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Correcting someone else's spelling?


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I don't think how good or bad a speller anyone is is the issue. The most famous and great writers, many of which are horrid spellers, still need to edit and have editors. It's not a sign of stupidity to need to edit one's writings of any kind. Just like it isn't a sign of stupidity to make a math error, most of which are simple mistakes. No one needs to be a jerk about this. I thought the suggestions of the greatest with picture and the presumed autocorrect fail were both kind edit suggestions.

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I don't think how good or bad a speller anyone is is the issue. The most famous and great writers, many of which are horrid spellers, still need to edit and have editors. It's not a sign of stupidity to need to edit one's writings of any kind. Just like it isn't a sign of stupidity to make a math error, most of which are simple mistakes. No one needs to be a jerk about this. I thought the suggestions of the greatest with picture and the presumed autocorrect fail were both kind edit suggestions.



Yep.  I can attest to the fact that brilliant people can be horrible spellers.  My dh.  I heart him so much and he is soooooooo much smarter than I am.  But he often sends me texts from work to double check a word.  Yes a word pertaining to a drawing that I could not decipher if my life depended on it.  So yeah, whatever.


I think I will ask my dh if he would want to be told if he was sending out a misspelled word on repeated emails.

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I don't think how good or bad a speller anyone is is the issue. The most famous and great writers, many of which are horrid spellers, still need to edit and have editors. It's not a sign of stupidity to need to edit one's writings of any kind. Just like it isn't a sign of stupidity to make a math error, most of which are simple mistakes. No one needs to be a jerk about this. I thought the suggestions of the greatest with picture and the presumed autocorrect fail were both kind edit suggestions.

In this case, where it's his title and a word he uses all the time, a light-hearted way of letting him know is okay.


But for a chronic bad speller I would not be correcting all their mistakes unless you want them to stop communicating with you altogether.

Edited by DesertBlossom
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could it be a misspelling in an automated signature? Some times in email you can set up a signature that is tacked on the end of every email, especially in a business. He might not even see it.

Does he misspell it every time in other places in the email?

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"Hey, Coach--it looks like auto-correct has been going berserk on you: we all know you are a coAch, not a coUch. Thought you'd get a smile out of that."

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My DH's name is a name that has recently become popular for children, but was super uncommon when he was growing up.  His name has the traditional spelling with one N.  He has worked with people for 5 years, and emailed them every day, and signed his name, as well as having his name as his email address.  And for 5 years, people will respond and spell his name with 2 Ns.  Not just one person, but many people. So I would not count on putting the correct spelling in front of his face having any effect. 


My uncle has written my son's name wrong a number of times. I know I have spelled ds' name in emails. I was called the completely wrong name at one of my jobs by an elderly couple that worked there. I probably tried to correct it at some point but then let it go. They were super sweet so it was easier to let slide

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My uncle has written my son's name wrong a number of times. I know I have spelled ds' name in emails. I was called the completely wrong name at one of my jobs by an elderly couple that worked there. I probably tried to correct it at some point but then let it go. They were super sweet so it was easier to let slide



Yes, I am constantly amazed by the people who respond to my FB or IG posts and spell my name wrong.  Look I know I have a weird name, but it IS right there in my profile, spelled correctly  


And then I had this super sweet elderly sister in my congregation who began calling me 'Karen'.  Oh my.  My name is as far from Karen as can be.  And she spoke to me as if she were close to me.... I mean I have had a pleasant relationship with her for 5 years but we aren't besties.  So I don't know if she has forgotten my name or if she thinks I am someone else.  ???  

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could it be a misspelling in an automated signature? Some times in email you can set up a signature that is tacked on the end of every email, especially in a business. He might not even see it.

Does he misspell it every time in other places in the email?

Good thought! It's pretty much anytime he means to use the word "coach." So, body of the email or signature, it doesn't matter he's a "couch."


Aside from the normal, I typed this quickly or my electronic keyboard on my mobile device didn't register me hitting that letter type of typos, it is really the only word he misspells on a regular basis the same way, every time. I wouldn't classify him as a person who struggles with spelling or at the very least, if he does, he's fixed everything but the couch.

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Yes, I am constantly amazed by the people who respond to my FB or IG posts and spell my name wrong. Look I know I have a weird name, but it IS right there in my profile, spelled correctly


And then I had this super sweet elderly sister in my congregation who began calling me 'Karen'. Oh my. My name is as far from Karen as can be. And she spoke to me as if she were close to me.... I mean I have had a pleasant relationship with her for 5 years but we aren't besties. So I don't know if she has forgotten my name or if she thinks I am someone else. ???

Hehe. We were at a friend and co-workers wedding last week and his mom kept introducing me as Melissa. I have known this woman for almost ten years. My name is Emily.

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Yes, I am constantly amazed by the people who respond to my FB or IG posts and spell my name wrong.  Look I know I have a weird name, but it IS right there in my profile, spelled correctly  



This really gets to my daughter.  She has a name that has a ton of accepted (and questionable... including hers) spellings, so we've always figured no one would get it right all the time.  But it does offend her when someone has her name right in front of them and goes on to spell it wrong.  It isn't as if she's an Aimee and people naturally default to Amy.  There truly is no "standard" spelling, so people are choosing to go with whatever they feel like in the moment.


Meanwhile, we have other kids with common spellings and people use alternatives all the time. @@


Says a Carrie who went to school with Kari and Carey, never mind all the versions of Kerry.  Throw in some Karens, and it was a real blast.


The couch thing would be a tough one for me. I'd feel like a jerk not pointing it out and a jerk for pointing it out.

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The one time I corrected someone's spelling is when I was part of a homeschool group that was advertising across multiple facebook groups that we were "excepting" applications for the next year. I gently pointed out to the leader that it was accepting and she went around correcting it. But she didn't just edit her post, she wrote a comment saying something like "Oh I'm such a dummy and made this mistake, I mean accepting." And it was a bigger deal than I had intended and I kind of regretted saying something. She was gracious about it though.

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Someone planning a homeschool curriculum fair had a misspelling on an advertising poster and she was posting it everywhere online. I sent her a private message pointing out the error as I didn't want people to use that as fuel for fire against homeschoolers. The one board that she posted it on can be very cruel on things like that. I think she appreciated it very much and corrected it right away. No one else brought it to her attention she said, which I thought was sad.

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