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Please do not do the maze game with children watching!

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It shows an absolutely horrid image and my kids and I were all terribly disturbed by it. I wish I knew how to report a thread to the administrators, because I would if I could.


It is the thread that says, Maze see how far you can get by Gamom3.

Edited by Susan in KY
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I did it while my dd was standing next to me at the computer, but I didn't realize at the time that I still had the headphones plugged in. So the sudden and startling sound was reduced to a faint and distant screech, and it just didn't have quite the same impact! :D

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OH come on, I love love love those things. Last year I hid a camera while my kids did it one by one, so I got all of em!


Course, they loved it too, and couldn't wait to see the videos of themselves falling backwards out of their chairs.



LOL - I love them too, and said last time I wish I had a camera set up :D

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As usual I prefer to assume a positive intent ;) I am sure the person who posted the link meant it in fun. In the future, I would definitely appreciate a warning if something contains sensitive images or materials. I am extremely visual, and graphic images tend to stick with me - never mind my children :tongue_smilie:

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I am fully willing to admit that I am overly sensitive to this sort of thing.


I have an autistic son. One year, we were out trick or treating and we went up to a house with a very scary motif set up and he didn't want to go to the house. I told him that he didn't have to do so; we could go to the next house. The adults standing in the yard saw him hesitating and said, "Awww..come on up! It'll be fun! We won't scare you!"


My son looked up at me and then walked slowly up to the house. They had another adult jump out of a coffin and yell at him..and then they proceeded to laugh hysterically as my son screamed and cried so much that I had to take him home. He was four years old. He refused to trick or treat for 3 years after that, until we moved to another neighborhood.


I don't understand why adults would find humor in terrifying children.


To me, it's cruel and it's hateful....not that the original poster is cruel and hateful.


(I hope that makes sense)

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The adults standing in the yard saw him hesitating and said, "Awww..come on up! It'll be fun! We won't scare you!"


My son looked up at me and then walked slowly up to the house. They had another adult jump out of a coffin and yell at him..and then they proceeded to laugh hysterically as my son screamed and cried so much that I had to take him home. He was four years old. He refused to trick or treat for 3 years after that, until we moved to another neighborhood.


I don't understand why adults would find humor in terrifying children.


To me, it's cruel and it's hateful....not that the original poster is cruel and hateful.


(I hope that makes sense)


Perfectly. I am angry just reading your story. I am so sorry that happened to you.


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As usual I prefer to assume a positive intent ;) I am sure the person who posted the link meant it in fun. In the future, I would definitely appreciate a warning if something contains sensitive images or materials. I am extremely visual, and graphic images tend to stick with me - never mind my children :tongue_smilie:




Last year the local grocer set up two mannequins in the store by the check-out lines. They were about 6-feet tall and when you walked by they would become animated and make ghoulish sounds. My then 5 and 2-yos sent up wails of terror and clung to me. I had a full cart of groceries so bailing wasn't really an option. They screamed all the way through the check-out process and I couldn't go back there with them until mid-November. :tongue_smilie:

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Even if they couldn't tell that your son had special needs, it's mean-spirited for an adult to lie to a kid like that, just to get to scare him!


Exactly. That's what was so upsetting. The fact that they KNEW what they were going to do and purposely planned on scaring him.


I honestly and sincerely believed them when they said it was okay to come up! I thought, no one in their right mind would scare a small child on purpose.


I was so livid, but I couldn't even tell them off because I had to take him straight home.

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I think Remudamom's kids are teenagers - not quite the same thing.


A warning would be appropriate' date=' though.[/quote']


I agree completely!


If you know your children would scream, and then laugh about it later, that's one thing. Or if they're teenagers. Or if you know your kids aren't going to have nightmares, as MyBlueLobster's mentioned that her child would have, and you want to show it to them...go for it.


But you need to put a warning label on posts like that for those who do have small children or sensitive children or if they don't like to be scared themselves.

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I'm sorry you and the kids were so negatively impacted by something meant to be fun. Maybe a pm asking the original poster to put a warning in the post would be better than tattling on someone.



I am still irritated by the whole affair, though not as upset as I was when I first posted. Bear in mind I had two small kids screaming and crying in fright when I posted. First in my mind was warning the rest of the board so the same thing wouldn't happen to anyone else's dc.


Nonetheless, I take strong exception to the tattling remark. It was a lousy prank, imo, and should be flagged—period.



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It shows an absolutely horrid image and my kids and I were all terribly disturbed by it. I wish I knew how to report a thread to the administrators, because I would if I could.


It is the thread that says, Maze see how far you can get by Gamom3.


The post does state in the title, "Adults only." I took that warning to mean don't let children see or hear while you do it.


That said, I think a lot of posts should contain stronger warnings. I no longer watch YouTube videos that don't have a brief explanation of what the video is about. "You need to watch this!" is not ample explanation.

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That said, I think a lot of posts should contain stronger warnings. I no longer watch YouTube videos that don't have a brief explanation of what the video is about. "You need to watch this!" is not ample explanation.


:iagree: I don't click on a Youtube link unless I know exactly what I am getting myself into.

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I'm sorry you and the kids were so negatively impacted by something meant to be fun. Maybe a pm asking the original poster to put a warning in the post would be better than tattling on someone.


I totally agree.


Let's try to be grown-ups, a simple PM would have sufficed. And I would never watch a link, where the content was unknown to me, in front of my children.

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I am still irritated by the whole affair, though not as upset as I was when I first posted. Bear in mind I had two small kids screaming and crying in fright when I posted. First in my mind was warning the rest of the board so the same thing wouldn't happen to anyone else's dc.


Nonetheless, I take strong exception to the tattling remark. It was a lousy prank, imo, and should be flagged—period.




It wasn't a lousy prank, she clearly meant it to be fun. Gamom3 would not be so cruel as to post links for the sole purpose of scaring children.:001_rolleyes:

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