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Now I am left with a great big heaping dose of irritation!


I HATE fear. It's so unreasonable.


When we first looked for her and couldn't find her, I wasn't upset; after all growing up around here, I spent hours and hours roaming wooded trails. I figured she was just beyond our range and would turn up any minute. But my dh (bless his heart) kept calling me on the cell phone, "why aren't you WORRIED?" I hate getting worked up in a frothy lather for something that will likely be nothing, but I wanted to be helpful, to make him feel like we could do something, so I headed out the door.


And then, I stopped and thought, "what if? what if? What if I'm the one not being reasonable in not worrying" There was that bear the girls saw a couple of days ago. There was that murder a few miles away 10 years ago, on a wooded trail.


Next time anyone walks around here, she will be armed with at least one cell phone, 2 dogs and a horse. Arg.


And will someone clue me in on what's reasonable?

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Now I am left with a great big heaping dose of irritation!


I HATE fear. It's so unreasonable.


When we first looked for her and couldn't find her, I wasn't upset; after all growing up around here, I spent hours and hours roaming wooded trails. I figured she was just beyond our range and would turn up any minute. But my dh (bless his heart) kept calling me on the cell phone, "why aren't you WORRIED?" I hate getting worked up in a frothy lather for something that will likely be nothing, but I wanted to be helpful, to make him feel like we could do something, so I headed out the door.


And then, I stopped and thought, "what if? what if? What if I'm the one not being reasonable in not worrying" There was that bear the girls saw a couple of days ago. There was that murder a few miles away 10 years ago, on a wooded trail.


Next time anyone walks around here, she will be armed with at least one cell phone, 2 dogs and a horse. Arg.


And will someone clue me in on what's reasonable?


Whew...so glad that's over.


I wish I had any idea.

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Next time anyone walks around here, she will be armed with at least one cell phone, 2 dogs and a horse. Arg.


And will someone clue me in on what's reasonable?


Well, the cell phone is a good idea. Even if it's something as minor as a twisted ankle, it's good to be able to call for help.

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A cell phone and a dog are always good on a walk. A dog is a huge deterrent to anyone who might wish harm - even a sissy dog like mine. :lol: And, like chiguirre said, it's good to have a cell phone so you can call for help if you need it. It could get cumbersome to walk 2 dogs AND a horse, but if that's what makes you all feel good, go for it. ;)

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Natalieclaire - I just saw this and my heart stopped - and then started again as I read further on in the thread. I say to have her take one of your dogs! And the cell isn't a bad idea either. My ds11 takes a walkie-talkie with him when he goes out. I keep the other end on where I am. Of course then I am interrupted every few minutes while he "checks in" because he thinks it is fun to do so.

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Dunno about the horse (I'm scared of horses, LOL) but the dog and cell phone are good advice!


I go hiking by myself quite a bit, and my dog makes me feel safe. She's just a Lab, but she's large and black. And as an added bonus, she came to use terribly afraid of men, so she barks her fool head off at any and all men. And her bark is quite scary! Would she bite? I don't really know. I *do* know that you would have to be one crazy blankety-blank to try and attack/grab me after hearing her bark and growl and lunge! I was walking her late at night once and a man jumped out of the woods right in front of me. Cleo scared him so badly he fell over and started crawling away. He said he was out jogging and took a short cut and didn't know I was there,(in the DARK?? WOODS??) and I half-heartedly apologized, but that man was pee-in-your-pants scared.


Glad your DD is safe and sound, I was worried reading your post!

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Natalieclaire - I just saw this and my heart stopped - and then started again as I read further on in the thread. I say to have her take one of your dogs! And the cell isn't a bad idea either. My ds11 takes a walkie-talkie with him when he goes out. I keep the other end on where I am. Of course then I am interrupted every few minutes while he "checks in" because he thinks it is fun to do so.


That's a great idea! I wonder what the range is on my ds's walkie-talkies. We'll have to check this tomorrow!


Natalieclare, I'm glad your dd is fine. Hopefully, the adrenaline will subside quickly and you'll be able to get a good night's sleep.

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So glad that everything turned out ok. I woke up this morning and this was the first thing I thought of.



You and everyone else have been so kind. I don't know how to multi-quote, so I hope all who've responded will read this and know how thankful I am for all the kind words and thoughts. I certainly hope noone else on the board ever has to go through that!

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