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what is the next step here? (historical costume design)

Lucy the Valiant

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DD13 loves to design historical costumes for her dolls - she free-hands many of them, and also sews from patterns (Civil War era, ancient Greek, you name it).


I'd love to encourage this hobby / passion, but am not sure of the next step. She currently designs them just for her own personal enjoyment, but I think would be open to sharing them and connecting to others who share her interests.


4-H? (I think we live far from the closest meeting one, which focuses on things other than sewing?) try to set up a business somehow? connect with a theater (but she really prefers costumes for dolls, not people)? start a blog?


Are there other teens who do this? (And will you be our friends?)

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I don't have much to offer for what the next step could be but I do want to encourage you to not pressure her too much.

You could try opening an Etsy shop. I have a friend who made and sold Civil War clothing at re-enactments, but you wouldn't want to get started doing that, would you?


We knew a woman who went to college for fashion design and her work caught the eye of a very well-known infant/toddler/children's clothing manufacturer before she graduated. They offered her a JOB, which she turned down! I don't think she regrets it. She sure has fun designing her family's costumes and makeup at Halloween. lol


I knew a young lady who was a 4H-er and designed and sewed her own clothing, and was also a homeschooler. They're out there. Good luck!


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I'd check with the local historical society, history museum, etc. Someone may know someone or sponsor a sewing club. Even if she doesn't meet anyone with the exact same hobby or the same age, she might have lots to talk about with someone who makes natural dyes or designs reenactment uniforms.

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Historical re enacting, historical society, living history events, SCA, medieval festivals, comic cons, steampunk gatherings...all places people need historical outfits.


We're re enactors (French & Indian War and War of 1812) & I pay a fortune to get clothes made that are too difficult for my mom to easily make us!

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If she wants to...


1) etsy shop run by you. It is easy to get started. She'll be able to do most it herself.


2) creating a social media page (facebook, instagram, etc.) wherein maybe she displays her dolls in their outfits. Does she have enough dolls to set up some war scenarios, of the time? Spread the word and she could get some followers. That may or may not lead to something else. This is very easy to do, also. 


3) talk to war reenactment societies to see if they have ideas. 


If I think of anything else I'll post here. 



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I think there are a lot of directions she could go in.  Selling is one, or something like SCA.


Or, maybe she would like to work on improving er sewing skills more generally - you could look into local sewing classes.  They probably wouldn't be historical stuff, but what she learned would transfer.

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