This is just what I need. I started it just before I was married (part of my personal premarriage preparation) but I haven't referenced it in almost 20 years. Is there a website, or something?

This is where I am starting: http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/


My house was as spotless as I could make it on Friday. I am sure there are areas that needed work, but it was the best it has ever been in 9 years (since we moved here) on Friday. There is clutter though still around my house (mainly basement... a bit in our office corner). My goal is to keep it this way. ;) It wasn't fun getting it here, and I know I will have less time in the future and not more. I hope to incorporate my kids whenever possible. However I already know I will have issues with the swish and swipe as I don't have "under bathroom sink" areas in my house. It is all under kitchen sink or packed away. :( May need to invest in a lock for our upstairs hall closet to remedy this. 

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I got depressed by all the emails gathering dust in my inbox whenever I'd fall off the wagon, so when I decided to try keeping on top of things again, I didn't sign up for the emails; I just made Today's plan my homepage, so that every time I open a new tab I've got it in my face:




Now, realistically, I'm pretty good at ignoring it, but it's something. 

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This is where I am starting: http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/


My house was as spotless as I could make it on Friday. I am sure there are areas that needed work, but it was the best it has ever been in 9 years (since we moved here) on Friday. There is clutter though still around my house (mainly basement... a bit in our office corner). My goal is to keep it this way. ;) It wasn't fun getting it here, and I know I will have less time in the future and not more. I hope to incorporate my kids whenever possible. However I already know I will have issues with the swish and swipe as I don't have "under bathroom sink" areas in my house. It is all under kitchen sink or packed away. :( May need to invest in a lock for our upstairs hall closet to remedy this.

I use baby wipes. We have a pack in each bathroom. I'm the past, I used a rag or a microfiber cloth with hot water. No need for harsh cleanser when you wipe everything 5times a day.

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I follow Diane in Denmark and Flylady Kat on YouTube. They both post daily flylady tips.

Thank you for this! I really like Diane in Denmark. :) She has all the baby steps in short videos. I like that. :D


I think I am going to start today. My kitchen sink isn't bad. It was installled about 2 weeks ago. So this should be relatively easy. I have went onto Amazon as I don't think we have 7 kitchen towels... maybe we do, and they seem to have good ones for relatively cheap. That is easier then making them! 


Love the idea of baby wipes in the bathroom. 

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I'm in! This is perfect timing too, because boy does my sink ever need shined! I followed her before, but I fell off the flylady wagon for several reasons. I'm willing to try it again though, because even if I can't do everything everyday, it will still help me stay on track.  I actually met her a few years ago at the homeschool convention in Cincinnati, and had my picture taken with her.  She was very sweet.

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I'm in.  I was looking at my sink this morning and thinking I really should get back to having that spotless sink to greet me in the morning.  I have done it several times and it has helped but haven't done it since kids have left. 


As to the question about larger houses- I generally had larger houses while doing it.  For me, it is better than all the other systems I tried as a beginning because it is so simple to begin with and forms a structure.  I do things a bit differently like since I have more living areas and two kitchens and the like, I just use it as a guide to keep things neater and cleaner and then if I am in a really productive mood (I haven't been in the last five or more years as my underlying diseases got worse), I then incorporate flashcards of chores into my system a la Sidetracked Sisters.  What is neat about changing to a flashcard system of chores (color coded to daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal) is that you put your own tasks on their.  If you have a fireplace you use, you can include that.  If you have more bedrooms or other rooms, put those in.  Put in tasks like do bills, set aside tax documents, call for furnace inspection, etc, whatever you need.

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YAY! I am so glad to see so many people wanting to join me! :D I do have to state that I will be having to stop next week when we do a vacation to see the eclipse but I am hopeful that I will just take off from where I was when I get back. ;) 


I am thinking we can turn this into a daily thread. What are other people's thought?

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I'm in. I was looking at my sink this morning and thinking I really should get back to having that spotless sink to greet me in the morning. I have done it several times and it has helped but haven't done it since kids have left.


As to the question about larger houses- I generally had larger houses while doing it. For me, it is better than all the other systems I tried as a beginning because it is so simple to begin with and forms a structure. I do things a bit differently like since I have more living areas and two kitchens and the like, I just use it as a guide to keep things neater and cleaner and then if I am in a really productive mood (I haven't been in the last five or more years as my underlying diseases got worse), I then incorporate flashcards of chores into my system a la Sidetracked Sisters. What is neat about changing to a flashcard system of chores (color coded to daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal) is that you put your own tasks on their. If you have a fireplace you use, you can include that. If you have more bedrooms or other rooms, put those in. Put in tasks like do bills, set aside tax documents, call for furnace inspection, etc, whatever you need.

Thank you for explaining how you were able to adapt the system to your own space. I guess because I'm quite the perfectionist, it was all or nothing for me. So if I was unable to get to one of the living areas, I'd feel like a failure. And reading about how people were getting their whole houses clean in one hour during the home blessing hour was discouraging, because it was impossible. I'd need three hours minimum. Oh well, I'm in anyway. I'd like to learn to adapt like you did.

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I was reading about this again last night, and I'm not sure it works for me.  I've looked at it before and felt the same way, but I'd love someone to talk me into it.  I just don't think I can have a house cleaning routine when nothing in my life is routine.  And, I don't think that her lists would keep my house clean either.  My kitchen goes from sparkly clean to hazmat in about 20 minutes, 3 times a day.  A before bed shine isn't going to keep it looking nice.  We just had a bunch of company in and out (two families, back to back in one week), and I have a pile of towels and sheets and blankets to the ceiling that I'm working through washing today.  My eldest mopped the kitchen yesterday, and it looks yucky this morning.  Honestly, it got mopped twice, because the youngest spilled his whole plate on it, and I had to do it again.  This morning, it looks filthy again.  I vacuumed yesterday, dd8 did today, and the floors aren't saying, "I was just vacuumed."  I have the clutter under control here, but the actual cleaning is pretty overwhelming.  I think we probably spend more time cleaning than many families (probably 3 hours a day, spread between different people, maybe more), yet I feel like our house stays at a "looks like it could be cleaned soon" level.  


Convince me.

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I have yet to do it, so I can't say for sure what it does and doesn't do. In fact, prior to yesterday, I had never even seen the website. 


Guinevere - It sounds like your house has several full time people it. At least 3 kids? My hope with this is to incorporate my children as much as possible. It is one thing to clean up things as mom, it is another thing to clean up messes yourself. In my house, there would be week or 2 that would go by with NO vacuuming. So anything that helps me would be good. 


It is possible that this isn't for you. You can always try the baby steps and see if it works, or if it doesn't. It really shouldn't take that long to do the steps everyday. 

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I have yet to do it, so I can't say for sure what it does and doesn't do. In fact, prior to yesterday, I had never even seen the website. 


Guinevere - It sounds like your house has several full time people it. At least 3 kids? My hope with this is to incorporate my children as much as possible. It is one thing to clean up things as mom, it is another thing to clean up messes yourself. In my house, there would be week or 2 that would go by with NO vacuuming. So anything that helps me would be good. 


It is possible that this isn't for you. You can always try the baby steps and see if it works, or if it doesn't. It really shouldn't take that long to do the steps everyday. 


Yep, 6 kids.  And a dog.  


I'm going to read some more, and see if it will help.  

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I just instructed Ben in how to clean the sink. I'm about to go check it out.


We do not wear shoes in the house. We wear socks And/or slippers. But everyone gets dressed every morning unless sock in bed. No lounging around in pjs.


I Bookmarked The Babysteps, But I Havent Read Them All Yet. Im Feeling Badly And Im too Tired Just Now.

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I just instructed Ben in how to clean the sink. I'm about to go check it out.


We do not wear shoes in the house. We wear socks And/or slippers. But everyone gets dressed every morning unless sock in bed. No lounging around in pjs.


I Bookmarked The Babysteps, But I Havent Read Them All Yet. Im Feeling Badly And Im too Tired Just Now.

Is Ben your son? I had my ds clean our sink this afternoon, too!


Feel better! :)

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Is Ben your son? I had my ds clean our sink this afternoon, too!


Feel better! :)

yes, my oldest. He's getting better at washing the dishes and actually getting them clean. and finishing all of them. I went over the sink this morning. He did a good job, but I think wiping the counters and scrubbing the backsplash and all of that will still be my job. We have tiled countertops and they just need more attention than he's going to be willing to give them. 


Honestly, I never was that invested in the shiny sink. I'm notorious for always having dishes in the sink. I don't care. 


I have chronic pain. I'm coming out of remission. I think I might just have to work around this level of pain. One of the reasons I liked Flylady years ago is because I could mange my house and my pain. I might need some adjustments. 

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I'm in. We're already pretty tidy people but need a shove to keep things in good order.


DH and I are tidy, that is.


My two kids are slobs. Major slobs.


Any ideas on how to make this easy for a 13 yo girl to do this in her bathroom? It's usually 45% nuclear disaster. Right now it's just her bathroom but eventually she'll share with DS.  When we have company (which we do frequently) she also has to share with the guests but that's usually aunts and uncles and grandparents.  

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