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The Ski Lodge (aka Teachers Lounge) 1-4-2017


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Happy Wednesday!


Just a thought: I may just change the name of the Lounge to The Teachers Ski Lodge for January.

Or I might not. What do you think?


Coffee and tea available in the Lounge this morning. When I get back from dropping off dd18,

you might be able to talk me into making breakfast burritos.


What's one of your favorite breakfast foods? Here: cinnamon rolls. Although having to be gluten-free

and corn-free, that's not easy to make anymore!


What's on the schedule for today (besides schooling)? Here: drop off dd18 at Ninja Camp; make sure

to let her 'boss' know she'll be late tomorrow since I have a VA appt downtown and who knows how long

that will take!; possibly a visit to the Farmers Market; call various vendors to whom we owe money to let them

know bills will be late this month.


Who needs a nap already? Here: ME!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning!


Favorite breakfast food would have to be a slice of rustic artisan bread with a fried egg and portuguese hot sauce on top. Seriously one of the best breakfasts in the world.  After that, chocolat au pain with a cappuccino, but only made with dark chocolate.  There's a bakery here that makes an approximation but uses a gooey milk chocolate and it's just wrong. :lol:


Today we are doing school, violin lesson, grocery shopping, college enrollment for my DE kid, and, if the weather looks up, yard work.  Tomorrow is trash day and I'd like to neaten the shrubbery before then.  I'm sure I'm probably forgetting one or two tasks, but those are the major ones.  For once 'laundry' isn't on the list..........and only because I did that at 5am.  Isn't it funny how getting up early can make you feel like Superwoman?  I'm like, yeah, I knocked out cleaning, cooking, finances, AND laundry before the children got out of bed!  Go me!


But as to that nap....yeah, I wouldn't mind one about now! :laugh:

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Just a thought: I may just change the name of the Lounge to The Teachers Ski Lodge for January.

Or I might not. What do you think?




What's one of your favorite breakfast foods? Here: cinnamon rolls. Although having to be gluten-free

and corn-free, that's not easy to make anymore!

I like the ski lodge... though being where it's been in the 70s lately that's a little funny.


I don't remember where I got this gluten free cinnamon roll recipe, but I've made them several times and they always come out great and the kids love them.

Step 1:

3 cups Gluten Free Flour (I use the America's Test Kitchen blend, but you could pick any blend you want; I did use Bob's Red Mill cup 4 cup once and it turned out a bit too heavy)

2 teaspoons Baking Powder

1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda

1 1/2 teaspoon Xanthan Gum (you'll have to get corn-free)

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1 1/2 cups Milk

1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

6 Tablespoons Butter, melted (this will be used for more than just step 1)

Step 2:

1 cup Brown Sugar, packed

2 Tablespoons Butter, melted

2 teaspoons Cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon Ground Cloves

Step 4:

1 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar

1/4 cup Coconut Oil, melted

1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

2 Tablespoons Water, hot

Step 1:

1. Combine 2 1/2 cups of flour, baking powder, baking soda, xanthan gum, and salt until well blended.

2. Whisk together milk, vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of the butter.

3. Add to flour mixture. Stir until liquid is absorbed.

4. Knead in remaining 1/2 cup flour until the dough is less sticky and easy to work with.


Step 2:

1. Combine everything until it is like wet sand. Set aside.

Step 3:

1. Preheat oven to 425*.

2. Shape dough into 9x13 rectangle.

3. Spread 2 Tablespoons melted butter on it.

4. Evenly sprinkle cinnamon sugar filling on dough.

5. Roll up the dough.

6. Slice into 8 pieces.

7. Place rolls in a greased round pan. Brush the tops with remaining 2 Tablespoons of butter.

8. Bake 18-22 minutes.

9. Let cool 5 minutes.


Step 4:

1. Combine sugar and oil. Add vanilla and water until spreadable. (this works best if you mix it, let it sit a bit, mix again, etc. while the rolls are baking)

2. Spread icing on the rolls.


My favorite breakfast food is sopapillas.  And that happens to be what we are having today.  I always mix up the dough and then my 15 year old son cooks them in the deep fryer.  I've been banned from frying them myself because apparently mine don't puff up as well as his (I've also been banned from making crepes - he's just way better at it than I am).


We don't even have school on the schedule today.  We're still on Christmas break until Monday.  My brother is in town visiting from Alaska.  This evening we'll be taking him up to Austin for a linguistics conference.  My kids want to go to the trampoline park.  That's really expensive and will probably be crowded since it's the last day of Christmas break for the public schools.  Maybe we'll go to the amazing playground at one of the big city parks instead.


I wouldn't mind a nap.  I just am physically unable to take them for some reason!

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Breakfast burritos sounds good. It's one of the things we miss from Texas (occasionally we'll make them ourselves). Not sure I have a favorite breakfast food... I go through cycles of what I'll eat for breakfast, but I don't have a clear favorite.


Not much on the schedule today besides school. Basically, I need to take the kids to tkd this evening, and I might go to the grocery store and see whether there's produce (there was plenty of produce on Sunday afternoon, but Sparkly's thread has left me curious). The kids are running around outside playing right now.


No desire to nap. I do have a desire to just watch TV and do nothing or something along those lines. I found out that my wife hasn't been taking her bipolar meds because her doctor moved and she ran out, or something along those lines, so I'm not in a great mood right now.

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luuknam, I'm so sorry to hear that! How long has she been off her meds? Does this give you more insight into 

why she made the crazy plans that she did?


Butter, thanks for the recipe! I can do everything BUT the powdered sugar. For those that don't know,

all powdered sugar is is sugar mixed with corn starch. If I forego the frosting, then I can do them! I'll let you know

when I actually get around to making them!


HomeAgain, I know exactly how you feel. It's amazing what gets done when you get up earlier in the day, isn't it?


Speaking of getting things done, I need to go focus on menu planning using what's already in our fridge and pantry.

Let me know if you want to know my results on that later! 



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Good morning!


Favorite Breakfast Food:


Mrs. Mungo's baked oatmeal recipe I saw here on the board. 




What's on the schedule for today:


Several things besides school with ds: planning activities for classes I teach at co-op Friday, laundry (just finished), go to local women's rehab facility to tutor GED students, church


Who needs a nap already?


Not me. I rarely nap. 


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luuknam, I'm so sorry to hear that! How long has she been off her meds? Does this give you more insight into 

why she made the crazy plans that she did?


I couldn't get a straight answer out of her, other than "a long time". But yes, it does help explain things. She also hasn't been on her other meds either, apparently.

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Butter, thanks for the recipe! I can do everything BUT the powdered sugar. For those that don't know,

all powdered sugar is is sugar mixed with corn starch. If I forego the frosting, then I can do them! I'll let you know

when I actually get around to making them!


Oh, yes, I forgot about that!  We had to be corn free for a while figuring out what one of my kids was sensitive to.  We made powdered sugar by putting regular white sugar in a blender and letting it go on the highest setting for a long time.  It's still a little grainier than store bought powdered sugar, but it was a fair enough substitute.

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Morning all - finally checking in. Was up late last night so slept in this morning. 


Hmm breakfast foods: Well right now probably the 2 bite blueberry scones I just cheated with. But as for regular meals, scrambled eggs made with butter and fried potatoes/ french fries. Or cornmeal mush with a ton of butter and salt. Both are comfort foods for me. Probably will make mush this week and make a double batch so the next day I can make fried mush and bacon. 


Schedule for day: Cleaning. Listing more stuff to sell. Laundry. Dishes. Renewing benefits. 


Nap: Not yet, but I am sure I will by this afternoon

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One of my favorite breakfast foods is red flannel hash: roasted beets, mushrooms, and sweet potatoes with an egg on top. Secret ingredient is shichimi togarashi (Japanese seven spice).


On the agenda for today is school, office work. and taking down Christmas decorations. We already got a couple of hours of barn chores done and are looking forward to staying in the warm house the rest of the day.


I'm not much of a napper, either. They always leave me feeling groggy!

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There apparently exists corn free powdered sugar. One example Google came up with is sugar with tapioca starch (says it's corn and gluten free):




Google showed various things though, so you might be able to find something cheaper.

There you go, making me spend money again! 

But, truly, thank you so much for looking this up! 

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My favorite breakfast is my skillet meal. I scramble eggs with sauted veggies and browned, cubed potatoes, had some chopped turkey and parmesan cheese. I sets me up well for the day.


Besides schooling, I've been returning NASA communications about the rocket team project, mopped the bathroom floor, made cinnamon rolls for the boys, washed some dishes, ran a load of laundry, and have yelled at the dog and the cat for trying to trip me.


Might actually nap for an hour. It is very blustery and cold here, and I have to take my mom to an appointment at 5 p.m. in this ugh. A nap might make me less grumpy about having to leave the house, LOL.

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wintermom, I feel like I need to come visit you!


Come on up north! Be prepared for any weather conditions, though. We got in some wonderful skiing, sledding and snowboarding on a local hill for about an hour in the sun. Suddenly huge snow flakes, fog and wind swooped in on us and we scurried home again. Crazy man! And yesterday it was freezing rain all day long. 

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College tuition for DE classes along with two books. Next week is payment for all the graduation stuff. I'm telling ya, seniors are expensive!


I absolutely wish I could get two college classes + books for $600. Unfortunately, tuition + fees for one class alone is more than that here (at a community college).


ETA: I miss that about Texas. Community college there was nice and cheap.

Edited by luuknam
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I absolutely wish I could get two college classes + books for $600. Unfortunately, tuition + fees for one class alone is more than that here (at a community college).


ETA: I miss that about Texas. Community college there was nice and cheap.

The best part is the refund his school gives when he passes. Bs get 50%, As get 70% back. For 28 college credits we will have paid about 1500-2000 total, I think. Well worth it. He is only looking at in state schools to be able to transfer all his credits. All I can say is my kid is a lot smarter about his life plans than I was at his age!
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HomeAgain, you're right. That's pretty inexpensive for 28 college credits!


Okay, all. It's past 2030 (8:30pm) here so it's time to close up the Lounge. 


Good night! See you all tomorrow! (Which reminds me, I may be late opening the Ski Lodge tomorrow

as I have an early appointment at the VA then I have to come home and take dd to the dojang (martial arts studio) ).

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