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What's the top price you would pay for a stroller?

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I am reading Parenting, Inc. which is a very eye-opening book, especially to be reading a current book from just before this economic crisis. I am reading about all this money being spent on baby items and I am just wondering how much of it was actual money and how much was debt.


Anyway, it said that for years, stroller manufacturers felt parents wouldn't spend more than $300 on a stroller, so they never went above that. Then Bugaboo (which I had to Google, because I had never seen one) came along and starting charging $800 and people paid it!


The most I would pay is the $150 I did pay for my double stroller. It was the only model that would fit in my van!

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I spent $225 on our double, which was quite a lot more than we've ever spent on a stroller. I researched my purchase thoroughly and am quite satisfied to finally have a double that is EASY to steer, doesn't way a ton, and folds up reasonably compactly.


$300 would definitely be the limit--and it would have to be one special stroller!


Didja happen to catch the episode of The Office where Dwight "tests" Jan's $1200 stroller? :lol:

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I spent $150 on a Peg Perego Pliko-Matic because it had a step for my preschooler to stand and ride on while I pushed the toddler. I felt pretty guilty spending *that*, lol.


But yeah, living in L.A. at the time, I saw a great many obscenely expensive strollers... ;) (Usually pushed by the nanny, dontcha know...) ;)

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When I was pg with my now 5 yo, my mil wanted to buy me a new stroller. I went to Toys R Us and could NOT believe how big the strollers were!!!


I found a cute little $40 one with all the features I wanted - cup holder for me, tray for baby, basket underneath, 2 positions for baby: sitting up and lying down. MIL was not happy - "But they have such great strollers with 5 different inclines and all sorts of things..."


But I'm with Philothea - I use a sling until they are about 2. Except that's impossible with twins, which is why I needed the $150 double stroller, which we still use practically every time we go out. I can push it with one hand and it fits in my van. What more could I need?

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Ummm.....I spent $500 for our double stroller. :o But I have to say, it is very very nice and durable. I had tried out the DuoGliders and stuff like that and they were so hard to turn because they were long and they were also small and wouldnt hold a preschooler very well. And I tried the side by sides and I couldnt stand the fact that they couldnt fit through clothes racks when shopping. Then I came upon a Phil & Ted's Sport Buggy. It was the size of a single stroller but held two kids!! And both seats reclined!!! And it pushed effortlessly!!! And when my preschooler out grew it, I could use it as a sinlge stroller instead of a double!!! Yes, I paid a lot for it, but I love our stroller.

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I don't remember exactly what I paid, somewhere between 150-200$ for my Peg Perego Tender Twin when ds was about 13 months old and I was about to give birth to dd. It was a floor model, so marked down over 100$. It was really light for a double stroller, folded nice and flat for the car trunk, and fit them well into toddlerhood. I used it till my second dd was 2, then I gave it to friends who were expecting their second child close on the heels of their first. I felt like I got my money's worth out of it. :001_smile:

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But I'm with Philothea - I use a sling until they are about 2. Except that's impossible with twins, which is why I needed the $150 double stroller, which we still use practically every time we go out. I can push it with one hand and it fits in my van. What more could I need?


I've got five 8 and under so the older two walk, the 4yo and 2yo ride in the double and the baby rides in the sling. :) I love my double stroller because when my 4yo would rather walk, my 6yo can easily fit in the stroller for a ride and it's still super easy to push (my 8yo can do it).

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I paid a bit over $100 for each of mine. But it would depend on how much I was going to use it. I mainly use ours for times when we will be out over an hour or two and when the baby will need a nap while I am gone. I used to use it weekly when the kids were under 1 yo, but now it is every 2mths or so now that the baby is 2yo.


If I walked everywhere and used it daily....I would consider paying in the $300 range, knowing that I could sell it used for $150. A freind just spent $500 on a stroller and $400 for a Coach diaper/tote bag. :svengo: If she was rich that would be one thing but she isn't....she just really likes brand names. We will see how much she likes the stroller when she can't afford to go anywhere!


A quality highchair...that is gold to me. Any item that I use a lot (!) I don't mind spending more to get exactly what I want.

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I'll spend $100 or maybe a little more than that. But I'm really cheap. And I usually buy used unless I'm just getting an umbrella stroller.


If I were rolling in money and could go into a store and buy whatever I wanted I still wouldn't spend $800 on a stroller though. That is just completely crazy money. If I didn't have to think about money, I might spend up to $250-300, certainly not more than that.

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I would pay a good amount for a used GOOD stroller. I DID pay a good amount for a good used stroller. I used the tar out of it. And I sold it for exactly what I paid for it. I'll bet I put 1,000 miles on that thing.


It was an Emmeljunga (spelling please?) and had a vinyl covering, which is perfect for Seattle rains. I would have given up the crib for this thing.


But I wouldn't have paid the new price for it, which was well over $500 13 years ago. I did pay $250 and I got $250 3 years later.


It was the single best "baby purchase" I made.



Im with you!!


I spent almost $ 800 Aussie dollars 11 years ago for an Emmaljunga pram.

( $500 U.S)

It was the best money ever spent.

I used it for my 1st 2 ( with a toddler seat).

Then 7 1/2 years later, used it for # 3.

I sold it before returning to the UAE to live, as there aren't any footpaths to walk on, and didnt fancy tring to push it through sand.

Sold it for $400


Great buy.

Im willing to spend money on prams/strollers that I think are good value for the money...and that I want :D

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I decided finally to get a double stroller when I was pg w/ dc # 3, and dc # 2 was 18 mos. DH was in the military and we were ETSing back home. He had to take one of the vehicles b/c military will only ship 1. So I was going to be on the plane alone w/ a 2 month old, a 2 yr. old, and a 7 yr. old. I had long layovers and airline changes, so I bought an in-line (not side-by-side) Graco double stroller that the infant seat snaps into just for that trip. I don't think I could have managed the Seattle airport nightmare (NO ONE could tell me where my next airline's terminal was located! Even pilots that I asked in passing by. Info desk was un-manned. Got frisked by security b/c of 'random checks'...). It was worth it. I couldn't have managed that trip w/o it. We used the snap-in carseat and it's base until my littlest one grew out of it, but we didn't use the stroller that much. I resold the whole kit and caboodle for over 1/2 of what I paid for it, b/c it was a model they don't sell up here (bought out of state and then moved here w/ it) in a particular print a local gal was looking for and it was practically new. No guilt here. :)

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I paid a little under $300 for this stroller which has a platform seat in the back for an older child. It's very good quality.



It steers just like a single and is less bulky and much lighter than a double. A child over two can ride on the padded platform seat(strapped in or not) or stand on the foot platform holding on to special handles for a better view of things.


I love it. The basket underneath is not huge. That wasn't a problem for me because I nursed and only used a small diaper bag.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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My Maclaren double was almost $400, oh, gee, almost 9 years ago! (thanks grandma!!)


It's still going strong - and after it got used for #1 & 2, it then has seen use for #2 & 3. It's been well worth the $$, and i'd buy it again in a heartbeat.


My Peg Plinko all weather was over $200 and DH complained (we were getting ready for a 10 day trip to disney) - but like someone else, it let #1 stand on the back, which meant i didn't have to listen to a tired child at the end of a long theme park day, and went thru child #2, and 5 years later is going strong for #3.


If i had needs that could be met better by a certain model, and I had the money, i'd buy it. My only other stroller purchase was my Aprica that folded up small enough to leave enough room in the trunk of my VW Convertible for groceries. That is how i shopped for them - taking them outside to see what fit! LOL!!


And, all three of my kids LOVE their strollers. LOVE LOVE LOVE.... flip, my 12yo still tries to put her skinny behind in there! LOL!! And the 9yo has growth issues, so really, she just outgrew the Maclaren this past year. We miss taking it to Disney though... those baskets hold A LOT!

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I think I paid about $150 for a double stroller when my twins were born. Maybe. It was a Graco, so nothing fancy.


With my youngest, DH successfully argued that we almost never walk anywhere (we live in a rural area on a very busy/fast road with an inadequate bike lane), so we shouldn't spend much at all on a stroller. We have a slightly-better-than-umbrella stroller that we spent $50 on. It's lasted us three years and survived multiple vacations.


That said, I would be willing to spend significantly more if I lived in a largely pedestrian place (say, NYC).

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We paid about $600 for our Mountain Buggy double stroller 4 years ago. (I see they're now up to $900. Yikes!) It was used almost daily from the point the boys were too big to sling together until this summer, when they were almost 4.


Now, it's going to a friend who is expecting twins, so it will get another few years of use there.

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I've only bought one new stroller - last year after my youngest was 1, I bought a MacClaren umbrella stroller for our trip to Disney. I LOVE this stroller and wish I had it for all my kids. I think I paid $65 for it. It easily holds my diaper bag and the babe! That's what I wanted.


I usually use the sling until they kids are 2 (actually my nearly-3 yo is still in it), but I needed to have something small to carry my STUFF!!!

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Um, $15.

Seriously, they go in the sling for about the first month and then in an umbrella stroller. Once they are walking well, they don't get to go back in.



:iagree: We very rarely use a stroller. We did have a twin, that my dad bought when I had my 3rd, but we didn't use it often. We used our umbrella the most and even that was a rare thing. Edited to add: A friend gave me a wonderful jogging stroller when her kids outgrew it and I did use it often when I walked with the baby.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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Strollers are like purses or shoes...


Some people just have to have the best/popular designer one and some people consider them a tool.


But--what you spend depends on what you need...


Do you just use it in the mall? Do you walk everywhere in all weather-including shopping? Are you an avid jogger/runner who runs 10ks with the little ones?


Hey-I'm in catagory 2 above-I live in an environment where everyone walks, in all four seasons, including shopping that in the US people use cars for, and over rough city curbs and cobblestones. I needed a stroller with big wheels, weather protection, good storage and stability, etc. To get a stroller with those features you are just plain going to spend money-so I bought what I needed and the little one has a great ride. Now for my throw it in the trunk/use it in the airport stroller I bought a used Britax umbrella stroller for about $20.00-because that was all I neeeded.


Sometimes you have to pay for what you need and sometimes the industry profits from your need or fashion sense. If you have the funds and will really use a great pram-why not?


Of course babies have produced a huge industry in the past ten years...parents are having first children at older ages, when they have more income. They are most definitely following their consumer base and figuring out how to profit from it. I guess that is how consumerism works. Babys are just another market demographic to appeal to (or at least their parents are).

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I think we spent around $50, including shipping, on the one stroller we used for dd. After we were done with it, we gave it to some friends, and they used it for another three years. It's still in great condition. Granted, we only had the one child, and we undoubtedly would have spent more for a twin stroller had we needed one. But no way would we have spent even $300, let alone more.

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Um, $15.

Seriously, they go in the sling for about the first month and then in an umbrella stroller. Once they are walking well, they don't get to go back in.


That was true for me till I was walking 10 blocks back to my car with a 3.5yo and a 1yo in a sling. It had been a long day, and the 3yo was exhausted. I thought *I* was going to cry! I ended up buying a cheap ($15) umbrella stroller that day (I didn't have one before), but when the kids ended up trying my friend's Pliko a few days later, I was sold. I ended up using that stroller a *ton* over the next two years.


But yeah, it's also perfectly possible to get by with*out* a stroller most of the time.

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