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Vent on behalf of my dd


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Dd1 is heading back to school. Her flight had two legs. The second leg was cancelled due the airplane being broken. They offered her a flight on Tuesday. Because they also cancelled Monday's flight. Apparently, the airline only has one plane.


Yes, this is United. They are the absolute worst airline ever. She had to cry at the customer service desk to get them to even try to offer a different solution.

She is flying into DC late tonight and will have to take a 5 hr bus tomorrow. She will miss all her classes and one practice tomorrow.


She is a very experienced traveller, but this was beyond the pale of egregious customer service and poor management of an airline.


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That is insane. I assume your dd is not flying from some remote location. If it's the second leg, she should be flying from a hub to DC.


So, your dd has a lot of classmates in the DC area. I bet someone is leaving to return to school late this evening. I think there's a facebook group to find rides.


 My dd is probably going to have a car at VT next year. You are welcome to pm me for contact info, to see if she can help sometime. I can't garantee schedules will match up. There are so many VT students in my area there has to be someone who does have a schedule that matches your dds. We live close to Dulles and dd brought one friend home to spend the night before getting on flight at Christmas break. 

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I don't blame you for being absolutely disgusted. :angry:


It's bad enough that she has to miss school, but what if she was on her way to say her last goodbyes to a dying relative or something that absolutely couldn't wait?


There is no excuse for a huge airline like United to not be able to get your dd to her destination on time, and if they couldn't do it, they should have found another airline who could, and United should have paid for both her ticket and her inconvenience.


I'm so sorry she has to deal with this!

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That stinks!


If she is flying through DC today, I think the airports around this area are extra busy today because of the expected storm coming tomorrow. My sister was to fly in the area on Wed and the airline offered her to fly in today for free instead of Wed. When she got to the airport this afternoon, the flight was overbooked and people were offered $500 to take a later flight. She offered, but they didn't need her seat.

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Thanks, Diane. She is checking for rides, but will not get in until very late. The weather will complicate things, but the storm shouldn't arrive until tomorrow night, I guess.


Everytime we use United we end up regretting it.


That's a shame. It might be time to move to a different airline. 

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For future reference, we had something like that happen to us on American Airlines. I had a sympathetic check in person lean in and tell me that sometimes they will pay for you to go on United since they are sister companies (or the same company, IDK).


I went over to the United counter, and they found a flight for us but said AA had to agree and do the rebooking if we just wanted to switch with no charge. I started calling, and, of course, was promptly told they don't do that. I was polite but firm and kept repeating, "I understand you don't usually do this, but I was told sometimes you do and my family will miss an entire day of vacation if you don't," followed by, "I understand. Is there a supervisor I can talk to who can approve this?"


It took over an hour, but I wore them down and we got the transfer. Polite, appreciative, but relentless. Keep trying, keep asking various people, lots of "we would appreciate it so much if you would consider this - I've been told sometimes you are willing to do this, this is the United flight # - it has seats," etc.


Funny part of the story - we vacation several times a year and are not rolling in money, but are comfortable. I had a wallet that was falling apart with shreds of fake leather hanging off of it. I had been meaning to buy another, but hadn't gotten around to it. I took out my tattered wallet to show my ID and then was clutching it so stricken as the agent told me our flight was cancelled and there was nothing until the following day, I'm sure the agent thought we had saved our last pennies to go on this vacation. She clearly felt sorry for us and that's when she leaned in and told me about United. Dh said I need to keep that wallet for other future travel emergencies!

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Add me to the list of people who loathe United. My husband has been flying in monthly for the past six years. I used to weigh out airline options each time until United changed the time of his return flight by six hours amen never contacted us. We were able to get a refund and book on Southwest but it cost twice as much. Never again. With the two free bags and free flight changes, Southwest almost always winds up coming out ahead on price anyway. I'm always so sad when we need to go somewhere Southwest doesn't cover.

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Jen, this happened to our ds when he would travel back from his school in Virginia.  Once he was stuck in Minneapolis for two days during Christmas vacation.  Amazing with all those planes they could not get him out sooner.  The flights that connected in Atlanta seemed to go much smoother, less delays.  


I feel for you...very frustrating, indeed.  Glad she made it back okay.  

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