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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

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Good morning! 




dh was up before me and took care of the cats



To Do:


go to church

eat lunch out

shop for a waterproof jacket for ds

ds pack for camp (leaves tomorrow)

take ds to drama ministry practice



Edited by mom31257
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Good morning! I need to do everything that was on yesterday's list that did not get done.



•mop mudroom

•help dd clean her room

•make iced tea

•make big bowl of salad

•declutter closets


•dinner: white chicken enchiladas

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Last day of my month long declutter/deep clean!


There is still stuff on my list, but I don't care. There always will be.


My husband will handle the appraisal tomorrow morning. I will be gone. It should appraise for what we said. Actually, it should be higher, but you never know.

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  • Slept in and took a nice shower.

Work.  Really hoping to finish those reports today so I can stop worrying about them.  Also promised some other work.

Try to help my kid manage herself better so she doesn't get herself into another tiff today.  Will be challenging to balance the need to monitor her with the need to get my work done ....

A little reading, exercise, housework.

Should do some laundry, or get the kids to do it.

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Just told my 10yo I wanted her to help with the laundry, since she is going to want clean leggings for tomorrow.  She assured me that she has everything she needs for tomorrow.  Great strategy, Mom!  If I had not asked her to help, I'd be hearing her complain later on or begging me to do some laundry overnight so she could have this or that tomorrow.  Isn't it interesting how that works?

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