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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Why does it always rain on Thursdays, when I have to drive 40 minutes to and from co-op??????  Hmmmm???  Answer me that!



Plan for Latin class

Get chicken to church

clean kitchen

groom dog (Vet is coming today, I got the date wrong)

Call storage place to change credit card


Back again - mobile vet

Read City of God

Figure out dinner

Take houseguest to English test so she can move up a level in her classes

Study group on City of God @ 8:00

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Good morning. ladies.  Rainy day here in FL which is a nice change from the muggy high temps we've had lately.  A big thunrderstorm rolled through from 4-5 am so I spent that part of the night with the dog panting in my face on my bed (he is terrified of storms).  Lovely way to start my morning.  DH returned from Denver last night so he will at least take oldest to school on his way to work.




-attempt to get full day of school in by 11:30

-hair appointment at noon

-run to Publix after hair

-pick up oldest from school

-drive oldest to baseball

-walk around the ball fields during practice to get some cardio

-dinner (leftovers or "DIY dinner")

-make sure oldest finishes up his English paper

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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•I need to spend most of the day doing office work. The beginning of the month always means a huge pile of bills that need paying.


•vacuum - my floors are furry


•put turkey in oven this afternoon

•exercise. I really need to find a way to start making this a priority every day.

•up my water intake

•dinner: turkey & mashed potatoes

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We are all a little frazzled, so I am letting kids sleep in today. My house is quiet. Dh went to an early breakfast mtg and the dog is still asleep.


School basics

my laundry

desk work

Dd to volunteering

work at church

Get Dd


dinner - meatloaf, green beans, potatoes

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Howdy.  I'm a little crabby today because my internet is not working right.  Everything is taking forever or not happening.  I do have plenty of work to keep me busy, but I like to know what's going on first.  :P


  • Sleep like normal people.
  • Kids up & off to school bus, with track stuff.
  • Work.  No specific deadlines or conference calls (that I know of), just tackling the usual long list of to-dos.
  • Prepare kids' scout clothes & bag for after track.  Remember white bras etc. - come on mom, do your job ....
  • Process last load of laundry that's in dryer.
  • Some house cleaning.
  • A little reading & exercise.
  • Scout photos uploaded.
  • Calendar??
  • Kids from track practice / aftercare to quick dinner to scouts - a little early so they can do badge sign-offs & flag ceremony.
  • I promised to do some badge reviews or board of reviews during scouts.
  • Maybe a quick shopping stop after scouts.
  • Kids' work - I hope they don't have much homework.
  • Read-aloud?
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good morning! Today is a brighter day. We are waiting on a diagnosis for ds1 (looking at bipolar, most likely-but could be other things) and things, frankly, can only get better from yesterday. At least I don't want to think about worse. So there we are. In a new land. Any prayers would be helpful.

But here, at home, I have things to do.


To do:

dd2 off to school (done)-still not 100 % and rattled by events of last few days

ds3 off to enrichment day (leaving soon)- upset earlier-but has by nature a cheeerful, optimistic outlook

ds2, up to work, quiet and taciturn, but always hopeful about his brother

grocery store

call grandmothers and let them in the circle of worry

daily chores


make dinner ahead (chiclen enchiladas)

Practices swim/swim/judo


Have a great day!


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Getting my kids to do their schooling, 

including one test which I'm springing on dd and she won't like, but it's open book.

Business calls

Business meetings

Taking kids to taekwondo (dh actually did!)

Making some important personal decisions (still working on this one)

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Well I am crabby again.  I was stupid today.  I signed my kid up to get signed off on 2 scout badges.  Long story short, she was only ready for one of them.  It's not her fault.  I could go on about why I thought this was a good idea, but it doesn't matter at this point.  :p  I hate being stupid.


But, it helps to vent on myself here, so thanks for that.  :)

Edited by SKL
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