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The Pizza Teachers Lounge 7-6-2017


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When you eat pizza, what do you like to have on it? Here: I like pepperoni and/or sausage, bell peppers, onions, diced tomatoes, and basil. Altogether or a variation thereof. However, having to eat gluten-free, that can be cost prohibitive so I usually just get one topping.


Thin, traditional, or pan/thick crust? Here: gf pizza is all thin crust. I miss being able to eat deep-dish pizza!


What is your accomanying beverage? Here: I find several drinks go well with pizza. Orange juice (yes, really), root beer, soda in general.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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We have a food truck nearby that makes the most amazing wood fired gluten free (and gluten filled) pizza.  Thin crust that tastes so much better because of the wood fueled pizza oven.  I like to get bbq chicken, red onions and mushrooms on it.  No cheese because I'm dairy free as well as gluten free (sigh). 


I drink water with it.  I love root beer though. 

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My favorite pizzas has white sauce chicken, bacon and onions. or pizza juts ultimate cheese lovers with several types of cheese and white sauce. I also like pepperoni, green peppers, red onions and jalepenos stuffef crust.


I like to drink pepsi or sweet tea. I also enjoy oj with pizza along with a few other odd things too. Thought I was the only one.

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Pizza toppings: Black olives and green peppers are my comfort food toppings.  When I was a kid we got pizza every Friday and it was always with black olives and green peppers.  I like bacon, sausage, and pepperoni and will get them sometimes.  If I am going dairy-free (I can take a Lactaid, but if I have too many dairy meals in a row taking so many Lactaids ends up causing problems in the opposite direction), I'll get spinach and sundried tomatoes.  Dairy-free pizzas I usually totally load up on toppings.


Crust type: I prefer traditional, but with the exception of this one local pizza place, GF crusts are, as you said, all thin.  It's sad.


Beverage: Root Beer.  Seriously, if I can find a reason to drink root beer I will!

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My favorite pizzas has white sauce chicken, bacon and onions. or pizza juts ultimate cheese lovers with several types of cheese and white sauce. I also like pepperoni, green peppers, red onions and jalepenos stuffef crust.


I like to drink pepsi or sweet tea. I also enjoy oj with pizza along with a few other odd things too. Thought I was the only one.

Discovered it totally by acciden! I think I was in college. I was the only one at home that night, so had pizza. Went to get something to drink and the only thing besides water was orange juice. I remember thinking, "This is going to taste nasty after pizza" and being surprised at good it tasted!

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Today and tomorrow are supposed to be record-breaking hot days again and I'm feeling it!

I swear this heat is going to do me in!


I really need to be working on straightening the downstairs because I won't be able to for the next 3 days, really,

and yet I feel sidelined by the summer "blahs." Oi!

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I like most any toppings except black olives or anchovies. Lots of veggies and a meat, usually. I like white sauce with artichoke hearts and spinach and red onions. I like medium or thin crust.


Dd may need to be gf soon, so our pizza options may change.


For a drink, usually water, but occasionally wine and once in a very long while, beer. I do like root beer, but I never buy it, so there isn't any here to eat with the pizza.

Edited by ScoutTN
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As a kid I loved Hawaiian pizza, because of the pineapple. But, now that I have to share with non-pineapple-loving people, I usually go for supreme toppings. I've recently liked mediterranean pizzas, with tomatoes and olives and basil, etc., on them, though I don't trust mainstream pizza chains to really do this well. 


Traditional crust usually, thin for mediterranean types.


I'm actually trying to stop drinking when eating, so that I don't dilute the stomach acid and it helps with digestion (so they tell me, I haven't done independent research on this so don't quote me on that). But, if I am drinking with pizza I'll go with water or root beer. 


As an aside on pizza, I think I ate more bagel pizza as a kid than actual pizza. And it sounds really good to me right now.

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So dinner tonight was not pizza. LOL 

For the normal-eating folk in the house I mixed white rice with a can of Stagg Chili and a can of Hormel.

For myself, I mixed a bag of Madras Red Lentils, a Hebrew National hotdog, and white rice.

Oh, and I added garlic and black cumin seeds to both. 


I feel like I need another nap. But that would be the third one today (I swaer this heat is going to do me in one of these days)

and it's a little late to do that. Plus, I need to figure out what I'm wearing to Convention tomorrow and Saturday.

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At home--yellow peppers, sweet onion and olives, traditional crust, with Diet Dr. Pepper


Out--cheese or pepperoni, traditional crust, with water. 


When I was a kid I loved orange juice with pizza. My mom often served it that way. 

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Greetings and welcome to the Lounge!



When you eat pizza, what do you like to have on it? Here: I like pepperoni and/or sausage, bell peppers, onions, diced tomatoes, and basil. Altogether or a variation thereof. However, having to eat gluten-free, that can be cost prohibitive so I usually just get one topping.


Thin, traditional, or pan/thick crust? Here: gf pizza is all thin crust. I miss being able to eat deep-dish pizza!


What is your accomanying beverage? Here: I find several drinks go well with pizza. Orange juice (yes, really), root beer, soda in general.


Talk to me! :bigear:


Do you have a Marco's where you live?  I find it to be reasonably priced and DH and I do half meat lovers and half supreme. 

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When you eat pizza, what do you like to have on it?

SweetChild just started a job at our favorite pizza place! If she gets a good employee discount, we're going crazy on toppings tomorrow night! Mushrooms onions, black olives, sausage in half. I'll make a gluten free pizza for Diamond

3/5 of us can't eat pork, so I wish pizza places had turkey sausage to turkey pepperoni. .


Thin, traditional, or pan/thick crust? Don't care if it's a good crust. For so-so crusts, traditional.


What is your accomanying beverage? soda, RC cola or Coke preferred, root beer is fine too.

Edited by Rebel Yell
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Chiming in a day late (procrastinating on walking the dog in this heat, as if waiting would make it better, lol.)


I admit that, when it comes to pizza, I'm a traditionalist. If it doesn't have a red sauce and "normal" ingredients", it isn't pizza. It's flatbread. ;-)


I prefer wood-fired thin crust pizza, but love a good deep-dish pizza as well. Lou Malnoti has to be my favorite deep dish ... I love their spinach pizza. On a thin crust, I love green pepper, artichoke hearts, black olives (not green), pepperoni, sausage (only if it is good sausage ) and a really good tomato sauce. I really can't stand onions on my pizza. It's partially a texture thing and partially my distaste for ions that were cut up and left to sit ... the smell is nauseating and they give me an upset stomach. I did have pizza with arugula on it ... but I didn't expect it to be heaped on like a salad on top of a pizza. But, it was still yummy (but I am sure it was the wood-fired crust.) Dh asked for a slice of my "weed" pizza, LOL.


I usually drink water with my meals, but I do like an icy cold diet Pepsi on occasion. If I could handle it, I'd really prefer a glass of red wine. But alcohol and me ... not good friends.


Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

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