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Why reflux now


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Ugh, all of a sudden, started a month ago, I have reflux. No heartburn chest pain, but bile in my throat that's nasty.

Tried a 14 day OTC course of Prevacid, didn't help. Have also been taking ranitidine as needed, doesn't seem to make a difference either.


Guess I need to make a dr appt, but honestly I've been avoiding it due to our $10,000 deductible... Testing & stuff adds up fast :(


Why would you just out of the blue start having reflux one day?


Ok, other info, since I know you'll ask- yes, I'm 50 lbs overweight & stressed out. No other major health issues, except for I need a cardiac ablation in the future for bigeminy (spelling?), but when scheduled last fall, they decided it wasn't serious enough to do at the time & cancelled.

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Mine started seemingly out of the blue. In hindsight I'm pretty sure it was a balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing that started it. Once it started it was almost nonstop for two years before I could get it under control.

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I deal with reflux and GERD. I don't remember how I stumbled on to this, but Zyrtec really helps my reflux. Not the heartburn, but the awful post-nasal drip and nasty bile part of reflux.


Other stuff that you can try w/o going to the doctor: lots of raw veggies and fruits. That really seems to help me. I don't focus so much on avoiding particular foods, just really upping those raw plants (like salads, whole fruit, and veggie trays, etc.)


As for why, stress can bring it on. Being overweight and having a poor diet contributes, too. IMO (based on my research and experience) all those things are a vicious cycle: both contributing to the problems and being a result of same problems. Genetics also play a part.

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The weight and stress could be the reason.   My excess weight is in my stomach (apple shape) and when it gets to a certain point, the reflux gets worse from the pressure.  For me, losing even 5 pounds can help ease it.  (Which seems like it should be easy enough but isn't, for me.)  


If you haven't already, look over the lists of trigger foods.  Those are the things the doctor will likely start with.  I don't find onion and garlic to be triggers for me, though they are on the list.  If I am drinking too much coffee, I'll have a flare too.    



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I've found that baking soda helps significantly when nothing else does. It's not pleasant, but it's a major relief (and you get used to the taste). I also found that eating citric acid in any form, even just a few fruit gummies (and it's in just about everything) and ANY caffeine will trigger the volcano. 


The only reason I would suggest going to the doctor is because of the sudden start. That would worry me. And the cause could be something simple like an H. pylori infection. 


Also, if none of the standard treatments work, there's also something called "alkaline reflux," which might be worth looking into:



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I'm going to suggest something that will sound counter intuitive - but is not uncommon as people get older and their thyroid's slow down.


you have low stomach acid - and actually need more.   I add lemon juice to a glass of water - and viola, the reflux is gone.


I also found cutting down on every form of sugar helps . . .

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I'm sorry that stinks.  BTDT


To start the GI doc will likely prescribe a higher dose of PPIs.  The dose of the OTC stuff is about half of the prescribed dose. 


It's unlikely to become extremely serious.  It's not fun, but the serious part...nope.


On occasion is can cause Cancer...    Our E.N.T. doctor (back in the days when we had much better insurance)  I think had studied Cancer stuff during a Residency in the USA. She had a patient who had Throat (?) Cancer. He was a Dentist.  He had never smoked or used drugs or done the other obvious things that might have caused the type of Cancer he had.  The only thing she could guess that caused his Cancer was his Reflux...


When my Stepson was much younger (teens) he had a bad habit of eating and then lying down on the bed. She cautioned him about that and the Reflux.   My guess is that normally it is more annoying than life-threatening, but it can have serious ramifications.  

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The baking soda in water really helped today, but omg, that was gross.


Migraine & pulled muscle in my neck today too, fun times over here...

Ha, yeah, it's no fun. You can fiddle around with how much helps you. I can usually get away with a quarter teaspoon in maybe 1/4 cup of water. If you rinse your mouth out with a quick swish of water after it clears the aftertaste almost entirely too.


Common triggers for me are tomatoes, citrus in any amount, caffeine, citric acid, chocolate, and gluten. Usually, if I can get the acid to go down, it will stay down if I avoid the triggers. If I don't knock it down in the first place, it still surges even if I avoid the triggers.


I have weight to lose too. I'm hopeful that it will ease if I can manage that. Someday...

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