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Menu Plans? What are you eating this week?

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Tonight: Moroccan Lamb, couscous,Arabic bread and natural yoghurt with mint.

Tues: Mexican Lasagne + salad

Wed: Apricot Chicken + rice

Thurs: BBQ

Fri: I dont cook, as it is the weekend here- perhaps out for tea

Sat: Dinner at beach club

Sun: Homemade pizzas, with red onion, avocado, cheese, mushies, pineapple, turkey breast, eggs, capsicums and whatever else needs to be used up.

Edited by sgilli3
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I did most of my cooking for the week last night. Monday through Thursday are crazy around here. I made a double batch of baked ziti, chili, and taco filling. Three nights are taken care of already and the other nights we are having calzones and salad, whole wheat couscous w/ tomatoes and garlic, and stir fry.

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Monday: Chicken and Wild Rice Soup.


Tuesday: I'm using up the last of my garden tomatoes and we'll have BLT's with oven fries.


Wednesday: Salmon with Quinoa and a salad for me, the rest of the family will have Pasta with tomato sauce and sausage.


Thursday: Lentil Soup and Italian bread


Friday: Sushi for me and I'll order a pizza for the rest of the family


Saturday: steak with green beans and sweet potatoes.

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We were on vacation for a week, so I had planned to use up most of the food before we left. I had to go do a big shopping yesterday, and bought ingredients for the following meals:


Something Indian-inspired (Main dish will be either curried lentils or chickpeas, with rice, chutney and veggie samosas on the side)




Baked potatoes with toppings, corn and glazed carrots on the side


Pita with hummus, couscous and veggies, sliced fruit on the side


Vegetable stew


Black-bean burritos (haven't yet decided whether I'll do them grilled or baked)

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I have a menu plan from the Traditional Foods Menu Mailer and I generally use that. However, I haven't been to the grocery store and I really don't feel like it. Plus, I've been trying to double meals and put one of the meals in the freezer.


Tomorrow, we get our produce order and I need to put together the shopping list AND decide how this week will go. I'm trying to be positive and imagine that I will have a baby this week. LOL So I really need to keep the refrigerator stocked.


But I don't wanna. Wah.

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Tonight: homemade cheese pizzas (didn't ever make them on Friday night as dh surprised us with dinner brought in)

Tuesday: Goulash (I know, doesn't sound good but we love it and it's a good frugal meal)

Wednesday: church dinner (our church hosts family meals once a week and for a $13 maximum our whole family will eat lasagna, salad and dessert)

Thursday: end of the season soccer party, so pizza with the teams

Friday: we'll have something early, around 4pm, before heading out for the night at our church's fall festival, probably hot dogs :)

Saturday: crockpot lasagna

Sunday: dh usually cooks so it's a meat on the grill and potatoes



1 lb. ground beef, cooked and drained

1/2 lb. elbow pasta, cooked and drained

1 big can diced tomatoes

1 15 oz. can tomato sauce

1/2 lb. shredded cheddar, sharp works best

oregano and basil to taste


Put all in big oven proof dutch oven and cook at 350 for 30 minutes. This serves 8-10 people, extra freezes well.

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I don't plan meals for specific days since I usually end up wanting anything but what I chose for that day when it comes time to start cooking. Instead I make a list of 14 meals and shop (actually, ask my husband to shop) for two weeks worth of groceries at a time.


I'm in the middle of that cycle, so here is my remaining week:


1. Meatloaf and garlic mashed potatoes


2. Teriyaki pork tenderloin with jasmine rice


3. Chicken alfredo


4. Taco salad


5. Quiche and salad


6. Pork chops with mustard cream sauce and roasted potatoes


7. Ham and white bean soup


Save for the soup and the taco salad meals, I serve everything with a fresh vegetable and a green salad with lots of chopped raw veggies, fruit and nuts.

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This is our first week on a menu plan. This is what we have down for this week:



breakfast: waffles, OJ, fruit, yogurt

lunch: grilled cheese with sausage, salad, milk

snack: fruit

dinner: quick bbq chicken, fried rice, salad, water, vanilla pudding



breakfast: instant oatmeal, fruit, oj

lunch: either leftover chicken and rice or ob&j sandwhich, plus salad and milk

snack: yogurt

dinner: buttered chicken, fried rice, naan, salad, water, apple pie



breakfast: omlette with peppers and sauage, toast, OJ

lunch: leftover buttered chicken and rice, plus salad and milk

snack: yogurt

dinner: pasta with alfrado sauce, garlic bread, salad, water, fruit



breakfast: toast with pb, yogurt, fruit, OJ

lunch: leftover pasta and sauce, salad, milk

snack: fruit

dinner: taco pie, beans, water, apple pie



breakfast: instant oatmeal, fruit, oj

lunch: leftover taco pie, milk

snack: yogurt

dinner: fish, rice, water, salad, fruit


Friday (Halloween):

breakfast: cereal with milk and fruit, oj, extra fruit

lunch: leftover taco pie, milk

snack: fruit

dinner: quick bbq chicken, fried rice, water, salad, asparagus, cake



breakfast: pancakes, bacon, oj, fruit

lunch: paninis with leftover chicken, asparagus, and some cheese, milk, salad

snack: yogurt

dinner: hamburgers, sweet potato fries, water, cake.



As I said, it's our first time trying a menu plan. I hope it goes well. I'm recovering from surgery this week, so I don't know when I will be back on solid food, which is a bit of a pain when tyring to figure out a menu, so it's mostly items the others like.


Any feedback would be great :)



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Monday: Roasted chicken, corn on the cob, salad


Tuesday: Kids: tortellini & raw veggies

Dh & Me (our anniversary): shrimp fettuccini, broccoli salad & some yummy dessert I haven't figured out yet.


Wednesday: church


Thursday: Chicken tortilla soup with baked tortillas & fruit


Friday: Don't know yet


Saturday: homemade goat cheese, pine nut & sun-dried tomato pizzas

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I don't plan lunch but have a list of about 10 things I pick from when I get up. I do plan dinner so here's the rest of the week.


Mon: Spaghetti, garlic bread, fruit

Tue: Chicken Enchiladas for dh and I and Boston market frozen mac and cheese for the kids

Wed: Grilled Cheese with tomato soup if we don't eat out at Chik Fil A after the dd's gymnastics and ds's karate lessons

Thur: Chicken Rice Skillet (Chicken Rice a Roni, with cut up pan seared chicken mixed in), green beans and fruit -- This one is super easy and my kids love it for left overs.

Fri: Is always Homemade pizza night

Sat: Grill night (most likely steaks with mashed garlic potatoes and broccoli)

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Your menu sounds great! What is mexican lasagna and would you mind posting the morrocan lamb and apricot chix recipes?



Will do for you tomorrow morning.- its bed time here- and as I have an outside kitchen- I dont fancy a run outside in the dark...LOL


( they are all Weight Watchers recipes too !)

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I'd love your recipes for fish tacos and white chili. Would you care to share?




Well.....dont really have a "recipe" but this is what I do...


Fish Tacos

I use any white fish..talipia is usually my fave. I cut it into bite size chunks. Then I bread it with panko crumbs and fry in skillet with oil. Drain on racks to dry...much better.

We use flour torillas. Instead of lettuce I use coleslaw and then make a avacado "sauce". Puree avacado, salt, pepper and enough sour cream to make it smooth. Hubby also puts cheese and tomato on but I keep it simple. Thats it. :D


White Chicken Chili

I use about 3 smallish chicken breasts and coat with montreal steak seasoning and then fry them. Then I shred in food processor. I put that in stew pot and cover with chicken broth or stock. I use about 2 cups, maybe more. Then I add a rinsed can of navy beans and great northen beans. Then a rinsed can of white corn. {going for the "white" look :D }

Then I add salt, pepper, 2 bay leaves, thyme, minced onion, garlic powder and marjoram if I have it. I let it simmer for however long it needs and then in the last 5 minutes I add heavy cream. Maybe half a cup? I just pour it in until it turns creamy.


Hope that helps...let me know if you need more details.

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Here's an idea to use potatoes, which some of us at my house don't enjoy much...


Wash and slice (thin)

Dip in a shallow dish of milk

Toss in parmesan cheese

Sprinkle with a bit of garlic salt (optional, we don't usually)

Bake until goldenish...


It's easy, and everyone enjoys these... I usually prepare about 3 large cookie sheets (sprayed).


I mentioned before that I came up with about 30 meals that we like, then divided them up into 4 weeks and then made 4 shopping lists. This saves me time and effort. I don't have to fret over what to fix. I alter my list now and again and take off something we are not enjoying or adding in a newly found recipe!



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I just got my week worked out:



Potato-corn soup


Vietnamese noodle combos

Fish couscous (recipe below)

Crockpot lasagne


And hopefully a new pumpkin plov from western China (yes, that makes 8 meals, but I like to have lots of choices)




Cook a pound of fish in whatever manner makes you happy. While it's cooking, boil a small potato and cook a cup or two of couscous. When the fish and the potato and the couscous are done, peel the potato and put it in the blender with some olive oil (2-4 T) and some salt (as needed) and some garlic (at least four cloves) and enough chicken broth to make a nice sauce and blend. Don't put in too much potato. Serve the garlic sauce over the fish and couscous.

Edited by Amira
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I don't designate days, but plan the meals out according to what's in the cupboard for the week.


This week we are having


Broccoli Fettucini Alfredo, garlic bread and a salad


Meatloaf, baked potatoes, corn and fresh baked bread


Oven rosemary & garlic potatoes with ham, onions and green beans with baked bread or rolls


Rice and cornbread Tex Mex bake with tortilla chips and salsa


Pizza night with a salad


Rice with a Chinese stir fry


Spinach Lasagna with garlic bread


Baked Penne pasta with a red and white sauce served with garlic bread and a salad . (Sour cream:001_smile:)


I have lots of broccoli on hand so I'll also be making a pot of soup at some point along with another batch of vanilla yogurt. Since we don't eat meat every day, I tend to try to make at least two batches of anything containing meat or oven baked then freeze the second. It just makes things easier.

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No one asked for my fish taco recipe:tongue_smilie:, but I tried this one from Epicurious this summer and loved it!




You have to make the pickled onions, baja cream, & tomatillo salsa. Sooo good!


Anyway, I really posted to second the request for the recipe for Morroccan lamb. Thank you!



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No one asked for my fish taco recipe:tongue_smilie:, but I tried this one from Epicurious this summer and loved it!




You have to make the pickled onions, baja cream, & tomatillo salsa. Sooo good!




Sorry, Ellen. ;)


This looks great too. I don't know why I'm hungry for fish tacos.

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Chicken and Wild Rice Soup




  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cooked, boneless chicken breast halves, shredded
  • 1 (4.5 ounce) package quick cooking long grain and wild rice with seasoning packet
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups heavy cream







  1. In a large pot over medium heat, combine broth, water and chicken. Bring just to boiling, then stir in rice, reserving seasoning packet. Cover and remove from heat.
  2. In a small bowl, combine salt, pepper and flour. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Stir in contents of seasoning packet until mixture is bubbly. Reduce heat to low, then stir in flour mixture by tablespoons, to form a roux. Whisk in cream, a little at a time, until fully incorporated and smooth. Cook until thickened, 5 minutes.
  3. Stir cream mixture into broth and rice. Cook over medium heat until heated through, 10 to 15 minutes.


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