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If you need a med that makes you lethargic/unmotivated/drowsy...what helps?


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The side effects are rough, but I need this medication. It's trazadone for sleep (replacing ambien, need to take other sleep meds with it though), anxiety, and depression. It's the only antidepressant (mild, but I'll take it) that doesn't cause insomnia for me, but I have this awful grogginess to deal with. I'm still not through the adjustment phase thougn; it might get better.


I quit coffee (again...adrenal issues) a while ago but started drinking a cup of black tea in the morning recently, which has helped.

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The only thing that has helped me is coffee. I'm on atenolol which wipes me out. Unfortunately, because of my bladder issues, Ive had to give up coffee temporarily (caffeine, period, actually), at least until my surgery next week. It sucks. I want to get up after a full night's sleep and be active but getting moving is so, so hard. It does help if I have somthing planned, like an appointment or something. Knowing I absolutely have to get up makes me more motivated, I guess. I'm sorry I don't have a better suggestion.

Thank you for this. I'm sorry you're experiencing this too. :( It is so hard. I hope your surgery and recovery goes safely and smoothly. Hugs.

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Some thoughts:  


I took trazadone years ago as a replacement for ambien (I had started sleep walking, etc while on ambien).  Cutting the dose back helped.


Prior to that, I was on other meds that made me feel terrible.  For years.  It was necessary, but frankly - hellish.  I was so exhausted all the time that my doc Rx'd Provigil.  I took 1/4 a tablet in the am, and still drank coffee.  (Made the mistake of a full tablet once only - yowza!  But our cabinets were *shiny*!)  


Vit B12 injections - I had mine compounded, and injected daily.


Getting Vit D levels high enough.  For that, I had to struggle, and still do, as I tend to dip low if I stop supplementing.


Learning that I am a hypercoagulater, and treating that.  That is due to a genetic issue.  To treat it, I take Bouluke, Serratia and some other stuff specifically Rx'd by my doc to address it.  


Lots of water, and epsom salt baths - I have no idea if those actually helped with the issue you're addressing but it was part of my approach.  I did so many, many things it's hard to tell what addressed which problem.


ETA:  that time period is when I developed a mean coffee addiction, which I've never kicked.  I just happily read every "study" that comes out on possible benefits to consuming coffee, stick my fingers in the ears for any negative studies, and guzzle the espresso.  It's my Thing.  

Edited by Spryte
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Do you already use b12? Sublingual in good amounts, iron, and d3 all help my energy level.

I can take those in tiny amounts because regular doses give me insomnia. They do make me feel much better but I haven't taken them since starting the traz. Not sure how much they would help with the grogginess. Unfortunately, I haven't looked for alternatives since figuring the insomnia aspect out. Thanks for the reminder. Oh, I did find D drops, which helps me adjust dosage nicely!

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I take propranolol AND meds to suppress my thyroid, so tired happens a lot around here. I drink coffee when it's bad, and when it's really bad I drink trucker special coffee lol - it's about like triple espresso. I can't do too much coffee though or it bothers both my sleep and my stomach though. 


The big thing was just to accept that this is the new normal for me. I can't change either med & will likely be on them for the rest of my life. So I needed to learn to deal with being tired a lot. 

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I take trazadone for sleep.  I now only take 50mg and that doesn't make me sleepy during the day.  But I get fatigued from my illnesses.  I usually drink coffee, a lot of coffee.  If I am on vacation or sometimes when I buy a gallon, I switch some of the coffee for iced tea (unsweetened).  Also if I am trying to lose weight since tea has no calories for me but I drink coffee with cream and sugar or maybe milk and sugar.

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Some thoughts:


I took trazadone years ago as a replacement for ambien (I had started sleep walking, etc while on ambien). Cutting the dose back helped.


Prior to that, I was on other meds that made me feel terrible. For years. It was necessary, but frankly - hellish. I was so exhausted all the time that my doc Rx'd Provigil. I took 1/4 a tablet in the am, and still drank coffee. (Made the mistake of a full tablet once only - yowza! But our cabinets were *shiny*!)


Vit B12 injections - I had mine compounded, and injected daily.


Getting Vit D levels high enough. For that, I had to struggle, and still do, as I tend to dip low if I stop supplementing.


Learning that I am a hypercoagulater, and treating that. That is due to a genetic issue. To treat it, I take Bouluke, Serratia and some other stuff specifically Rx'd by my doc to address it.


Lots of water, and epsom salt baths - I have no idea if those actually helped with the issue you're addressing but it was part of my approach. I did so many, many things it's hard to tell what addressed which problem.


ETA: that time period is when I developed a mean coffee addiction, which I've never kicked. I just happily read every "study" that comes out on possible benefits to consuming coffee, stick my fingers in the ears for any negative studies, and guzzle the espresso. It's my Thing.

Thank you for all of this! I appreciate it. I didn't know about these other types of med that cause drowsiness.

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I take propranolol AND meds to suppress my thyroid, so tired happens a lot around here. I drink coffee when it's bad, and when it's really bad I drink trucker special coffee lol - it's about like triple espresso. I can't do too much coffee though or it bothers both my sleep and my stomach though.


The big thing was just to accept that this is the new normal for me. I can't change either med & will likely be on them for the rest of my life. So I needed to learn to deal with being tired a lot.

Lol. And thank you for that.

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Can you exercise? It's a great combat for sluggishness, and the endorphins are great for reducing depression. Could help your sleep, too.

I hope to feel better enough from the deppression to exercise and trazadone also has some pain reducing properties. I have fibro. This is one of my goals, most definitely. Thank you!

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I take trazadone for sleep. I now only take 50mg and that doesn't make me sleepy during the day. But I get fatigued from my illnesses. I usually drink coffee, a lot of coffee. If I am on vacation or sometimes when I buy a gallon, I switch some of the coffee for iced tea (unsweetened). Also if I am trying to lose weight since tea has no calories for me but I drink coffee with cream and sugar or maybe milk and sugar.

My doctor prescribed me 100mg. I was surprised but guessed she knows I needed a lot to make sure I sleep. I have awful insomnia. The trazadone versus ambien isn't giving a good of sleep, but it's adequate. I should try to reduce though. Who knows. Maybe I would be just fine.

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You might try cutting back on the dosage of trazodone to find your sweet spot for the medication.


My youngest has been on trazodone since 12yo (6 years now) for insomnia. She is prescribed 50 mg, but usually takes 3/4 of the 50 mg tablet. Sometimes she wakes up during the night and takes another quarter-tablet. When she is sick or if she has been waking up regularly, she takes a full tablet (and will still take another 1/4 tablet if she wakes up during the night).


The original instructions from the doctor said to start with a full tablet and then cut back to half if that made her too groggy the next day and increase to a full two tablets (maximum of three) if she wasn't able to sleep. That was at 12yo when she was about 100 pounds.


She is now 18yo and about 125 pounds and generally takes 3/4 of a tablet (with 1/4 tablets for the nights that she still wakes up).


Another thing you might look into is the manufacturer. My dd found that the Pliva version of trazodone is the only one that works for her. Our local pharmacy switched over to Apotex and it did not work for her. She was needing to take 1.5-2 tablets to get any effect from it at all and then she was groggy the next day in addition to getting less than 4 hours of sleep. Switching pharmacies to get the Pliva trazodone put her right back where she needed to be.


Some people do better with Pliva and others do better with Apotex, so check to see which version you have and then see if you can get the other one for next month.

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I take an antidepressant for OCD, and I totally get it. Yet another vote for coffee, iron, and B vitamins. [ETA: I take Floravital and love it.] Get as much sleep as you can, of course. Sometimes a short nap during the afternoon helps, too, if you can swing it.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: to all.

Edited by MercyA
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The only thing that has helped me is coffee. I'm on atenolol which wipes me out. Unfortunately, because of my bladder issues, Ive had to give up coffee temporarily (caffeine, period, actually), at least until my surgery next week. It sucks. I want to get up after a full night's sleep and be active but getting moving is so, so hard. It does help if I have somthing planned, like an appointment or something. Knowing I absolutely have to get up makes me more motivated, I guess. I'm sorry I don't have a better suggestion.


Hope your surgery goes well, onelittlemonkey! (I  :001_wub: your username, BTW.)

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You might try cutting back on the dosage of trazodone to find your sweet spot for the medication.


My youngest has been on trazodone since 12yo (6 years now) for insomnia. She is prescribed 50 mg, but usually takes 3/4 of the 50 mg tablet. Sometimes she wakes up during the night and takes another quarter-tablet. When she is sick or if she has been waking up regularly, she takes a full tablet (and will still take another 1/4 tablet if she wakes up during the night).


The original instructions from the doctor said to start with a full tablet and then cut back to half if that made her too groggy the next day and increase to a full two tablets (maximum of three) if she wasn't able to sleep. That was at 12yo when she was about 100 pounds.


She is now 18yo and about 125 pounds and generally takes 3/4 of a tablet (with 1/4 tablets for the nights that she still wakes up).


Another thing you might look into is the manufacturer. My dd found that the Pliva version of trazodone is the only one that works for her. Our local pharmacy switched over to Apotex and it did not work for her. She was needing to take 1.5-2 tablets to get any effect from it at all and then she was groggy the next day in addition to getting less than 4 hours of sleep. Switching pharmacies to get the Pliva trazodone put her right back where she needed to be.


Some people do better with Pliva and others do better with Apotex, so check to see which version you have and then see if you can get the other one for next month.

Thank you so much! It's Apotex. I will try the other kind next refill.


I'm unsure if it's not working, but trying the two will give me a better idea. I just don't react well to antidepressants, even though I benefit from then. For me it usually goes like this:


I feel better taking the antidepressant: less irritability, more calm, happier but not sleeping well


Still feeling better from med but experience sleep deprivation symptoms that negate the antidepressant


The adrenaline from sleeplessness wears off and I crash hard and I'm worse off than before I started the med sometimes taking months to recover, sometimes needing to adding in more sleep meds indefinitely.


Frustrating. Hopefully we can make the traz. work.

Edited by ifIonlyhadabrain
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I feel better taking the antidepressant: less irritability, more calm, happier but not sleeping well


Still feeling better from med but experience sleep deprivation symptoms that negate the antidepressant


The adrenaline from sleeplessness wears off and I crash hard and I'm worse off than before I started the med sometimes taking months to recover, sometimes needing to adding in more sleep meds indefinitely.


I'm similar. Sleep deprivation really messes with me.


At my last job, I was working one day shift and two night shifts. I could never get enough sleep during the day, and for the 8 months I was there, I was seriously sleep deprived most of the time.


Three months out, I'm starting to remember that I'm not actually totally insane and self-destructive at baseline.

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I feel better taking the antidepressant: less irritability, more calm, happier but not sleeping well


Yep. My antidepressant causes horrible insomnia for me. I have to take it in the morning and at lunch instead of before bed or I'm just lying there awake all night. 

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I'm similar. Sleep deprivation really messes with me.


At my last job, I was working one day shift and two night shifts. I could never get enough sleep during the day, and for the 8 months I was there, I was seriously sleep deprived most of the time.


Three months out, I'm starting to remember that I'm not actually totally insane and self-destructive at baseline.


Oh my gosh, yes. It's so good to talk with someone who understands. I mean, like I'm seriously going to say to anyone but DH, especially as a homeschooling mom: I'm a total wreck and drowning in depression.  I confide in a few close friends, but they just. don't. get. it.  


Yep. My antidepressant causes horrible insomnia for me. I have to take it in the morning and at lunch instead of before bed or I'm just lying there awake all night. 


Nothing has worked for me yet even taking it in the morning. Ugh. The traz has to be taken at night because it's also a sleep aid. It makes me feel so out of it and drowsy. I was hoping that the drowsiness aspect would be greater than the insomnia aspect. Hopefully everything levels out here soon.


Coffee and acceptance of my limitations. I wish I could 'do it all' like I used to (and be skinny again) but I just can't. I am a better mom and person with medication. But also a sleep chunky one.  :rolleyes:


Thank you! I can totally relate. :P


Ugh. I'm sorry. I know this feeling, too. Like one big, stupid, vicious circle. It's so aggravating. I hope it gets worked out quickly for you. (((Hugs)))


Thank you for the hugs. I need those. Going to ride it out a little longer. At this point it's the insomnia and not the grogginess that's the problem. Dang.

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Thank you! I shouldn't have mentioned it on this thread. I wasn't trying to take attention from OP, but my medicine situation right now is a little similar because of it. I appreciate the well wishes though! And thanks for the compliment on the name! I 💖 my (not so) little monkey!


You are totally fine. We want to know what's going on with you, too!  :)

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Thank you! I shouldn't have mentioned it on this thread. I wasn't trying to take attention from OP, but my medicine situation right now is a little similar because of it. I appreciate the well wishes though! And thanks for the compliment on the name! I 💖 my (not so) little monkey!



You are totally fine. We want to know what's going on with you, too!  :)


Yes! I'm glad you posted, onelittlemonkey!

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