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It's January and I'm Bored!


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I need some inspiration. Or maybe just to whine.


The school year has been blah. The weather has been blah. I'm bored and uninspired and totally stuck in a rut.


When DS was younger we would take a field trip, but I can't think of anywhere to go/anything to do. We can get cheap train tickets to Boston, but I can't think of anything to do there we haven't already done, or that would be fun for my almost 14 yo.


I'm tired of gray skies and icy sidewalks. I'm tired of not having anything on the calendar.


Anyone else feeling the January blahs?

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My new passion has been to de-clutter the worst closets in the house. 

It has boosted my morale.  I highly recommend it!

There are lots of blogs with inspiring photos, but my main (daily?) email comes from Home Storage Solutions 101.


(Or make a meal for a friend who is sick or having a hard time!)



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I'm in the January blah club.  I suspect health issues going on in my life and my mom's are affecting it though.


When I'm in ruts in general it's always helped me to plan a trip of some sort - even if it was in the future rather than that day (or week).  Can you plan something larger for the future (and perhaps start saving for it)?

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We do a fun unit study in January/February. 


Last year was Harry Potter; this year is Medieval Europe. This is for the elementary age kids. 


My oldest is in high school this year. She's doing a "lab intensive" for her Physics class and setting aside the history for the month. I don't remember what she did last year. 

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My new passion has been to de-clutter the worst closets in the house.

It has boosted my morale. I highly recommend it!

There are lots of blogs with inspiring photos, but my main (daily?) email comes from Home Storage Solutions 101.


(Or make a meal for a friend who is sick or having a hard time!)



Closets are clean and I've already cleaned out 5 years of papers in the filing cabinet. :) I need to do a little touch up painting, but that will have to wait for summer.

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Well my morning started out in a typical "maintain the blah" mood.


Plan A for today was kaput yesterday (planning to get ready to head to mom's tomorrow, but her appt got changed TO tomorrow, so I can't make it).


A possible Plan B for today didn't happen this morning (going in to school to work).


Plan C was to head outside and do chores, followed by a long walk.  As I went to put my boots on I found a bunch of chicken grains inside one of them.  After checking with hubby to be sure he wasn't somehow responsible, it's apparent that a mouse decided to use one of my boots as a storage facility - and decided this between Sunday when I last did chores and this morning when I discovered its bounty.  We'd killed four mice in our feed room recently, then got nothing.  We thought we'd "won."  I guess we just eliminated the dumb ones in some sort of survival of the fittest natural selection demonstration.  The war continues.


So... chores... and it's still quite icy outside... I fed the critters, but almost fell returning to our house, so axe the walk (for now).


And here I am - sitting here on the computer - continuing my blah-ness - but with an opened bottle of Coke helping to drown my sorrows.  That's something I'll regret later too considering I've been giving up soda on a regular basis, but my willpower right now is 100% shot and I'm admitting it!


I should get up and declutter parts of my house... and perhaps after the Coke is done I will. (sigh)

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I think part of it is the January thaw (boo), and part of it is that I'm feeling done with homeschooling. DS is going to the high school next year so I have nothing new to plan for. He's in that almost-14 yo brain space and has no interest in extra projects or academics. We are just going about our routines and it's feeling stale.


I wish I could plan a vacation but DH is too busy at work to think about it. DS's race schedules aren't up this early anyway, so it's not practical yet. Mostly I'm just feeling restless today.



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Ah Jan blows for me. So for the last few years we head some place sunny and warm. This year it is FL.


I feel like the let down after the holidays and the dreary winter weather just kind of adds to it.



Can you do an indoor water park?


Indoor botanical garden



We don't have anything like that here.


I don't actually like winter vacations to warm places; I'd rather it be properly snowy here.


I'm thinking a day trip to Boston on the train, but can't think of a single thing to actually do there. It's not my favorite city, but it's reasonably close and could be a break.

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I'm pretty blah, too. First world problems, but school is drudgery right now and kid attitudes aren't helping. One in particular who is doing everything possible to be difficult...

Also lately even though I am a diligent homeschooler, I am freaking out that the kids aren't doing enough and learning enough. :/


Also we are trying to pay down debt, so I don't have any vacations or anything to plan and look forward to.

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We don't have anything like that here.


I don't actually like winter vacations to warm places; I'd rather it be properly snowy here.


I'm thinking a day trip to Boston on the train, but can't think of a single thing to actually do there. It's not my favorite city, but it's reasonably close and could be a break.


Oh I now right?  We had so much snow before Christmas and now it has all melted and it is just cold and dreary. 


If it was was snowy we could at least have fun doing all the winter sports.



Could you do another city other than Boston? 


There has to be something in Boston even if you have been there a lot.  A new exhibit?   A performance? 

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I'm pretty blah, too. First world problems, but school is drudgery right now and kid attitudes aren't helping. One in particular who is doing everything possible to be difficult...

Also lately even though I am a diligent homeschooler, I am freaking out that the kids aren't doing enough and learning enough. :/


Also we are trying to pay down debt, so I don't have any vacations or anything to plan and look forward to.


Oh I hear you.  I have one of those kids here too. 


And I am always freaking out. 


Can you research and plan cheaper vacations?  Just adventures around you area that you could look forward to.  If you don't have the cost of hotels and such.  There are always so many things that I want to do that are around me.

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I think you are near these:


Maine Audubon  http://maineaudubon.org/events/

Dino exhibit https://www.portlandsciencecenter.com/

February Family Art Activities: http://www.portlandmuseum.org/events/families

Fantastic small museum about arctic peoples and exploration: http://www.bowdoin.edu/arctic-museum/

Unbelievable new collection of art recently donated and installed: https://www.colby.edu/museum/





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I think you are near these:


Maine Audubon http://maineaudubon.org/events/

Dino exhibit https://www.portlandsciencecenter.com/

February Family Art Activities: http://www.portlandmuseum.org/events/families

Fantastic small museum about arctic peoples and exploration: http://www.bowdoin.edu/arctic-museum/

Unbelievable new collection of art recently donated and installed: https://www.colby.edu/museum/

Yes, thanks. :)


Have you been to the dinosaur exhibit? I've thought about going but wondered if it might be a bit...young. We loved the human body exhibit they had last (?) year. What a fantastic space.

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Oh I hear you. I have one of those kids here too.


And I am always freaking out.


Can you research and plan cheaper vacations? Just adventures around you area that you could look forward to. If you don't have the cost of hotels and such. There are always so many things that I want to do that are around me.

We will definitely do some day trips here and there, and I do look forward to that. I just wish I had a big fancy trip to look forward to. :lol:

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We will definitely do some day trips here and there, and I do look forward to that. I just wish I had a big fancy trip to look forward to. :lol:



Oh for sure.  Can you plan one after you reach the debt pay off journey?  


Not sure if this is your thing, but you could get into travel hacking and get free or very low cost trips. 

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