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I've been a member of Upromise since 2005.

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I just got my balance statement. I haven't looked at it in awhile, so I checked it out. Get ready people... The grand total... Drumroll please....







I've got my debit card, credit card, and store shopping cards listed. I obviously don't buy the right things. Good thing I'm not counting on it!

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I just got my balance statement. I haven't looked at it in awhile, so I checked it out. Get ready people... The grand total... Drumroll please....







I've got my debit card, credit card, and store shopping cards listed. I obviously don't buy the right things. Good thing I'm not counting on it!



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I just got my balance statement. I haven't looked at it in awhile, so I checked it out. Get ready people... The grand total... Drumroll please....







I've got my debit card, credit card, and store shopping cards listed. I obviously don't buy the right things. Good thing I'm not counting on it!


Ummm, you do know that before the stock market tanked, your balance was $42,617.28, right?

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Wow, I'm finally on the upper end of some financial scale. We have over $30.00 in ours. ONLY because my dear Daddy gifted us with a washer & dryer and I was able to turn it into upromise.


I used to buy McDonald gift certificates and use those instead of paying cash, but we don't even eat there much anymore. Maybe by the time he goes to college I'll have enough for a tank of gas.

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You do know that you can write to them and just have them send a check at any time, right?


I have a friend who gets hers all the time and uses them for homeschooling books.


What a great idea! I'll write and ask for our $5.36 so I can buy books at the library sale next month. :)


Have you all noticed that if you look at merchants' items online through their website that the prices are more than if you went to those merchants' sites directly? Those great "savings" in our accounts have to come from somewhere, KWIM? LOL! The only thing we buy that gets us UPromise credit is gasoline.

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Gosh, that won't even pay for the sales tax on the textbooks!


I just got my balance statement. I haven't looked at it in awhile, so I checked it out. Get ready people... The grand total... Drumroll please....







I've got my debit card, credit card, and store shopping cards listed. I obviously don't buy the right things. Good thing I'm not counting on it!

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We did it for just over a year. We had a few grocery store and gas cards on it (variouse aunts) and we had the credit card. In one year we have over $350. Most of it was due to the credit card. We stopped because we couldn't use the credit card overseas. They sent me out the check and we put it into his college fund.


The credit card was totally worth it. I think you got one cent for every dollar. We use our credit card for everything. I rarely ever have cash. But all the groceries, gas, lunches and things add up. Now I have no idea how much the interest rate is/was. We always pay our cards off every month, so even if it was high, it was worth it.

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